The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 81: Voice Transmission From Heaven! Excellent Comics!

"What? It's over?"

"Ye Qingjie! Now the dog painter can't break the chapter!"

"Hokage Ninja ended?"

These two eye-catching red words dispelled the drowsiness of countless people in an instant.

Even though it was still late at night, the entire Great Xia Kingdom became noisy in an instant.

The densely packed residential buildings, the lights are lit up one by one, as if the whole world has suddenly ushered in daylight.

There is even a dormitory building for young people in the school. At this time, countless energetic young people are shouting excitedly.

Some people who were sleeping were awakened by this violent din, and in the midst of confusion, they captured several key words that filled the entire world.

In an instant, these people also woke up~.

"What? The end of Hokage Ninja-?"

"Is the news reliable?"

"What's going on? It's too sudden—isn't it?"

Shen Hui suddenly ended the manga, which unsurprisingly sparked a strong discussion in the Great Xia Kingdom.

There are also many people who don't care about discussing the end of the manga, they just open the manga and read it first.

No matter what, the things that have ended in the manga cannot be changed. It is the best ending to this manga to put one's heart and soul into this story first.

After several previous updates, "Hokage Ninja" has reached the stage of the final ninja war.

At this time, the behind-the-scenes characters who had been hiding all this time appeared one after another.

"In terms of martial arts, no one I have ever fought is better than you! I, Uchiha Madara, would like to call you the strongest!"

In the comics, the warring parties are constantly engaged in high-intensity battles.

The exciting picture makes all the readers excited.

Especially when Guy and Uchiha Madara played against each other, countless readers stood up on the spot!

"Fuck! This is too hot!"

"Guy Huang Niu Pi! I've decided! I want to learn Eight Inner Gates too!"

"Why are they so powerful? Can we really understand the latter skills?"

Some people who are more pragmatic and pay more attention to the skills themselves feel a little regretful after seeing the advanced combat power in the later stages of comics.

Because, the more powerful the advanced skill is, the more difficult it is to comprehend it.

It not only depends on the reader's own realm, but also has some invisible matching conditions.

Just like Yulongyan, the Valkyrie of the Great Xia Kingdom, she can more easily comprehend the top skill of Sword Twenty-Three, but it is difficult for her to comprehend the ability of Planetary Devastation.

This is the phasic relationship between skills and readers.

Just like Xiao Peng, he has a higher degree of fit with the abilities of the Thunder and Lightning Department, and only then can he comprehend Raikiri and Chidori one after another.

In short, although Shen Hui has finished drawing the entire comic, there are also many devastating skills that can be called natural disasters.

But in fact, it is very difficult even for the readers of Great Xia Kingdom to comprehend these powerful abilities.

As for readers in other countries? That is simply impossible.

Shen Hui also updated a lot this time. In the last section that is about to end, he did not interrupt the update again. With the momentum of going down, he updated more than 200 chapters in one go, and directly reached the end. .

The Great Xia Kingdom at night should have been sleeping in a quiet dreamland, but with Shen Hui's update, the Great Xia Kingdom seemed to have turned into daylight at this moment, the hustle and bustle, excited shouts and excited screams were endless. .

Then gradually dissipated.

After a short period of excitement, everyone was immersed in the updated story this time.

And because of the huge amount of updates this time, these readers didn't finish reading it until dawn, and it was time for work.

Not surprisingly, there will be countless latecomers in today's Great Xia Kingdom.

Some even got excited by watching it, and even completely forgot about going to work.

Only the content of this comic is left in their eyes, and there is no room for other things.

"Eight Inner Gates! Dead Gates! Open!"

The fierce battle between Konoha's wolf beast and Six Paths Madara has made all readers hooked.

"Night Guy!"

Guy burned his life, emitting red steam from his body to form a ferocious dragon shape, and even almost killed Six Paths Madara completely with a kick with all his heart and power.

"Damn it! Is this the finale that almost kicked in early?"

"Eight Inner Gates is too scary! If this kick can be understood, maybe it can level a mountain in one go, right?"

After Six Paths Madara, Black Zetsu White Zetsu appeared in turn, and the biggest conspiracy in the ninja world was completely exposed.

Along with the origin of ninjutsu, the identities of Naruto and Sasuke, and the situation of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

All of these contents were revealed little by little, and everyone's doubts were completely resolved.

The last page of the manga was frozen on the seal of reconciliation concluded with each other.

The whole story also ends here completely.

When countless readers saw this, they couldn't calm down for a long time.

They closed their eyes, silently recalling in their hearts the year that this cartoon accompanied them.

Not only the comics, even when Shen Hui was not updated, the people of Great Xia Kingdom were still using the skills learned from the comics to fight the beasts.

The works created by Shen Hui have been thoroughly spread all over the world from all angles.

Countless readers shed tears of emotion at this moment.

Shen Hui's comment area also completely changed.

In the past, countless readers were driven crazy by Shen Hui's broken chapters, and they kept cursing the broken chapters in the comment area.

But when the manga is completely over, it is impossible for Shen Hui to interrupt this manga again.

Instead, these readers were reluctant to part with it.

"Ahhh, why is this over? Draw more! A little more water is fine!"

"After reading it, I was very moved. I want to rest for a few days and watch it again from the beginning!"

"Upstairs, I want to read it a few more times, aren't you going to work?"

"No, quit!"

Regarding Shen Hui's end, in fact, no one expected it.

Although before this update, the story seemed to be coming to an end, but isn't this kind of thing the manga artist has the final say on?

These days, in this world with Tiandao comics, how difficult it is for such a popular work to appear.

If it was other cartoonists, they would definitely not be willing to finish this popular Tianbang work.

They will slowly fill in water, expand the world view, even change the map directly, etc., to prolong the life of this comic in various ways.

And, there is another very important point.

That is, although Shen Hui's update time is not fixed, and he is a bit willful, but if it is really counted, his update speed has surpassed most cartoonists

If someone else did the painting, the story of "Hokage Ninja" might take another ten years to paint.

Not surprisingly, Shen Hui's sudden ending of this comic made headlines on the front pages of all newspapers and publications that day.

It was already late at night when Shen Hui updated. As soon as they saw the news, these newspapers immediately changed the printed content overnight.

Put Shen Hui's message in the most prominent position.

Even a certain toothpick that was about to explode was obviously blocked by this news.

After the readers finished reading the updated content of the manga, the craze broke out completely.

Countless people took to the streets, shouting with regret in excitement.

"Don't finish! We still have to watch Hokage Ninja! Keep updating!"

"I beg the cartoonist to continue to draw sequels, or a biography of XX will do."

This heated discussion quickly spread across the country, and people in the streets and alleys were excitedly discussing what it would be like if a sequel really came out.

Even Shen Hui heard the news while finishing lunch.

To this, Shen Hui just bowed his head silently.

"Sequel? A sequel is impossible! Legend of Boruto? Not even a dog!"

Because of the hot discussion caused by this sudden ending, many readers have reviewed the content of this comic from the beginning.

The popularity of "Hokage Ninja" is also rising rapidly.

Even got a chance to be banned!

For a long time, the back and forth of Yindao system's closure and push are those few works that I don't know how many years have been drawn.

This is the first time a new work has caught up with them in such a short time, and even replaced one of them.

When countless people opened the Tiandao system and saw the eye-catching Rasengan on the cover, they all froze for a moment.

"Damn it! After so many years, there is actually someone who can beat the original works?"

"This is a list based on the situation of the whole world!"

"Is our Great Xia Kingdom really going to publish a high-quality comic this time?"

The opening screen push of the Tiandao system pushed the "Hokage Ninja", which was already on the cusp of the storm, once again to a higher level.

At the same time, Shen Hui, and people all over the world heard a majestic and vast sound that came directly into the soul from the nine heavens.

[Congratulations to the manga "Hokage Ninja" for meeting the requirements and being rated as a high-quality manga! I hope the manga artist will continue to work hard...]

This grand sound was repeated several times in a row.

In the whole world, it was still daytime in some places at this time, and when they were working, after hearing the voice transmission from the Heavenly Dao, everyone put down what they were doing and turned on the Dao system.

A line of extremely thick golden words was suspended in front of everyone's eyes.

" actually a high-quality comic?"

""Hokage Ninja" has become a high-quality product? We finally have high-quality comics in Daxia Kingdom?"

"How many years ago did the last high-quality comics appear?"

"It's unbelievable. This manga artist debuted less than a year ago, right?"


Everyone in the Great Xia Kingdom was directly overwhelmed by this news. Countless newspaper offices tore up the prepared manuscripts on the spot and replaced them with this latest news.

Although this news, everyone has heard it.

Even the empress in the Great Xia Kingdom's palace was so shocked by the sudden sound transmission from heaven that she didn't hold the cup firmly in her hand.

"They have all become high-quality comics?"

"We still underestimated this cartoonist!"

"This is the first high-quality comic of our Great Xia Kingdom, right?"

When Empress Daxia heard the news, she was so shocked that it was hard to add.

For so many years, there are very few high-quality comics in the whole world. Even if they are on the top list, they may not be able to become high-quality comics.

High-quality comics represent the various dimensions of this comic, such as the number of readers, the level of skill comprehension, the progress of the real world...etc., such a series of complex conditions are more complicated in the Tiandao system. After the calculation, we can get a standard that no one knows at all.

But now, after the end of "Hokage Ninja", amidst the hot discussion, people in the entire Great Xia Kingdom watched this movie repeatedly almost at the same time

Manga, and thus finally met the requirement in the Heavenly Dao system.

Compared with the end of "Hokage Ninja" and the discussion of the people of Great Xia, this Tiandao sound transmission that resounded throughout the world really set off a huge storm.

0…ask for flowers……

The world has not seen a high-quality comic for decades.

Even if those old-fashioned works stayed on the Tianbang for a long time, it was just because of the superimposed effect brought about by the too long time and the large number of serialized chapters.

But fine comics are completely different.

This represents the approval of this Heavenly Dao system.

This endorsement is more effective than any other statement.

Just after hearing this voice transmission, the Lighthouse Country immediately held an emergency meeting.

This time happened to be noon in the Great Xia Kingdom, and it was already late at night in the Lighthouse Kingdom.

Countless people were awakened by this solemn sound transmission of the Heavenly Dao, and after realizing what happened, these people were all shocked and stayed in place.

"What? Premium comics? What are premium comics?"

There are terms that have not appeared in decades. In this happy and educational atmosphere, many people in the lighthouse country don't even know what high-quality comics mean.

"Haha, did you hear that just now? The sound transmission of Heavenly Dao said that there is a high-quality manga?"

"Is it possible to become stronger by krypton gold? Another day, let's krypton a few!"

"I heard that it is a high-quality manga from the Great Xia Kingdom? What's the use of this thing?"

Although these young people don't understand, the high-level officials of the Lighthouse Country must understand the meaning of this word.

The commander-in-chief was wearing pajamas, and he didn't even have time to change clothes, so he immediately held an emergency meeting.

In less than five minutes, all the high-level members of the Beacon Country were present.

They also got the sound transmission of Heavenly Dao, so they naturally understood the importance of this matter.

When the conference room was full of people, everyone's faces were solemn.

The commander-in-chief was a little depressed, he raised his head, looked around for a week, and said in a low voice.

"Everyone heard it, what do you think about this incident?"

At this time, the people sitting on both sides of the conference table are usually well-known figures in the Lighthouse country, and if they shake their feet, there will be an unknown number of big figures who will suffer.

But when these big men asked questions to the soul of the Grand Commander, they couldn't say anything at all.

If there is really a way, how can it be suppressed by the Great Xia Kingdom until now?

The successive failures of the Lighthouse Country have already made these people feel the urgency of the matter.

"How's the situation with the assassination team? Have you found out the identity of the cartoonist?"

The Minister of Intelligence shook his head, and he was also a little disappointed in this matter.

So many days have passed, but the assassination team has not received any useful news at all, it seems that Yuli just ate and drank behind the officials of the big country.

At this time, the commander-in-chief could no longer bear this slow efficiency, his eyes turned cold, and he said sharply.

"Order them, speed up! I would rather kill the wrong than let them go!"

"At this time, it happens to be the time when the manga artist has just finished one and hasn't started a new one yet!"

"If this time is missed, we will face a greater threat!"

Everyone in the field nodded secretly at this time, approving this statement.

Originally, they might just have a more serious attitude towards Shen Hui, thinking to get rid of him as much as possible.

But now, the nature of things has changed.

When the Tiandao sound transmission of the high-quality comics is released, it means that the Tiandao system recognizes the comprehensive quality of the cartoonist.

With this kind of top comprehensive quality, new popular comics may appear in his pen at any time!

This is where Shen Hui's greatest threat to the Lighthouse Country lies.

Moreover, in the mind of the commander in chief, there was a more critical point, which he did not say.

This information is extremely secretive, and few people know about it. There is only a hint of vague speculation in the most confidential documents of the Lighthouse Country.

That is, drawing a high-quality cartoon means that this cartoonist is not far from signing Li Tiandao to become a god-tier cartoonist!

This is the fundamental reason why the Grand Commander is so urgent!

Few people in the whole world knew about this matter. Only when the first contracted cartoonist appeared in the Lighthouse Country not long after the Tiandao system appeared, did they leave

Ritu cryptic news.

If, if there is a god-tier cartoonist signed by Tiandao in the Great Xia Kingdom, then the pattern of this world will probably change again!

Thousands of thoughts flashed through the commander's mind in an instant, but in the end they converged into a killing word full of blood and evil spirit!

He had a ferocious expression, like an evil ghost in hell, and slowly uttered a word.

"Intensify efforts! Send more assassination teams, at all costs, to completely eliminate that cartoonist!"

At the same time as the sound transmission of the Heavenly Dao, Shen Hui also ushered in his second infusion of the Heavenly Dao with a cold heart.

This time, the illusory and charming light wrapped around his body, tightly wrapping him into a bright cocoon!

After a long time, the light gradually penetrated into Shen Hui's body.

This time, the Heavenly Dao Infusion was gradually digested by him.

It may be because the length of "Hokage Ninja" is much longer than "Fengyun", so the benefit brought to Shen Hui by this infusion is also greater.

Hastily cleaning up the impurities discharged from the surface of the body, Shen Hui then clenched his fists, only feeling that his body was full of strength and infinite energy.

It seems that he can even live ten days and ten nights without getting tired at all.

Not only that, but more importantly, all the skills in "Hokage Ninja" have been transferred to Shen Hui's body and mind with the infusion of heaven.

It seems that after a lot of tempering, it is as handy as a talent.

These skills range from Eight Gate, as small as Three Body Technique, to as big as Planetary Devastation, and Shen Hui comprehended them all in this instant.

"It's comfortable now...".

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