The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 178: A Summary of the Summer Camp Harvest

Lin Xiao glanced at Shen Yuexin, she shrugged and said:

"I don't mind, you can make up your mind."

Looking at Lin Xu again, he spread his hands and said that he had no objection. Lin Xiao knew in his heart. He looked up at many students around him in a temporary larger team, and said to them:

"Then come over."

It's just a ride, no problem at all.

But instead of sitting on this magic flying carpet with them, they had their own flying tool, a small wooden sailboat that flew in the air and looked very delicate, and the speed was not slow.

The huge magic flying carpet can sit on dozens of people, and three people sitting on it is extremely empty. This flying carpet is attached with magic enchantment. During the high-speed flight, there is no wind blowing at all. Shen Yuexin sits on it slowly. I politely took out a small coffee table, a few cushions, and some tea sets, and started to make tea on it.

And Lin Xu also took out a small table and a large plate filled with fresh fruits.

"I lost it, can I still prepare for this."

Lin Xiao felt that he was just a soft-shelled turtle with nothing on him. If he was alone, he would have to cross the wilderness on two legs to reach his destination.

Well, it's okay to fly. As a senior divine creature with four points of divinity, it can fly.

After drinking a few sips of tea, Lin Xiao wanted to chat with Shen Yuexin, but there was a light bulb next to it that was not suitable, so he coughed and gave up after thinking about it, and looked outside.

They are now located on an endless barren land. The ground is sparsely growing with some unknown gray or black weeds, one on the east and one on the west, and occasionally there are some crooked-necked small trees entwined with vines. It was flat and barren, and even weeds did not grow big, not to mention any creatures. It was dozens of kilometers away without seeing a living thing.

Looking up, there was a dazzling aurora at the end of the wasteland in the direction they came, and black dots flew from that direction to other places, which were the aircraft of other teams.

Looking at the other directions, the sky was gloomy, and the dark clouds gathered and thick lightning exploded from time to time, as if it were about to rain.

This doesn't really mean that it will rain. The black pressure is not dark clouds. It's just that the nearby space is weak, the plane's crystal wall rupture plane source force leaks, and the void energy of the broken place oppresses the abnormality of the standard plane's rules.

This situation gradually eased as it flew to the depths of the plane, and the sky slowly became clearer. Even though it was still a barren wasteland below, the plants were more luxuriant, and occasionally small animals appeared.

After flying for about a hundred kilometers, a big river appeared in front of them. One side of the small river was a wasteland, and the other side was steep. The green eyes came into view. The two banks of the small river seemed to be two different worlds.

The magic flying carpet crossed the big river at an altitude of two to three kilometers. There is a small town by the river ten kilometers up the big river. From the high altitude, you can see the towns and villages farther away, as well as one built in the sky. An ancient castle on top of a mountain peak.

That old castle is the fief of a vampire lord, and it is also an object that needs to be destroyed, but it is not their mission, and their target location is still far away.

Although this plane is a broken plane, the predecessor of this plane fragment was a very large plane with a very, very large area. Even a broken plane fragment has an area between the medium and large planes. between.

The flying speed of the magic flying carpet is quite fast. The top speed has exceeded 500 kilometers per hour. They spent more than a day crossing several thousand kilometers westward to the destination marked on the map.

The magic flying carpet stopped at the top of a lonely mountain standing on the plain. The five people who came with them separated from them and flew north. They went south and east was the direction they came from, about one or two hundred kilometers. Far away is their destination in the ancient city, and I don't know if they have arrived yet.

The task is simple to say, kill the vampire lord and many high-quality vampire demigods in the designated area, as well as the vampire church.

On the magic flying carpet, Lin Xiao expanded the virtual map and zoomed in, pointing to several places marked with cities, towns and castles and said:

"Let's split our way to explore these three places first, see which vampire lords and nobles are nearby, find out their strength and distribution of forces, and wait until we come back to do it again, how about?"


Lin Xu casually drew a circle on the virtual map:

"I'll explore this side."

Lin Xiao pointed at Lin Xu's side and looked at Shen Yuexin's delicate face and said:

"Then I will look over here, and I will leave the rest to you."


The three agreed that Lin Xu first got a skateboard and flew out. Lin Xiao walked directly off the magic flying carpet, consuming a small amount of faith and stepping on the void.

Shen Yuexin raised his eyebrows slightly behind him, stopped him and asked:

"Why don't you use projectiles?"

He embarrassed:


She wondered:

"Why didn't you buy one at the base before?"

"I don't want the bad ones, and the good ones can't afford it."

She stretched out her hand to caress her forehead, her face was speechless, turned over from her pocket, took out a slap-sized little wing and handed it to him:

"Here, this is my little nephew's toy, let's make do with it."

"what is this?"

"There is this one too!"

He took the two little things thrown with a look of confusion and looked around, Shen Yuexin suddenly covered his mouth and snickered, and said nothing, the magic flying carpet flew away.


Seeing the far away shadow on the flying carpet, he retracted his hand to reconsider this plastic angel wing and another mighty and exaggerated but equally plastic sword... handle, he couldn't help but see a line of small characters under the wings. Whispered:

"Angel wings, please give me the power to fly into the sky!"

Just after reciting a little bit of shame, the little plastic wings in his hand shone sharply and turned into a white streamer and plunged into him. In the next second, there was a bright light behind him, and a pair of radiant feathers grew from behind. When he came out, he only thought about it, and the wings of light gently slapped him with a huge force, urging him to rush out hundreds of meters with a white stream of light.

"I'm going, are there such kid toys now!"

He can feel that this angel wing is a very good magic item, with constant high flying technique, light feather and light technique, constant protection from evil, constant faith shield, angel incarnation once a day, and other dazzling special effects, It looks very gorgeous.

Looking at the exaggerated toy sword hilt in the hand, there is also a line of small characters on it:

"Angel's sword, please give me the power to eradicate evil!"

As soon as the words of shame fell, a dazzling light from the hilt of the sword stretched out into a huge cross lightsaber.

Angel's sword: constant power of the four-ring priest divine art Sacred, constant destruction of enchantments, constant powerful expulsion magic, 10 blazing blows a day, 10 healings a day, destruction 3 times a day, and resurrection once a day Surgery.

"Good guy, there are resurrection techniques. Is this a child's toy?"

This pair of wings, the sword on the Aboriginal plane, can be regarded as a heritage treasure of certain churches. With these two things, you can completely pretend to be an angel.

The constant spell representative has been in effect, and Lin Xiao's heart moved, turning into a white streamer and flying towards the distance.

The flying speed of advanced flying technique is quite fast, and the speed of the magic flying carpet in Shen Yuexin's hand is about the same. It is estimated that the constant speed of her luxurious flying carpet is also advanced flying technique.

The area he divided is located on the north side of a large river of more than 100 meters. The terrain here is slightly lower. There are several small villages in Yihe, and many farmlands have been reclaimed. Many indigenous humans in sackcloth are bending over and working in the fields. .

From the perspective of houses and indigenous clothing, the world’s production level is still in the Middle Ages. Simple wooden ploughs are used and only two buffaloes are used for farming.

He saw a family of four plowing a field. A middle-aged man with rough, cracked skin and a bowed back was bent over and pulled the plow. The son was pushing behind him, and he was plowing the field with manpower.

There was a table on a wide field dam not far away. A pale-faced man was lying on a chair, drinking water and eating, occasionally pointing a whip at the farmer in the distant field and yelling. The two on the side saw that one of the peasant girls was pinching his feet and the other was fanning.

"What an evil ancient society!"

The overseer was a blood servant with a pale face. The so-called blood servant was a servant of a vampire, or an incompletely transformed vampire, who also had the characteristic of not liking the sun, and was the right-hand man of the vampire.

This overseer must have nothing to do with his right-hand man, but the same Damn it.

Lin Xiao swung his sword unceremoniously, and a white beam of light fell from the sky and blew the blood servant who was enjoying it, instantly turning it into a fireball and burning it into ashes.

Two peasant girls screamed in horror, standing still at a loss.

Killing this guy doesn't change anything, but he just looks upset and kills it first.

Quickly flying over this farmland, Lin Xiao came to a castle built on the edge of a hill. This is a small castle. It is probably the territory of a little vampire nobleman. He just arrived, and suddenly a blood shadow burst out of the castle and turned into a cloak. The figure in the black robe looked up to the sky and found him.

The two sides looked at each other from a distance for a few seconds, and Lin Xiao turned around without saying a word.

This is just a little vampire, who has just entered the Transcendent level. It can be easily killed even without summoning his subordinates. It just doesn't make sense to kill it now. Mark it first and talk about it next time.

Next, Lin Xiao turned hundreds of kilometers away, and checked the nearby towns and castles, especially the castles inhabited by vampire nobles. It took two days to return to the meeting point. Lin Xu has returned and Shen Yuexin has returned. Didn't come back.

The two of them put together a piece of information to be explored on the virtual map to complete the map, and by the way, they talked about where to start first.

There are no big lords here in Lin Xiao, there is only a small town and two small castles, which is not difficult.

Lin Xu is the same, there are four small castles of vampire nobles, two small towns, and there are no big ones either.

Now only waiting for Shen Yuexin to return, the vampire lord in this area is probably on her side.

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