The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 80: Assassination Squad Infiltrates! The Manga Is Over!

The friendly match between the Great Xia Country and the Nanbang Country came to an end in the eyes of the whole world.

This event was initiated by Nanbangguo, but the final development exceeded everyone's expectations.

Under the circumstances that no one expected, the Great Xia Kingdom won two consecutive victories in an understatement.

Moreover, it can be clearly seen that the contestants of the Great Xia Kingdom seemed to be very comfortable at the end of the battle.

This huge gap shocked audiences all over the world.

"What are you watching "Green Titan"? I'm going to learn Daxia language now, and I'll watch "Hokage Ninja" next year!"

"I want to learn too, tomorrow I will immigrate to the Great Xia Kingdom!"

Words like this are slowly growing in every corner of the world.

In the eyes of the vast majority of weak and weak countries, they have no right to choose at all, and can only follow in the footsteps of powerful countries to pick up some leaks behind.

And right now, the impact of this game has also spread to these countries.

They don't know the green titan promoted by the Beacon Country, or what hidden secrets the South Ball Country has in this competition.

The most intuitive manifestation is that in this incident provoked by the Lighthouse Kingdom behind the scenes, the Great Xia Kingdom made a perfect counterattack!

This is the most intuitive manifestation of national power.

It is precisely because of this that these small countries are now seeking to change.

It is everyone's nature to want to be stronger and to gain more power.

But the way to gain power is not certain.

"Perhaps, we should move closer to Great Xia Kingdom..."

At this time, I don't know how many small countries have similar ideas.

Even many of their citizens have begun to study how to learn the language and culture of the Great Xia Kingdom at this time, so as to prepare for the first time to see the cartoons of the Great Xia Kingdom in the future.

It's just that these people still don't know that the language and culture of the Great Xia Kingdom are not so easy to learn.

It may be a very difficult road waiting for them.

After such a long time, except for a very small number of people who immigrated from the Great Xia Kingdom, only a very small number of people in the world can learn the language of the Great Xia Kingdom.

But even so, they couldn't appreciate the thousands of years of rich historical precipitation and cultural inheritance, which also made it impossible for them to comprehend the skills in the comics of the Great Xia Kingdom.

For these small countries, I am afraid that they will face a test that will be harder than reaching the sky!

After this game, the Beacon Country fell into silence again.

After such a big scandal, the leader of the lighthouse country urgently needs to deal with some domestic problems.

Many political opponents have long been waiting for this opportunity to attack the prestige of the Grand Commander.

At this time, the commander-in-chief couldn't care less about doing anything to target the Great Xia Kingdom with great fanfare.

However, fighting in secret is definitely still indispensable.

When the uproar ended, Yang Hao also disappeared from the sight of the entire Beacon Country.

His "Green Titan" manga, which has become popular all over the world, has even been discontinued.

No one knows where he went, and no one has hope for him anymore.

During this period, Shen Hui suddenly relaxed.

Instead of updating to my previous 760, I went back to the easy way of updating.

The manga of "Hokage Ninja" has come to an end at this point.

It's like when every web article is about to end, the author will always ask for leave for various reasons, and the readers are more tolerant.

Everyone in the Great Xia Kingdom has no complaints about Shen Hui's current renewal of the Buddhist system.

They even forcibly comforted Shen Hui in the comment area.

"Painter, rest well, don't worry, just draw slowly..."

"Yes, it doesn't matter if you draw slowly, as long as it doesn't end badly."

"I hope the artist is okay..."

In the past, Shen Hui's comment area was full of scolding dogs, with some rewarding comments mixed in.

But now, the style of painting in the entire comment area has changed instantly.

Even Shen Hui himself did not expect this to happen.

In fact, to put it bluntly, these Great Xia people all hope that this work can have a good ending, not to be anticlimactic like most works.

"Just kidding, can I do that kind of thing?"

Shen Hui shook his head, did not explain in the comment area, just sat on the rocking chair and swayed.

It has been nearly a year since time travel.

For such a long time, he has stayed at home almost all the time, and now, he feels somewhat bored.

"Hey, when this comic is over, it's time to go for a walk......"

Shen Hui came to this world and has never seen a living beast with his own eyes. Shen Hui is still very curious about these things that are completely different from the original world.

These days, Shen Hui is drawing the last stories of the manga step by step, and all the readers are discussing the plot development of the whole manga.

And in this piece of peace and tranquility, there are also many undercurrents surging.

Fan Zhen's investigation has come to an impasse in Xilin City. He has spent several months, and he didn't even pay much attention to the game a few days ago. However, there is still no clue

By investigating the material of the paper, Fan Zhen found that this kind of paper is a very common general-purpose item in the comics industry, and even elementary school students would buy some and use it as manuscript paper.

There's no way to check that.

But the handwriting on the paper gave him a surprise.

In the judgment of some experts, this kind of fine brush strokes comes from a brush that was released a long time ago, the number is not large, and the production has long been discontinued.

This news gave Fan Zhen a lot of excitement, but after the excitement, he was even more confused.

Because this manufacturer has long since closed down, there is no trace of who these brushes were sold to after so many years.

The investigation has reached an impasse.

Although this situation has long been within Fan Zhen's psychological tolerance, and even his boss Jiang Wei didn't say much about it, even the Empress Daxia had a better understanding of this matter, and I really can't find it It doesn't matter the attitude.

In Empress Daxia's heart, the importance of Shen Hui has risen to the highest level, and she began to worry (adcd) whether this method of investigation would affect the other party's perception.

If the cartoonist feels resentful because of the wanton investigation, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Under the melancholy of Fan Zhen, he could only take two subordinates to relieve some pressure in the tavern on the corner of the street.

"My lord, Xilin City is so big, when are we going to find it?"

Fan Zhen's subordinates have already felt exhausted from the constant busyness these days, and at this time they are a little weak even to speak.

Fan Zhen shook his head, cast his gaze out of the window, pointed casually, and said.

"In the entire Xilin City, there are just such a large number of houses. Can we still go door-to-door and search?"

The subordinate followed the direction of his finger and looked over. That house is not small in Xilin City, and on the outside wall of the house, the traces of Madara symbolize that the owner here is a little bit down and has no spare energy. It's time for repairs.

There was a huge plaque hanging on the gate of the house, which said 'Shen's Mansion'.

The subordinate glanced at it, glanced at his mouth and said.

"Hey, but if you don't do a door-to-door search, you won't be able to find complete evidence just by relying on that information."

Fan Zhen withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention to the house. During this period of time, he often walked around here, and he had already figured out the situation around here.

He knew that the family opposite was a down and out family, and now there was only one single seedling living in it.

Moreover, this person once wanted to be a manga artist, but after many failures, he was already devastated.

It couldn't be that cartoonist.

Fan Zhen sighed, and continued drinking with his subordinates.

But he didn't know that just opposite across the street was where the manga artist he and Empress Da Xia had been thinking about was located.

Even Shen Hui is still sleeping in the rocking chair in the yard now.

If Fan Zhen broke in directly at this time, he could even find a pack of more than 30 blood bodhis in the corner of the room.

It's a pity that there is no if.

During this period of calm, Xilin City also welcomed another group of people.

These people are a group of spies who sneaked into Daxia before.

They have split up for several months to investigate Shen Hui's identity.

However, just a few days ago, these people suddenly received a strange news.

At this time, in a courtyard on the outskirts of Xilin City, five or six people in various costumes gathered together.

These people are male and female, old and young, and at first glance they are no different from ordinary people.

If these people were thrown into the crowd, there would be no place to stand out at all.

And when these people gathered together, the undisguised momentum gathered together, exuding a strong ominous atmosphere.

"Is the news reliable? I have sensed some clues in Donghua City. If your side is false news, then you need to bear the responsibility afterwards!"

A middle-aged woman in her late fifties spoke first, her eyes fixed on a man in black on the other side of the crowd.

The man smiled and said, "Poisonous mother-in-law, don't pretend. If you really have clues in Donghua City, how could you come here? Don't you just want to try your luck?"

As soon as the voice came out, the faces of the other people were a little ugly.

It is true that they have not gained anything for a long time, and they are about to be questioned by their superiors. At this time, they cannot let go of any clues, so they gathered together and came to Xilin City.

But this kind of thing, everyone can just tacitly say it, how can you say it directly? Isn't this hurting feelings?

The man didn't pay attention to the sharp stares of several people, sat down on his own, and poured himself a cup of tea slowly.

When the patience of others was about to reach its limit, he spoke up.

"I ran into an acquaintance the other day."

The middle-aged woman known as the poisonous mother-in-law raised her brows and asked questions immediately.

"What? You want to make friends when you come to Great Xia Kingdom?"

The man in black shook his head, did not look at the poisonous mother-in-law, his eyes seemed to be lost in memories, and he spoke slowly.

"That's not true, that's what happened when I was performing missions in the capital of Great Xia."

"Coincidentally, this person happens to be a member of the Overwatch Council, who is responsible for investigating those incidents that are difficult to find the root cause.

None of the people present were fools. As intelligence workers, the acumen of these people could be said to be top-notch.

When the man's words came to this point, the breathing of these people suddenly became rapid.

"You, you mean...?"

Several people formed a circle, staring closely at the man who was sitting there taking care of himself.

The man nodded and continued.

"That's right, he is the supervisor of the Great Xia Kingdom.

A staff member of the hospital, named Fan Zhen, has been leading two people wandering around the entire Xilin City for several days now.


As soon as the man said this, the rest of the people were all shocked.

"What you said is true?"

"Are you sure he is from the Overwatch Council?"

"What if he's here on another mission?"

The few people next to them couldn't care about other things anymore, and threw out the question in a single brain, making a lot of noise, and they were shocked by the sudden news.

From the looks of this clue, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. After all, the Great Xia Kingdom is so big that it is normal for a little problem to arise.

It's just that at this moment, everyone is more sensitive. It is a completely abnormal situation for such a person to appear in the remote Xilin City in Daxia.

The man holds out his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Okay, okay, you know, I used to lurk in the capital of Daxia Kingdom, but I was transferred here recently, and I met Fan Zhen at that time.

"He has never been out of the Great Xia capital before, and he was almost always trained as the next director of the Overwatch Council."

"This time, if there are no accidents, the Great Xia Kingdom should have the address of the cartoonist! That is, it is in this Xilin City!"

"It's just that maybe they haven't found the exact location of that person yet.

"I think everyone should understand what we are going to do next..."

In this small courtyard, at this moment, the atmosphere froze, and everyone's beating heart seemed to be heard in the quiet air.

Soon, on the other side of the ocean, they also received this urgent notification.

In the large conference room of the Lighthouse Country, all the top leaders of the Lighthouse Country gathered here.

These people looked at the document in front of them with serious expressions.

After a long time, the deep voice of the Grand Commander rang out in the meeting room.

"How about it? Do you have any solutions for the rising momentum of the Great Xia Kingdom?"

For these successive failures, the Grand Commander has begun to face up to the strength of the Great Xia Kingdom. In his eyes, the Great Xia Kingdom is now growing with a high-spirited momentum.

Therefore, if it is not contained as soon as possible, it is likely to grow to the point where the lighthouse country is unable to compete.

And the people in the meeting room, looking at the content written on the information, all fell silent.

That thick document lists all the skills learned from "Hokage Ninja" and "Fengyun" that Great Xia Kingdom has used in public!

And it also comes with some, the power of their estimated skills.

With just a simple sweep, the densely packed words are like rows of strategic weapons that make people develop in their hearts.

"Is there any way? Otherwise, we will directly go to war with Great Xia now? Use the advantage of the current combat power to weaken them?"

"No, during the last joint military exercise, our fleet suffered heavy losses, and it has not recovered until now, and it is impossible to organize an effective all-round attack.

"Then, how about we call some other countries together to put pressure on Great Xia?"

"No, since what happened in the Nanbang Kingdom, these small countries no longer dare to provoke the Great Xia Kingdom.

Suggestions were put forward one by one, and then rejected by others, the air in the meeting room seemed to be a bit heavy.

They can't imagine how the most powerful force in the Lighthouse Kingdom can't solve even the Great Xia Kingdom.

But that's the way it is

The commander-in-chief sighed, he had long been prepared for this result, but after actually hearing it, he still couldn't calm down for a long time.

After a while, Commander Yin signaled the people around him to send out new materials one after another.

"Look, if nothing else works, you can only find the root of the problem!"

"The source of the problem?"

Everyone in the meeting room was stunned for a moment, and then quickly flipped through the documents in their hands.

After a while, everyone's eyes widened and they looked in the direction of the Grand Commander.

"What? Found the approximate location of the manga artist in Great Xia Kingdom?"

"Is the news true?"

Everyone cheered up. After these few defeats, they also took make-up lessons, and learned that the mysterious manga artist in the Great Xia Kingdom is the one who is now rising in the Great Xia Kingdom.

The root cause of this level.

He is the most critical part of the problem!

The commander nodded, his dark eyes swept across the audience, as if a hungry vulture was patrolling its prey.

"I have sent out a carefully selected assassination team! As long as this cartoonist is solved, the problem of Great Xia Kingdom will no longer be a problem!"

Whether it's the rise of the Great Xia Kingdom in the previous beast tide, or the embarrassing game a few days ago, it shows that the cartoonist of the Great Xia Kingdom poses a huge threat to the Lighthouse Country.

As long as he is still alive for a day and can continue to draw manga, then the combat power of the Great Xia Kingdom will be improved again.

The threat level of this person has reached the level of a strategic weapon.

But before, Yang Hao, who had been excavated by the Lighthouse Kingdom after a lot of painstaking efforts, did not have the strength to compete with the opponent at all.

In the two duels, "I lost cleanly and cleanly.

How can this make the Grand Commander not hate?

Now, since we have found the possible location of the other party, we have to make a thunderous blow to completely wipe out the hope of the Great Xia Kingdom's rise at this initial stage!

At this time, Fan Zhen didn't know that because he was recognized, the entire Xilin City became the center of the storm.

Soon, the elite team of ten or so people sneaked into Xilin City.

These days, they have been staying at the residence of the investigators, never going out, and only waiting for the moment the target is exposed to perform thunderous tactics.

But those five or six intelligence personnel just wandered around with Fan Zhen these days, without any trace of their target at all.

Time just passed by day by day.

It has been going on for nearly half a month.

But late at night, Shen Hui finally put down the paintbrush in his hand and stretched his waist long.

"The painting is finally finished..."

"This time I can't break the chapter..."

Click to upload.

Shen Hui uploaded the last part of the manga to the Tiandao system.

At this moment, the people of Great Xia Kingdom woke up again.

"What's going on? Why does this cartoonist always update in the middle of the night?"

"I'm sleeping comfortably, can't I update when I go to work?"

"Updating at this time, how can I continue to sleep..."

The people of Great Xia seem to have gotten used to this matter. When the sharp and ear-piercing reminder sounded, they subconsciously knew the source of the sound.

Countless people were angry, helpless, and pleasantly surprised. No matter what, they opened the Tiandao manga immediately.

As soon as they opened the manga, these people froze instantly.

Because this time, the opened interface is a little different from the previous one.

They are generally the same, except for one detail, this time there are two huge bright red words on the opened interface.


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