In the crowd, as soon as the man's words came out of his mouth, the whole scene fell silent instantly.

"No way......"

"Is your news really reliable?"

"But have you ever seen Yulongyan get so close to someone else?~"

When the crowd of onlookers learned that Shen Hui was probably Yulongyan's fiancé, they froze instantly.

When the two had walked away, the group of people gradually came back to their senses.

Some people started to have sour water.

"Who is that person? Is he worthy of Yulongyan? That's the Valkyrie of our Great Xia!"

"Yeah! Why on earth is he?"

"None of these people know what his name is?"

"Then it looks like this person is just a nobody."

Shen Hui and Yulongyan naturally didn't know the gossip behind them.

But even if he knew, Shen Hui probably wouldn't care.

Because he is indeed Yulongyan's fiancé, this is not a lie, there is nothing to avoid.

As for what these people questioned, it was nothing more than whether his identity was worthy of the other party.

For this, Shen Hui is even more dismissive.

He now has two Tianbang comics in his hand, and he has started to create a new folder for the third one. With his status as a cartoonist alone, he can almost walk across the entire world.

No matter where he goes, he will be entertained with the highest level of conditions.

However, even without relying on his status as a cartoonist, Shen Hui's current strength is not what it used to be.

Shendu, a big Xia female warrior next to him, may not be able to beat him.

If combat experience is not taken into account, Yulongyan basically knows the skills he knows, but there are many skills he knows.

Today's Shen Hui, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a human-shaped nuclear bomb.

It's just that in the current situation, he doesn't need to take action at all for the time being.

The two rushed to the task site slowly all the way.

Soon, it came to the desolate wilderness from the city where human beings gathered and lived.

Today's weather is already in the depths of winter, and it's time for spring to bloom.

This piece of wilderness is also covered by a large piece of white snow at this time, and above the vast white wilderness, there is silence.

There were not even animal footprints in the snow.

During that beast swarm, a large number of small animals escaped from the front line, and the remaining ones also suffered heavy casualties during the advance of the beasts.

Now, at this time, this area already has a sense of desolation that is completely silent.

But this is good news.

Shen Hui and Yulongyan looked at each other and nodded at the same time

"This shows that after this period of time, the ferocious beasts have no intention of spreading here again.

"That's right."

Yulongyan said in agreement, and at the same time, she also glanced at Shen Hui in surprise.

She didn't expect that Shen Hui, who had never been to the front line, would have such a keen mind.

"How far is our goal this time from here?"

Shen Hui asked casually. After all, he was not the person who received the task, so he was not very clear about the details.

About 200 kilometers, do you want to speed up?"

Shen Hui nodded.

"Well, in the future, it will be more difficult to supply, let's make a quick decision.

After all, the two of them swayed, and with the help of the lightness skill in "Fengyun", they walked quickly on the snow.

On this thick snow layer, only about half a centimeter of footprints were left.

If someone could see this scene, they might be shocked on the spot!

When Shen Hui and the two were moving towards the goal.

Yang Hao, who was in the Daiying Empire, also let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, it was already late at night in the baby-bearing empire.

He rubbed his swollen wrist.

Looking at the thick stack of drawing papers on the table, my heart is filled with a kind of pleasure that is about to succeed in revenge.

"Just wait! It's coming soon! When my comic is released, the whole world will know who is the strongest cartoonist of the new generation!"

Yang Hao never gave up this resentment in his heart.

Even, under the guidance of Luo Lin, he has now regarded both the Great Xia Kingdom and the Lighthouse Kingdom as enemies.

No one can imagine what Yang Hao will do when he really grows up.

The resentment in his eyes was reflected on the open manuscript paper on the table.

There are a few large characters written on it.

【Harry Boda and the Goblet of Fire】

It will take a long time for Yang Hao's works to be completely polished.

However, the Lighthouse Country has developed by leaps and bounds during this period.

The success of "Jaws" made Da Commander use the highest level of promotion efforts.

It has even surpassed the level of "Green Titan" at that time.

However, due to the impact of the last time, many small countries are not very obedient this time.

They still waited and watched the situation, and did not rashly promote this comic.

For this situation, the commander-in-chief also has an indifferent attitude.

Because in his heart, "Jaws" and "Green Titan" are not at the same level.

This ability to capture and enslave a sea beast and allow the army to move freely on the sea is a strategic level ability.

With this ability, he can truly face the mainland of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"How are you getting ready?"

In the conference room, the commander-in-chief and several military staff officers sat together.

He recalled the news he had just received that Lighthouse Wai had gathered 100,000 fighters who could directly gain a foothold on the sea this time.

When this number was reached, the commander couldn't wait to ask these staff officers.

"Now that we have enough soldiers, when will we be able to go to war directly with Great Xia?"

Hearing this question, the faces of these staff officers turned pale.

"Return to the commander! Although the number of soldiers who have comprehended the skills has reached the standard, the problem is that there are not many sea beasts in the coastal waters that are enough for them to capture..."

That's right, during the last beast tide, the Lighthouse Country was attacked by countless sea beasts, and even the ruins of the city that were destroyed at that time have not been repaired yet.

Moreover, because of this war, the beasts suffered heavy losses, and the number of corpses counted after the war alone was about hundreds of thousands.

Because of this, the offshore places have become much safer during this period of time.

But now, it has become an annoyance to the Grand Commander.

"You mean that because of the beast tide, there are too few sea beasts near the sea, so these people have no skills, but they haven't completed the contract yet?"

The commander's complexion is not very good-looking [this is indeed something he did not expect.

But the matter has come to this point, and he can't change the situation, so he can only continue to ask helplessly.

"Then what is the plan of the military department now?"

"Now we can only continue to find a way to capture some sea beasts in the direction of the deep sea, but in this case... the progress will be slower."

The Grand Commander felt depressed, he managed to accumulate such an opportunity, but now he has to face the situation of lack of sea beasts.

But he also knew that there was really no way to do this kind of thing, so he could only hold his breath, leave the office without saying a word.

"Let the military department hurry up! It must be ready by spring at the latest!"

At this time, there is still more than a month before spring.

In this deep winter season, Shen Hui and Yulongyan rushed all the way and quickly arrived at the target location of the mission.

It was a dense forest, and in this season when everything was frozen and withered, only bare trunks remained of these trees.

Standing outside the dense forest, the two can see a large area of ​​the dense forest at a glance.

"Let's go, go in and have a look, there should be no danger here."

Yulongyan took the lead to take a step forward, she had to be on guard against possible ominous beasts, only she could block Shen Hui in these critical moments.

Moreover, this place is not the first time she has visited.

After the beast tide ended, the Great Xia Kingdom began to investigate these directions on a regular basis.

After all, ferocious beasts are the enemies of human beings.

And the geographical location of Great Xia Kingdom is directly bordering on the territory of these fierce beasts.

In this case, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

It's just that, in all the previous investigations, there was almost no gain at all.

These fierce beasts seemed to have been completely wiped out in the previous battle, and there was no more movement.

However, the investigators dispatched recently were even more confused.

They've got the Shadow Clone skill in their hands now.

With this skill that is not afraid of death or injury, the scope and depth of exploration have been greatly enhanced.

However, in the recent investigations, almost all Shadow Clones will be released directly as long as they advance to a certain location.

It was as if he was instantly killed by some powerful beast.

Let these investigators not even see the shadow of the enemy.

It was because of this situation that Yulongyan was sent over from above.

Because she has the powerful skill of Sword Twenty-Three, even if she can't beat her, no one can stop her if she wants to run away.

Yulongyan walked forward cautiously, while constantly observing the surrounding scenes.

Under this continuous heavy snow, almost all traces were completely covered up.

"Be careful when you get here, and remember to respond to me in case of danger."

Yulongyan stopped, turned her head and spoke to Shen Hui seriously.

She was worried that Shen Hui would not ask herself for help when faced with danger because of her machismo self-esteem, and she would regret it too late.

Yulongyan didn't know that her statement seemed like a special announcement to others.

This explanation seemed to say that the man in front of her was extremely important to her, and she could not allow others to hurt him.

When Shen Hui heard this, he smiled slightly.

He wasn't worried about the threat of these beasts at all.

It's just that Yulongyan's performance made him a little surprised, and he also felt that if he denied it, he might be regarded as arrogant by the other party.

So, Shen Hui nodded and agreed.

But he followed behind Yulongyan, but he used a wider detection ability than the other party to cover everything around him.

There was silence in the dense forest, except for the creaking sound of the two people's footsteps stepping on the snow.

After a while, the two walked out of the snowy dense forest.

When they just took this step, there was an extremely small sound in the ears of the two of them.


Shen Hui grabbed Yulongyan's hand and pulled it backwards.

And at that moment, a "flying needle" that was almost invisible to the naked eye shot from a distance.

Passing through where the two of them were before, they were directly nailed to a big tree behind them.

And the powerful power contained in this 'flying needle' even pushed the whole tree up and down.

The accumulated snow on the canopy was falling.

Yulong Smoke

Come to yourself.

At that moment, she had also heard the slight sound of piercing the air.

However, before she could remind Shen Hui, the other party pulled Shen Hui away.

"He actually sensed the danger before me?"

This thought flashed across Yulongyan's mind for an instant.

Before he could think about it, he saw Shen Hui walking forward.


Yulongyan shouted in a hurry, there was obviously an ambush there just now.

This situation also made her understand instantly.

Ferocious beasts are also growing, even after encountering dangers in the wild, they will learn to avoid those similar things.

0…ask for flowers………

Naturally, the ferocious beasts gradually became aware of the threat posed by those Shadow Clones.

But Shen Hui dared to go out so boldly after it was obvious that he had encountered an ambush.

In Yulongyan's panic, Shen Hui just waved her hands back casually.

When he stepped out of the dense forest, as expected, dense 'flying needles' shot towards Shen Hui like a rain of arrows.

"Wind Style! Oppression!"

Shen Hui didn't evade, and directly used Kakuzu's signature skills in the manga.

A hurricane spit out from his mouth in an instant.

The approaching arrow rain in the sky was instantly destroyed by the gust of wind.

At this time, Yulongyan also followed from behind.

Only then did they see clearly what was going on here.

turn out to be.

Outside this dense forest, there is a not-so-deep canyon, and at the other end of the canyon, there are many huge hedgehog-like beasts that are bulging their bodies.

It turned out that those 'flying needles' were actually launched from them.

This can also explain why this kind of attack can have so much power.

Almost every one of them has a hedgehog about four or five meters high, just like a human-shaped fort.

Guarding above that canyon is completely a natural defensive weapon.

"It seems that there should be a lot of beasts left behind..."

Shen Hui glanced at his mouth and said casually.

Yulongyan nodded, with a serious expression on her face.

Fierce beasts are a threat to the entire human race.

However, now this place is a bit embarrassing.

The not-so-deep canyon separated on both sides became a natural moat.

If you stick your head out of the dense forest, you will face the shooting of countless flying needles.

Even if they escaped this attack, if they wanted to go to the opposite side, they still had to face such an extremely wide middle ground.

In this case, if you want to break in, you will become a living target.

Yulongyan shook her head, stopping Shen Hui's attempt.

"Forget it, the situation here has been investigated clearly, and it will be fine to send a large force to deal with it later."

Shen Hui actually wanted to try those powerful skills, but after all, he was not ready to reveal his identity, and since Yulongyan said it, the attempt this time would be too much.

That's all for now.

Even though Shen Hui didn't get a chance to make a move later, Yulongyan still felt a little incredible from the two actions just now.

When the first flying needle came suddenly, Shen Hui's reaction was much faster than hers.

And the Wind Style skill used later was so powerful that Yulongyan was amazed.

How long has it been since he has changed so much?

Just this attitude of not changing his face in front of the dangerous side is already a different person from before.

After recording the information here, Yulong Yanfu took Shen Huiyuan back to the nearest border military camp.

When the two of them came here, they directly caused bursts of exclamation.

"Damn, who is that kid? Why is he with our commander?"

"I've never seen the commander look so kind, am I right?"

"Don't you guys know yet? A few days ago, someone posted photos from behind, saying that our commander has a fiancé..."

"What? Fiancé? Just him?"

When they heard that this person was probably Yulongyan's fiancé, the entire barracks shook.

Even the invasion of ferocious beasts would not shock them so much.

Even the soldiers who had fallen asleep during the night shift were pulled up.

These people came to watch one after another.

Then he looked at Shen Hui wonderingly.

"This person is the commander's fiancé?!"

"He looks quite handsome, but do you know his identity?"

The soldiers who heard the news looked at Shen Hui with puzzled faces, not knowing why this man became the commander's fiancé.

Shen Hui looked at the layout of the barracks even more curiously.

"So you are the commander of the front line? Are you so powerful?"

This is the first time for Shen Hui to know Yulongyan's official position in the army.

But his words caused the soldiers around to yell suddenly.

"What? The commander's fiancé doesn't even know what her position is?"

"Who the hell is he? I've never heard of this character before."

"That's right, is our commander still looking for an unknown person?"

Hearing Shen Hui's words, these soldiers were even more puzzled. They racked their brains and couldn't figure out what Shen Hui's background was.

Just like that, Shen Hui walked into Yulongyan's Chinese army tent while watching.

Soon, the investigation of the two in the dense forest was quickly reported.

Empress Daxia also immediately learned of the news.

She immediately summoned the heads of various relevant departments.

"It seems that the last beast swarm hasn't hurt the vicious beasts yet."

Empress Daxia was a little disappointed. This kind of beast tide continued, and the breeding speed of the beasts was too fast.

"It seems that within a year, these ferocious beasts will be able to recover to more than 80% of the previous level, we must make preparations earlier.

"I don't think you need to worry too much."

At this time, Jiang Wei suddenly said something that seemed very optimistic, and everyone in the conference room looked over in surprise.

Saying that there is no need to worry too much in front of the beast tide, this kind of behavior is simply inflated to the point where it is difficult to add.

Jiang Wei smiled slightly and continued.

"Everyone, don't forget that we still have a cartoonist. His first two works alone can allow us to wipe out that level of beast tide."

"Thinking about it, he is about to start a new work, and by that time... what else should we be afraid of?".

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