The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 87: New Work Released! Broken Cover?

Facing the beast tide that may come back at some point in the future.

The officials of the Great Xia Kingdom showed a more optimistic attitude than before.

After all, in this short period of one year, countless people in the Great Xia Kingdom have learned many skills from the two comics by Shen Hui.

And as time grows, the number of people who understand these skills will inevitably increase greatly.

Shen Hui's work is different from other people's.

In this world, the vast majority of manga writers only describe one or two skills in a whole manga, and they can't create that kind of gorgeous and cool [numerous emperor's numerous abilities.

But Shen Hui's work is quite different.

There are hundreds of abilities in each of his comics. This comic alone is basically enough for people to watch it repeatedly for more than ten years.

It is precisely because of this that once his comics were released, they quickly aroused such a big response.

After all, no one will struggle with skills.

The people of the Great Xia Kingdom have lived a fulfilling life in the past year.

As soon as they have free time, they can't help but open the manga and turn a few pages, and occasionally scold the broken dog in the comment area.

Some even breathed a sigh of relief when Shen Hui wrapped up Hokage Ninja.

No, no matter how fast the serialization continues, readers will not be able to keep up with it!

Who would believe this situation.

This is because the Tiandao comics must be concentrated and watched carefully, and no details in them can be ignored in order to better comprehend the skills.

Therefore, the speed at which people read comics is often not very fast.

Just for the few times when Shen Hui broke the news in the past, some readers had to watch it for several days before finishing it.

"Phew, I can finally rest...I really never thought that one day I would be so tired after reading comics..."

"Yeah, thanks to the manga artist who finished the rest, otherwise I would feel pressured to read manga..."

"However, it's been so many days, shouldn't it be time for him to start a new work?"

"Yeah, although chasing more is painful, but it's even more uncomfortable to read without new manga!"

"What the hell did the painter do? There's been no news for so many days..."

During the days when Shen Hui was resting, countless people could hardly relax.

They no longer have to be more tired of chasing and more distressed about breaking.

However, in this peaceful day, people still couldn't help but think of the mysterious cartoonist.

Everyone is looking forward to what his third work will be.

At this time, Shen Hui was leisurely staying in the military camp on the front line.

In this season, according to the practice of previous years, soldiers are usually patrolling in groups, guarding against those ferocious beasts that are constantly wandering in the wild.

But today it is not needed, as long as a small amount of Shadow Clone is on duty in the wild is enough.

After experiencing that unprecedented beast tide, the front line has never had any chance to fight during this period of time.

Under this boredom, the army organized competitions for self-entertainment.

It's like a sports meeting.

Those who practice light kung fu, those who know Fengshen legs, and those who understand Shunpo...these compete and run together.

Those who spit fireballs, water jets and other fancy abilities have created a bunch of weird competitions.

What is being held right now is a competition for lung capacity.

The two soldiers stood opposite each other.

Following the referee's order, one soldier spit out raging flames, while the other spit out a violent gust of wind.

Two people, one Fire Style, one Wind Style, facing each other.

Lie Yan was stopped by the strong wind and kept swaying.

The two skills are comparable, stalemate in the middle of the field, if the wind weakens, the flames will break through the restraint in an instant, and if the fire fades away, the strong wind will take the flames away in a circle.

The onlookers booed one after another, standing aside and cheering for the two of them.

At the same time, in a tent on the side of the venue, Shen Hui was looking at the Heavenly Dao system.

After such a long time, in the comment area of ​​the previous two comics, there are now all readers urging them to update.

Faced with this enthusiasm, Shen Hui also felt a little restless.

"Forget it, let's turn white."

Shen Hui casually clicked on the Tiandao system, and a new comic instantly entered the new library of the Tiandao system.

"I haven't gone back yet, you can't blame me if there is no content in the manga..."

Shen Hui stretched, opened the curtain and walked out of the tent.

At the same time, countless people in the Great Xia Kingdom also received the news instantly.

The sharp notification tone that hadn't sounded again for a long time made many people stunned.

They opened the Tiandao manga in disbelief, and screamed excitedly when they saw the eye-catching prompt.

"Oh my god! Is this manga artist finally updated?"

"What? What? Update? Isn't it over?"

"No, no, it's not an update, he has opened a new work!"

In the streets and alleys, there was an instant bustle from the previous quiet and peaceful.

All those who tell the news have established the Heavenly Dao System.

These people also saw the eye-catching name almost at the same time.

"Feng Shen Yan Yi"!

"Is this his new comic? Feng Shen Yan Yi? It sounds like a big scene?"

"I can't wait! Now I want to read comics, no one can do it!"

In various places in the Great Xia Kingdom, countless people put down their work at the same time and opened this comic.

Everyone wants to see this comic that people have been waiting for a long time for the first time.

Even in some classrooms.

The teacher was still on the podium to talk about the changes and influences of "Hokage Ninja" on Daxia Kingdom.

However, when he knew that the new work was released, he threw down the textbook and hurriedly said to the students.

"It's time for today's class, now open Tiandao comics, let's watch this cartoonist's new work together!"

Countless people are crazy because of Shen Hui's update, but many people who follow Shen Hui overseas, after learning the news, are full of resentment and helplessness.

"He! Why did he start a new work again?"

"How long will it take for our military to be ready? Can't wait until this comic of his works!"

As soon as the leader of the lighthouse country heard the news, he hurriedly asked these senior officials in the country about the progress.

There is no way, in his opinion, this moment is just a blank period for the growth of Great Xia Kingdom's strength.

If Shen Hui's third comic also makes waves in Daxia, then it will be hard to say what will happen next.

It's not just the Grand Commander who is watching Shen Hui.

Even Yang Hao, who had already settled down in the Dai Empire, saw the reminder at this time.

Yang Hao has been paying attention to the news of Shen Yan for this opponent whom he has decided in his heart that he wants to take revenge.

However, unlike others, he did not click on Shen Hui's comics.

Yang Hao focused his eyes on the thick stack of manuscript paper in his hand.

"Soon, soon, when my cartoon is finished, the whole world will know who is the stronger cartoonist!"

All parts of the world are boiling because of Shen Hui's action of releasing a new work.

Countless people opened Shen Hui's cartoon either excitedly or resentfully.

However, all they saw was a blank screen and the four characters of "Feng Shen Yan Yi".

Other than that, nothing else.

The readers of Great Xia Kingdom were instantly stunned.

Even the leader of the Lighthouse Kingdom froze in place.

"What the hell? Is this a new work? Just a cover? Or black and white?"

"What's going on with this artist? I thought he'd changed his gender? Now it turns out that every cover can be broken?"

"Damn it! The cover is broken, so terrifying! This cartoonist is really a little genius!"

"It's the first time I've seen someone publish a work on Tiandao comics, but only uploaded a cover!"

"It's my first time too... But don't we, as a manga artist, still have a few firsts?"

Countless Great Xia readers were overwhelmed by Shen Hui's surprise operation.

Even the leader of the Beacon Country didn't know how to react to this situation.

Let's be happy, after all, they have released a new work, and it should be updated normally soon.

Let's say he's not happy. After all, he didn't release any substantive content this time. After all, he gave the Lighthouse Country some more time to prepare.

However, Shen Hui is also a well-known figure in Tiandao comics after all, and his every move has countless people watching.

The people of Great Xia Kingdom knew about Shen Hui's broken chapters in the past. Although they were surprised by this kind of thing, it made them confirm that the cartoonist is still the same as before.

Hey, yes, that's the smell.

But foreigners do not understand this behavior.

They mocked Shen Hui for only uploading one cover.

"Is this cartoonist out of ink? Just uploaded a cover? I'm so laughing!"

The cartoonists in the Great Xia Kingdom seem to be really bad. The first two comics should have been pieced together, and they should have no inspiration by now.

"That's right, this kind of cartoonist can't go far at all, and he can only rely on his old capital."

Shen Hui's new work has been badly received by foreign readers.

Almost everyone thought that he had exhausted his talents and could not draw anything at all, so he only uploaded a cover.

These people even specially celebrated for this reason.

When Shen Hui pushed open the curtain and came out.

The entire barracks was also in chaos.

Countless soldiers received the reminder and shouted one after another.

After the others heard it, they also opened the Tiandao manga.

As a result, it didn't take long for the scene to boil up.

"Damn it! What happened to this cartoonist? He uploaded a cover?"

"How could someone do such a thing?"

"I'm convinced! Don't let me know who this cartoonist is..."

With the noise of these people around, the two contestants who were in Belgium in the middle of the field were also a little lost.

Especially when they heard words such as "manga" and "new work", one of the contestants couldn't control his ability for a while.

The whole scene was out of control in an instant.

The strong hurricane disturbed in an instant, and it collapsed directly.

Lie Yan, who had lost its hindrance, suddenly rushed out at this moment.

The flame, which was more than ten meters long, instantly lit up the entire surrounding area.

And the target that the flames were facing was Shen Hui who had just walked out of the tent!

Shen Hui glanced at it in surprise.

You don't need such a warm welcome, do you?

He didn't think much about it, because Lie Yan's speed was extremely fast, like a mass of red air flow,

arrived in front of him.

Until this time, the surrounding soldiers gradually came to their senses.

"Not good! Stop!"

"There's someone there, that's the commander's fiancé! Quickly remove the skill!"

"It's broken! It's too late! Who knows medical ninjutsu? Hurry up and get ready!"

The faces of these soldiers turned pale from the shock of this instant change.

Even if the person opposite is not their commander's fiancé, these people are unwilling to do such a thing.

Although the incident this time was an accident, it was caused by them after all, and this sense of guilt made all the soldiers feel uncomfortable.

But at this time, facing the billowing flames rushing towards his face, Shen Hui seemed to be frightened in the eyes of others, and his footsteps did not move at all.

When the flames approached, the flames almost licked his hair.

Shen Hui stretched out a palm gently....

"Earth Style! Earth Flow Wall"

A light drink was spat out from Shen Hui's mouth.

The ground in front of him changed instantly.

A huge rock-soil wall instantly grew from the ground.

The walls are several meters thick, and the field is several meters long! Put Shen Hui and the tent behind him together in the back.

The thick flame instantly hit the newly formed wall, making a loud noise.

The caster had already reacted at this time, and hurriedly withdrew his skills.

When the flames dissipated, what appeared in front of all the soldiers was a thick defense line like a city wall.

The black scorched marks on the rock and soil wall are still reminding them that everything just now is not illusory.

These soldiers were shocked on the spot by this series of events.

"This...what the hell happened just now?"

"I remember, isn't Xiaolin's aggressive move out of control?"

"Who sent this Earth Style move? The reaction is so fast? If it weren't for this skill, I'm afraid the commander's fiancé would have an accident today!"

"It's too dangerous, but it should be the skill issued by the commander's fiancé just now, right? There is no one else in that place?"

As soon as the words came out, other talents immediately recalled, because all the soldiers had already gathered for this sports meeting.

But at this time, Shen Hui was the only one in that direction.

In other words, it is impossible for that skill to be issued by other people.

When they realized this, these soldiers were even more shocked.

"What kind of strength is he? How can he block my fire so easily?"

"What is the background of this person? Shouldn't such a strong person be an unknown person?"

"As expected of the commander's fiancé, it would be abnormal to not have such strength."

"That's right..."

The soldiers recalled the identity of this person, and after thinking about how terrifying Yulongyan's true strength was, they had a glimpse of Shen Hui's strength.

That's right, the so-called right family, how could Yulongyan, as the Great Xia Valkyrie, find a good-for-nothing to be her fiancé?

From this point of view, it is the most normal for Shen Hui to have this kind of strength.


"What is his identity?"

A similar question popped up in the hearts of almost all soldiers.

In their opinion, a person with this kind of strength should not be so unknown in the Great Xia Kingdom. In any case, they should be able to see him in many newspapers.


Although now, the overall strength of the people of Khotan has undergone a rapid change.

But after all, this is the front-line soldier with the highest combat power, and everyone knows the power of the extinguishing fire.

And Shen Hui's understated defense made these people even more amazed.

After a few seconds, Shen Hui waved his hand, and the entire rock-earth wall sank into the ground in an instant, returning to its original state.

This light-weight control made these soldiers even more curious about Shen Hui.

Shen Hui didn't mean to explain. After he figured out what was going on, he originally wanted to continue watching the soldiers' sports meeting.

However, after these twists and turns, these soldiers have no idea of ​​continuing to manage.

In desperation, everyone returned to their posts and refreshed repeatedly in Tiandao comics.

After Yulongyan came to the front line, she dealt with matters for several days in a row, including making arrangements for the area that was suspected to be a stronghold of ferocious beasts.

It's just that these things don't require the two of them to do it themselves.

After staying for a few days, the two returned to Xilin City hand in hand.

This trip, like a newlywed honeymoon, gradually heated up the relationship between the two, and they became more casual in getting along.

During the journey this time, Shen Hui surprised Yulongyan again.

Whether it was the sudden shot in the dense forest that pulled her back from danger, or the subconscious show of her hand in the barracks later, Yulongyan felt a little uncomfortable


She had heard reports from the soldiers afterward.

The detailed process of that incident made her beautiful eyes sparkle non-stop.

When did Shen Hui become so powerful?

It seems that when he was not around, he must have read the comics for a long time.

With such emotions and doubts, the two returned to Xilin City.

After returning home, Shen Hui relaxed for a while, then took out a paintbrush and began to draw the third comic.

This trip made him feel relieved.

Whether it's the snacks from various places or the unique beasts in this world, they all make him feel novel.

After that, Shen Hui also focused on his own work.

During the time he was immersed in drawing comics, the Lighthouse Kingdom finally completed their preparations.

One hundred thousand soldiers are standing densely on the sea next to the Lighthouse Country.

If you look carefully, you can find that they are actually standing on the backs of sea beasts of different shapes.

Some are shaped like sharks, while others are like octopuses.

Sea beasts have different forms. After all, after experiencing the previous beast tide, sea beasts were hit on a large scale.

Countless sea beasts died in that war.

It is simply impossible to find the same species on this scale offshore at this time.

Although it looks a little messy and not neat enough, it is enough.

Standing on the high platform next to him, the commander-in-chief looked at the 100,000 troops that almost covered the entire sea area, and his heart was full of pride.

When has there ever been an army of this magnitude over the sea?

Each of these people can act as a warship.

This is the best time. Before other countries have similar skills, the Lighthouse Country can expand rapidly by virtue of this advantage.

The Grand Commander stood on the stage, waved his big hand, and pointed his arm to the east.

"Lighthouse Fleet! Attack!".

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