The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 96: Great Results! Bring The Fear Of The Expeditionary Army!

" did you do this?"

Yulongyan looked at Shen Hui in disbelief, this man seemed to be very mysterious in her heart at this moment.

She never thought that Shen Hui would release such a skill so lightly.

With this powerful ability, Shen Hui's future can be said to be bright, and the Great Xia Kingdom will always have a place for him.

"Of course I learned it from reading comics. Read it a few times, and you will know everything."

Shen Hui spread his hands and explained casually.

However, his words made countless soldiers behind him widen their eyes.

"Nimma? After reading it a few times, everything will become clear? Is this what people say?"

"If it's that simple, I can wipe out the babies with just one Shenluo Tianzheng, and it will save them from screaming every day.

"By the way, who the hell is he? Why haven't I heard of such a person when I was in China?"

These soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom became curious about Shen Hui's identity.

Because Shen Hui comprehended the powerful ‘Planetary Devastation’!

Of course it doesn't stop there.

The Tiandao manga in this world depends on many complicated conditions to comprehend it.

Especially the more powerful the skill is, the harder it is to comprehend.

And if one can comprehend this top-level ability, it proves that this person is not bad in other aspects.

So here comes the problem.

How could such a person with unlimited potential and talent not have a reputation for such a long time?

In the previous incidents in the Great Xia Kingdom, Xiao Peng, Sheng Jie and others had already become well-known youth idols at this time.

In order to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, countless people read comics day and night.

I only hope that one day I can realize the powerful ability and stand with these idols.

However, Shen Hui seems to be a little too low-key.

But he didn't explain much, he couldn't tell them that I drew this cartoon, right?

However, these people have now diverted their attention.

They are standing on this seaside now, looking at the ruins in the distance, and the huge stone ball in the ruins.

"Now... what else are we going to do?"

"It seems that there is nothing to do?"

"I don't believe it, how dare you come out to find trouble in such a situation?"

Even Yulongyan felt a little worried when faced with this scene.

Originally prepared to fight the enemy for 300 rounds, it ended with one move.

This sudden sense of emptiness made everyone feel at a loss.

In desperation, Yulongyan had no choice but to ask the country what to do next.

Just ten or so minutes after this incident happened, the Daiying Empire also received this shocking news.

In other words, people all over the world have received this message.

The city suffered heavy casualties in an instant, but after all, some people who were farther away survived.

They looked at the disaster in front of them in confusion, and in the midst of pain and despair, they took pictures of this tragic scene.

Now, the baby-carrying queen was watching the video, only the ruins remained, and her mind went black for a while.

"How did this happen? How did the Great Xia Kingdom have such strength?"

"Even when fierce beasts attacked the city, this castle still persisted, and now it is destroyed like this..."

"What kind of ability is this?"

The queen's voice was a little weak, and she no longer looked down on the world like before.

The intelligence personnel below were even more panic-stricken.

He also didn't understand at all why the Great Xia Congress had such power beyond expectations.

But after the incident, he soon found the source of the skill.

The skills in this world all come from Tiandao comics, and all skills have their origins.

"Your Majesty...this skill seems to be from the comics of the Great Xia Kingdom, it's called Planetary Devastation'

When the queen heard this, her arms trembled, and she asked with some resentment.

"Since it is a skill in the Great Xia Kingdom comics, why didn't you be careful before? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The official wiped the sweat from his forehead and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, we have also investigated before, and it seems that no one in the Great Xia Kingdom has ever comprehended this ability..."

"So you think this is a skill that is impossible to comprehend?"

The queen with an angry look on her face, as if all this was caused by her subordinates' poor handling of affairs.

However, she forgot that she had the same dismissive attitude towards Great Xia before.

"Great Xia Kingdom... How much more of this ability will there be?"

After the queen was hit this time, she suddenly thought of the baby-carrying expeditionary force far away on the other side.

She said with some hesitation: "If the Great Xia Kingdom has such power in its own country..."

Although the queen didn't say anything, the subordinates already understood what she meant.

But after a while, the official trembled all over, as if thinking of something, he trembled and said in a crying voice.

"Your Majesty, the fleet is currently on the high seas..... can't be contacted at all..."

The Queen instantly recalled that she had just issued an order not long ago.

The order to let the fleet go to the Great Xia Kingdom regardless of everything.

Originally, in the queen's mind, there was no problem with such a thing. Even on the endless Wang Yang, no one dared to have any thoughts about the fleet with thiamine.

But now, after seeing the terrifying power of the Planetary Devastation, the queen was a little scared.

She was afraid that there would be such a powerful ability user in the Great Xia Kingdom. In this kind of war, once such a super-standard combat power existed, the situation of the entire war would change in an instant.

"No! No! If there are such powerful transcendents in Great Xia Kingdom, there is no need for them to come here!"

The queen has been in office for ten years and has experienced countless ups and downs. This problem did not break her down at all, but made her react instantly.

"Yes, that's right, You Zhongguo came to us to intimidate us with this skill!"

Only in this way can we withdraw the fleet. "

If I'm right, there must be a lot of restrictions on this skill, it's impossible to activate it casually, otherwise, the Great Xia Kingdom should have occupied the world long ago. "

The logic of bandits is always the same as that of bandits. After a brief analysis, the Queen of Carrying Babies believed that the Great Xia Kingdom used this rare ability to deter bandits.

It's good to let Dai Ying retreat.

If there were such transcendent beings, they would have attacked everywhere in an attempt to occupy the world.

Therefore, the queen who brought the baby was relieved instead of pushing others by herself.

The power of the ‘Planetary Devastation’ is simply too powerful, and the terrifying ruins all demonstrate this.

Anyone who sees this video feels chills all over their body.

Although there is no whole process of skill release, those who have good intentions found out the materials in the comics and sent them out.

"What? Planetary Devastation can absorb everything around it?"

"So, how many corpses were squeezed into that stone ball?"

"Human beings are so fragile, just such a skill can destroy them all in an instant..."

"Great Xia Kingdom is really terrible, this country can never be underestimated..."

Countless small neutral countries have no interest relationship between the two, and they have always been watching the whole thing.

When the fleet with ying set off, these people were still feeling that the Congress Building would be destroyed just like that.

And after that, before the fleet with babies arrived, the Great Xia Kingdom displayed such terrifying power.

This kind of power makes the people of these small countries feel cold hands and feet.

They can't imagine at all, if their country encounters this kind of skill, what should they do to escape the catastrophe.

At the same time, the fleet with ying didn't know about it.

They still looked at the endless sea in front of them with excited expressions.

It seems that there is endless wealth in front of them waiting for them to plunder.

Many soldiers even made bets in private.

"This time, let's compare and see who kills more!"

"Compare, who is afraid of whom, how many skills do you have?"

"Haha, on the battlefield, it's not just about skills, there are many other influences. When you lose, don't forget that your spoils will be mine!"

These soldiers completely regarded the wealth of the Great Xia Kingdom as their own, and even planned to conduct a killing contest.

After the entire fleet continued to sail for more than ten days, they finally merged with the fleet of the Lighthouse Kingdom.

"Hahaha, I have lost contact with you for so many days in the sea, but I can be regarded as meeting a friend!"

"Brothers, when shall we do it?"

"How was your time at sea?"

After the two fleets converged, they chatted like old friends.

Many people also ran to other warships to hold parties.

Both sides don't know what's going on in the outside world, and at this moment, they all look full of fantasy about the future.

"Hurry up, we've been floating on the sea for so long, hurry up to the Great Xia Kingdom, kill them and it's over!"

"Yeah, speed up, speed up!"

"There's not much left left, just work harder, we'll be there soon!"

After the two sides met, this urgent and belligerent mood was instantly ignited.

Anyone who has been floating in the sea for a month in a daze will feel anxious.

These people are even more anxious about the wealth that seems to be close at hand.

After discussing with the commanders of the two fleets, they also felt that it could not be delayed any longer.

Their desire for war surpassed those soldiers.

"After this battle, I'm afraid you will be promoted to Duke when you go back?"

"Hahaha, you are not bad, our family will not be bad in the future!"

The two commanders looked at each other, and then laughed.

The United Fleet speeded up again, and this position was not far from the building country.

When they urgently needed to sail for a day and a night, the fleet suddenly slowed down and stopped.

"What happened? What happened? Why did the boat stop?"

"Wait, not only our ship, but the entire fleet is stopped!"

"What's going on? Are you there yet?"

Affected by this strong inertia, many soldiers also discovered the problem. They rushed to the deck from the cabin, stuck their heads out and looked forward.

Then, everyone froze.

"That's... a soldier from the Great Xia Kingdom?"

"Are we here yet?"

"But what about their boat? Why are they standing on the sea like this?"

The soldiers on the fleet were amazed by what they saw.

In front of their eyes, the endless sea was densely packed and almost full of people.

And in the distant place behind those people, a vague shape of land can already be seen.

Although the soldiers didn't know why these people didn't use warships, but stood at sea instead, they were still excited when they saw the land.

"Run it over! Let's go straight to the boat


"What's Captain Fool doing? Why stop?"

"I don't believe that they can still resist warships with their bodies?"

There was a clatter of loudspeakers on the deck.

0...asking for flowers...

However, a long time has passed, and the fleet has not moved at all. This made these soldiers feel very puzzled.

"What's the matter? Why don't you sail?"

"It's all here, what are you waiting for?"

"Where's the captain? I'll go find the captain!"

Some soldiers who couldn't hold back rushed to the captain's room together.

They wanted to know what was going on, why the warship stopped even though countless credits were right in front of them.

When the door of the captain's room was broken open, these soldiers saw that their captain was also their commander, holding a mobile phone, looking at the painting on it with a pale face.


"What? Are you able to connect to the Internet?"

"The outside something going on these days?"

"Captain! What's the matter?"

The captain slowly raised his head, and the sweat beads on his face kept sliding down the wrinkles.

He tremblingly pointed at the mobile phone in his hand, but didn't say a word.

"What, this time, what else can happen?"

"Forget it, I'll see for myself."

These soldiers finally couldn't hold back, and took out their mobile phones to check them.

And when they turned on their mobile phones, the reminder tones rang endlessly.

Everyone who saw the news, his face turned from doubt at the beginning to shock, and finally turned into a look of fear.

"How could this be...that's my home..."

"Lily... We clearly agreed, we will go back to get married after this battle..."

" could the Great Xia Kingdom..."

The atmosphere that changed in an instant quickly spread in the boat.

More and more people have noticed the Internet, and they have turned on their mobile phones one after another, receiving news from their hometown.

At this moment, they realized why the fleet stopped suddenly at this time, why the captain seemed to be greatly stimulated even though wealth was right in front of them.


Because they also saw the terrifying news.

During the days when they continued to advance on the sea, the queen did not believe that the ability of 'Planetary Devastation' could be used without restriction, so they carried out several times later.

The result indeed verified her guess, this skill never appeared again later.

However, this does not mean that the Great Xia Kingdom has no other combat power.

The only ones left in the country were completely destroyed in just a few encounters.

After that, even the Great Xia Expeditionary Army destroyed several of their coastal cities one after another.

The scenes in the ruins seem to be records in hell.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the land area of ​​Daiying is very small, and these cities are the hometowns of many people.

The commander lost his composure just because he saw his own home that had been turned into rubble.

Countless soldiers gradually recognized the wreckage of their hometown or relatives from the images.

Their eyes were red, and they looked like violent beasts, full of anger and killing intent.

"Great Xia Kingdom! How dare they do such a thing?"

"Revenge! They must pay the price in blood!"

"If we hadn't left the country, how could the people of Great Xia succeed?"

"Despicable! So despicable!"

In fact, this is not the first time a similar scene has appeared. These people have done countless similar things in other countries in the past.

However, when the same situation came to them, these people were even more unacceptable.

Their anger is more of a stress response to having their authority challenged.

In the United Fleet, the people with horns looked angry, but the people in the lighthouse were not affected at all.

Allies? What does it matter to me if an ally is injured?

However, among the angry crowd, a large part also felt fear.

"No way, what if Xia Guo's strength is really that strong?"

"Didn't the notice come from the country? Why don't we withdraw it..."

These people are becoming more and more powerless to speak. Under such circumstances, if they say such words, they will undoubtedly be cast aside by their companions.

But at this moment, the entire fleet has been kidnapped by this kind of hatred.

After the captain calmed down, he looked at the building soldiers in front of him with eyes full of blood.

"Ship! Run them over!"

The fleet moved again, faster and faster, pulling the distance between the two closer and closer.

But at this time, they only saw that the countless Daxia people standing densely on the sea made some strange movements.

Then, there were slight ripples on the calm sea.

The waves rushed towards the Wenzhi Fleet against the direction of the coast.

Layer after layer.

The continuous waves are getting bigger and more urgent.

When the fleet was only a few thousand meters away from the soldiers of Daxia, the huge waves had already covered the top of their heads, completely blocking the sight of the fleet personnel.

That huge wave was like the sky tilting, sending out from the feet of the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom, rushing towards the fleet that came from afar.

"No! Turn around! It's not going to work like this!"

"It's too late... How can the Great Xia Kingdom have such natural disaster-level power?"

"No, it shouldn't be like this..."

The soldiers on the fleet looked at the monstrous waves with horror in their eyes.

Even after comprehending many skills, they are still just mortals.

And in the face of this kind of power that can be called a natural disaster, there is no way for ordinary people to resist the mountain...

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