The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 97: Annihilated? ! The Fear And Despair Of The Grand Commander!

The battle broke out extremely quickly, and it was only natural that it ended.

When this huge wave overturned all the infantry-carrying armed fleet, the normal battle had already come to an end.

The United Fleet lost more than half in an instant. When the huge wave passed, the people who barely survived the disaster just now no longer had the high-spirited appearance before.

Their faces were terrified, their palms were pale, and they were holding the handrails in the cabin tightly to stabilize their figures.

"Great Xia Kingdom... can actually drive natural disasters?"

"What chance do we have of winning?"

"This kind of enemy... is too scary..."

The soldiers seemed to have been doused with cold water face to face. After seeing the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom and almost beating them directly, this kind of complicated emotion came to their hearts in an instant.

When the original frenzy subsided, these talents recalled the destroyed hometown they had seen before the battle.

For a while, there was a whimpering cry from inside the cabin.

The sound seemed to be contagious, spreading rapidly, and the entire fleet was in a state of sadness after the world collapsed.

"No...I want to go home..."

"We simply cannot defeat an opponent like the Great Xia Kingdom."

"It's terrible. The military must be lying to us. They want us to die, so they deliberately say that Daxia is so weak."

The surviving soldiers were terrified by the tragedy that happened before them.

They no longer dare to continue to face the army of the Great Xia Kingdom.

In front of them, only a very small number of the soldiers on the sea who couldn't see the edge just took the initiative to attack, which has already caused such a result.

If they all swarmed up...  

Everyone can imagine that scene.

Under this huge threat, the United Fleet quickly began to try to turn the bow of the ship.

Even the captains of these warships are not concerned about those comrades who fell into the water at this moment.

Just kidding, I'm already dying, if I don't hurry up and run for my life at this time, I won't have the time to take care of other things.

The remaining half of the warships in the United Fleet were circling quickly on the sea. When the bow of the "Seven Nine Three" was adjusted, all the surviving soldiers felt as if they had escaped from the sky.

"Huh... finally turned around. I should be able to survive this time..."

"Great Xia Kingdom is really stupid, they just watched us turn around, and they didn't even stop us!"

"Hahaha, it's good to be stupid, when I go back this time, I will never come to Mansion Country again.

"Damn it, what are those lords in Congress doing day in and day out?"

After turning the direction, the whole fleet also had a sense of relaxation that escaped death.

The fleet began to speed up, using the maximum horsepower to directly push the speed to the highest level from zero.

Although doing so will make the ship consume more fuel, no one cares about this kind of thing anymore on this occasion.

Anyway, there are still many of their allies in front of them, and when they arrive at those places, they will have a lot of fuel.

Give or take.

It's impossible for these countries to be as strong as the Great Xia Kingdom without knowing it, right?

When the fleet turned around, the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom on the other side really didn't react much at first.

They looked at each other suspiciously, thinking that the enemy was trying to use some moves they hadn't seen before.

However, as time passed, these people gradually discovered something unusual.

"Isn't it? Are they going to run away?"

"Huh? This fleet has been running for two months, is it going to run away as soon as they meet each other?"

"Are you so cowardly with a whine?"

"I don't think so. If you are so timid, how dare they come to us?"


The soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom watched the movements of these warships on the battlefield and chatted curiously.

Amidst the discussions, many people even got a little impatient.

And when the fleet completes its turn and speeds up instantly, this meaning is almost obvious.

"Damn it, they're going to run away!"

"What's going on? This is the fleet with babies? It's so unbearable?"

"Don't run away! You have to stand up!"

"Ah, no, I can't let this group of people escape back, come all the way, how can I not treat them well?"

"Yes, otherwise, they will have to say that our etiquette is not in place when they go back."

Seeing that the fleet turned its direction, and obviously wanted to run, all the soldiers were a little impatient.

These people have seen all kinds of remarks made by the people on the Internet a long time ago.

Those messages were full of belittlement of the Great Xia Kingdom, and mixed with their bad intentions to come to war and plunder.

All the Daxia soldiers took a deep breath for this.

They made up their minds to completely defeat the opponent in this war.

Only in this way can they recognize their identities.

But now, after only meeting each other, the other party wants to run away, how can this work.

If they were to run away, these Daxia soldiers would probably be laughed at by their neighbors when they went home.

Commander Daxia, standing at the forefront of the team, looked at the figure of the fleet fleeing for his life in the distance, but he was not in a hurry.

He smiled slightly, turned around, and faced the countless Daxia soldiers behind him.

The commander stretched out his arms, raised his head slightly, and said loudly.

"Comrades! My friends are leaving, so what if I don't send them off?"

"Come on! In order to see off the fleet, let us fire the salute!"

Of course, the salute is not a real salute, and the commander is not a fool, how could he give the enemy that kind of friendly expression.

When his words came out, all the soldiers understood what he meant.

They looked at each other tacitly, and laughed at the same time.

The leading fleet that was fleeing for their lives still didn't know what happened behind them.

While increasing their speed to the fastest, they slumped on the ground with peace of mind.

This meeting left a deep shadow on the hearts of these young soldiers.

At this time, the people on the deck suddenly heard bursts of violent explosions behind them.

It was like the sound of a salute being fired.

It's just countless times bigger than that.

The sudden sound startled everyone, they ran to the back of the ship in a panic, and looked up.

"This... what is this?"

"It's's all over..."

"No, how could Great Xia do such a thing? They are going to the international court!"

"We've all come this far, and we're not out of range?"

All the soldiers who saw this scene were almost completely paralyzed at this time.

Their legs are weak, and they no longer have enough strength to support their bodies to stand.

Holding the railing on the deck tightly with both hands, he stared blankly at the shocking scene in the sky.

From everyone's point of view, several warships following them were bent and broken and were gradually sinking into the water.

The flames emitted thick black smoke, symbolizing that the warship was completely hopeless.

And the sound they heard just now came from the sound of these warships being hit.

How did it get hit?

These soldiers looked up at the sky, and the huge Great Fireballs that were as dazzling as the sun understood everything.

Countless hot and intense fireballs dragged a long tail, illuminating the entire space without any shadows.

This scene, like a shower of meteors and fire, made all the soldiers feel a little bit of despair.

"No, don't fall!"

"Don't fall!"

"Don't hit us!"

The soldiers could only do some weak prayers at the last moment.

However, the fire and rain covered the sky and rained down densely, and no one was spared, overturning all the remaining warships.

The fleeing fleet stopped moving after a brief struggle.

The violent explosion sounded throughout the sea area.

Black smoke billowed out from the damaged hull, leaving long black lines in the blue sky.

"Are you stretching your hips like this?"

"Where do they have the confidence to come to us at this level?"

"Hey, let's go, it's boring."

The soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom were a little bored.

This time, in order to deal with the joint attack of the baby-carrying and the lighthouse countries, the people of the Great Xia Kingdom spontaneously organized a team of hundreds of thousands of people.

It can be said that these people waited patiently for several days on this sea before finally waiting for the other party to come here.

However, a fierce battle did not break out, and the combined fleet was easily destroyed by the soldiers of the big country like paper.

More than 100,000 people did not get a chance to sell.

Now they are complaining, why is the opponent so weak.

If there are no other opponents in the future, wouldn't it be a waste of time to come this time?

In fact, a large part of the reason for this is the fleet with babies.

After owning the sequel of "Harry Boda", these soldiers can't be said to have no combat effectiveness at all.

Even if their skills are against some third- and fourth-tier beasts, it is enough.

However, modern warfare is no longer the kind of cold weapon development in ancient times.

The first important thing in modern warfare is long-range heavy firepower strikes.

The group of soldiers with the whistle stayed in the crowded cabin, and without such a powerful long-range attack method, they simply could not withstand the powerful firepower of the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom.

If the two sides are on land, and the distance is not so far away.

The result is still the same, but in that case, the soldiers with babies can cause some troubles to the Great Xia Kingdom.

In any case, this war ended in an anticlimactic manner.

The joint fleet of Daiying and Lighthouse Kingdom was completely wiped out by Great Xia Kingdom after such a face-to-face meeting.

Some lucky people who survived the artillery fire could only watch themselves fall into the sea in despair.

completely annihilated.

This news has not been spread, but there is no news but it is also news.

A few days after this war, countless nations began to have a great doubt.

"Why is there no news about the baby-carrying fleet that went to attack the Great Xia Kingdom?"

"Are they lost? There are so many people, and there is no wave at all?"

When someone raised this question, countless people also thought of the menacing baby-carrying fleet before.

The other party is full of spirits, as if the endless wealth in front of him is under his control.

However, after such a long time, no one knows the whereabouts of the fleet.

This terrifying situation made many people a little unbelievable.

"Could it be that their entire army was wiped out? That's why no news came out?"

"No way? A war of this scale would have to last for three or four days. Anyway, there should be some reports on the battle situation.

"Could it be that the Great Xia Kingdom wiped them all out in an instant?"

"That's too exaggerated..."

Everyone doesn't believe that the Great Xia Kingdom can do it

Such a thing.

That is the joint fleet of the two countries, Daiying and Lighthouse. In today's world situation, this kind of strength can almost go sideways.

No matter where the infantry-carrying fleet goes for supplies, the local supreme officer will send the supplies to 0...

They couldn't believe that the Great Xia Kingdom could wipe out all the opponents in a short period of time, even so fast that they couldn't convey the battle situation.

But in the lighthouse country on the other side of the ocean, the commander-in-chief has some bad thoughts about this situation.

Unlike others, because the commander has fought against the building country several times in the past.

Every time the results shocked him, he also felt unbelievable.

The power shown by the Great Xia Kingdom in one incident after another is getting stronger and stronger.

It was in order to curb this trend that the commander-in-chief would make a special trip to lead the country and make such a joint effort between the two countries to curb the development of the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, now, the two fleets have no news at all.

The commander-in-chief already had guesses in his mind.

In the previous several attacks, the soldiers of the Lighthouse Kingdom were all annihilated in the end.

This time, there would be no other possibility.

The commander-in-chief was slumped on the chair, his hands hanging in the air, exuding an extremely decadent aura.

It was like the state of Yang Hao when he expelled Yang Hao after the failure of the last incident.

The same disheartened, the same hopeless.

The previous expectation was no longer on the face of the Grand Commander.

Now his expression is already very powerless and decadent.

"Call the General Headquarters..."

The commander said a word softly, put his hands on his cheeks, and sighed softly.

The secretary in the room didn't dare to take a breath, and after a soft reply, he walked out of the doctor nervously.

Not long after, several military leaders in military uniforms walked in together.

And at this time, they still don't know what happened.

"Commander, what's the matter? If it's about the fleet, we haven't received relevant information yet.

In their view, the strength of the fleet of the Lighthouse Kingdom has made great progress after it united with the Daiying Empire.

The Great Xia Kingdom has no way to face such a powerful force like them.

Although the fleet is now in a state of being out of contact, it is just some unexpected circumstances. Maybe their soldiers have already landed on the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, after hearing his words, the commander-in-chief glanced at them with some disappointment.

"It's at this time, you still can't tell the situation? Don't you know what happened?"

"There is no news about our fleet so far, they have undoubtedly been wiped out by the Great Xia Kingdom.

"Now, you are responsible for this war!"

The commander's tone was light, as if a little weak.

However, the things stated in these words were extremely heavy, which made these military leaders stunned on the spot.

A slightly younger officer's face was flushed, and he didn't believe what the commander said at all.

Holding a breath, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Impossible! Our soldiers will never be defeated so easily!"

"Commander! Before the matter is clear, you will have to pay for such rumors that damage morale!"

In a panic, the young official refuted the commander in person.

However, it exceeded everyone's expectations.

The commander-in-chief didn't make any violent reaction, but just stayed in the chair for a few seconds.

He smiled self-deprecatingly and said.

"There is no need to say anything about the situation now. This war has completely failed, and I am not qualified to continue to be the commander of the Lighthouse Country. 0.0 I will tell Congress

, and tendered his resignation. "

In the previous incidents, a large number of innocent people and soldiers were killed and injured in the Lighthouse Country.

Since then, a large group of people began to gather to impeach the general.

This kind of boiling public opinion was dispelled by the sequel of "Harry Boda".

But that's only temporary.

As long as the outcome of this incident is announced, the Grand Commander will face an unimaginable failure this time.

Several consecutive operations have brought the Beacon Country to this point, and countless people have even died in the process.

The strength of the lighthouse country has also come down from its peak.

In this situation alone, the Grand Commander is no longer allowed to continue to rule the Beacon Country.

That's why he said what he just said.

The commander-in-chief is now a little disheartened.

Under the successive blows, he has lost his pride as the leader of the Lighthouse National Congress.

Ignoring these senior military officials, the general walked out of the office lonely, without looking back.

On the other side of the ocean, Dai Ying had a completely different reaction to this incident.

After several firepower strikes by Daxia soldiers, several cities along the coast of Daiga have basically been destroyed.

Carrying a baby from top to bottom is a strong emotion of fear.

Especially after the fleet in front has not sent back any news so far.

Some were eliminated from the conscription before, and now they have escaped several missions to attack the Great Xia army.

At this time, they all had a kind of sincere gratitude.

"Huh... Fortunately, I was not chosen at the time, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been feeding sharks in the sea by now...

"Hey, that little Jack from the house next door, I envied him to go to Daxia Kingdom. Now I can only sweep his grave..."

After several people gathered together and talked about the recent events, they all looked very preoccupied.

Everyone lost the high-spirited posture they had before the war.

Like an eggplant beaten by frost, it can no longer be supported. .

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