The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 179 Divine Harvest

Check your existing cards, even if you add the cards drawn before, there are only eleven left. They are the two-star mythical spell ring, the three-star rare quality Jackal Assassin card, the two-star whiteboard summoning card to summon the wolf, four stars. The rare quality skill card slashes the ground, the three-star rare quality summons ten barrels of alchemical gunpowder, and the three-star epic quality bed crossbow card summons five ballistas.

These are the ones that are of little value, and the rest are useless garbage, which can only be decomposed as nutrients.

Now the question is, how to merge a suitable powerful card from these eleven cards?

Lin Xiao squeezed his chin and thought for a long time, just these limited cards are not unified yet, it seems that nothing good can be combined without fusion.

To be precise, a card that is too strong cannot be blended.

"Or...can do this?"

The Jackal Assassin adds the skill to Split Earth, and the two merge to become the Jackal Assassin with this skill.

Or integrate the Earth Slash into that four-star rare heavy infantry card, so that it has this skill.



Lin Xiao looked at some of the cards and a strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind, squinted for a moment, and said:

"Can you give it a try?"

Just do it, he first picked up the two-star mythical quality spell ring. This card is sealed with a magic ring, with a second-level spell—second-level monster summoning (enhanced), which can be used 20 times a day , Each time a small group of second-level monsters are summoned.

Although it is a mythical quality, it can only summon second-level monsters, which is a bit tasteless.

But what if you change it?

Lin Xiao had a bold idea in his heart. He first summoned the two constellation wolf card.....

"Wait a minute, or it can be like this."

He put the wolf summoning card away, took out another jackal assassin card, and then took out the alchemy gunpowder summoning card and threw it into the cube space, decomposed the cards, and then merged, according to his imagination, put the jackal assassin on him Remove all weapons and equipment, and then carry a bucket of alchemical gunpowder on each.

So, a summoning card that can summon a self-explosive assassin with a barrel of explosives came out.

But this was not enough. He took out the magic ring card and threw it into the good fortune cube, and then threw all the remaining junk cards into it to decompose into nutrients, taking the magic ring as the core, and summoning the magic ring second- The level monster summons spells to eliminate, and instead becomes a summoning self-explosive assassin.

Then all the garbage cards are decomposed into nutrient enhancements, and finally a three-star mythical quality card-the self-destructive assassin is obtained.

Effect: Summon twenty self-explosive assassins who are not afraid of Death, and use them ten times a day.

At this point, the sixth position of Lin Xiao's combat deck has been filled, and accordingly he has no other cards in his hand except these six cards.

Twenty once, two hundred ten times, two hundred sneaky assassins who explode...


Lin Xiao chose to match his opponent for the fifth time with secret thoughts.

This time the speed was very fast, he had already matched his opponent in less than half a minute, and he observed his opponent the first time he entered the plane.

"Two thousand jackals, one thousand goblins, three thousand kobolds? There is a lot of cannon fodder."

But his attention was quickly attracted by a ten-meter-high stone figure standing behind him. It turned out to be a large-scale granite puppet with a sixth-order Transcendent level. The whole body was made of granite, and it was hard to say.

However, this was not the strongest. Lin Xiao quickly saw that behind the granite puppets, there was a huge battalion of crossbow carts. A hundred crossbow carts lined up, and the sharp arrows exuded the cold light of metal.

"This lineup is a bit solid!"

According to the paper lineup, this opponent needs at least four five-star cards to evacuate an army of this size. It is estimated that all five-star cards will be selected at the beginning.

It was quite difficult for Lin Xiao to deal with it in the last round, and he might lose if he didn't pay attention, but this time it was different.

When the battle began, the huge formation on the opposite side began to advance, but Lin Xiao ordered the army to stay still. Three hundred bear goblins and boar riders went around to attract the attention of the opponent. At the same time, he quickly summoned two hundred explosive assassins. Carrying the explosive barrel on its back, it enters a sneaking state and goes around to the left.

The opponent's main ballista was very slow, which gave him plenty of time.

The wild boar rider hung far from the ballista shooting range to attract the attention of his opponents. The sneaking self-explosive assassin quietly walked around from the other side to a short distance from the ballista. Lin Xiao ordered the entire army to charge, a huge mammoth with ten heads. The beast charge immediately attracted all the attention of the opponent, the ballista stopped, and a large number of auxiliary soldiers began to wind up.

Mervyn stared at the battlefield with his arms folded in midair. He was quite confident in his own lineup. As long as he defended the ballista battalion, no matter how powerful the enemy troop was, he would hate him.

Although this opponent's lineup is strong, it is also useless. The powerful bed crossbow is designed to defeat large creatures.

He didn't find the self-explosive assassins sneaking. At this time, they just descended on this virtual battlefield with a little consciousness. They didn't inherit the powerful strength of the divine creatures, and they couldn't see through the stealth stealth skills.

Therefore, when the ten wild horses in the front row slammed into the crowd of dog heads, Lin Xiao immediately ordered three hundred wild boar riders to charge towards the ballista camp to attract attention.

"Block them."

Mervyn immediately ordered a group of jackals guarding the ballista camp to rush up. At the same time, a yellow light flashed on the granite puppets located in the Chinese army, and a yellow light appeared on the boar rider, and the jackal was rushed up quickly. The person stopped and stopped.

Mervyn immediately took control of the granite puppets. The ten-meter-high rock giant raised his arms and slammed to the ground. With a'bang', the wild boar knights shook a circle of ripples, pulled out countless sharp stalagmites from the ground, and assassinated a few on the spot. Ten wild boar riders, the rest are also stuck and restricted.

"Hahaha, your cavalry..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The violent explosions one after another interrupted him, Mervin's face changed greatly, and he saw his most important ballista battalion plunged into a violent explosion.

One by one appeared from the sneak, holding a large barrel of powerful alchemical gunpowder and rushing into the ballista camp to detonate, but in less than ten seconds, the entire army of the 100 ballista battalion was wiped out, and the self-explosive assassin only appeared less than fifty. indivual.

"This is a bit powerful!"

Lin Xiao slapped his tongue and praised the flash of inspiration just now.

After the core ballista battalion was destroyed, Mervyn's strength was directly reduced by more than half. Only then did Lin Xiao order the super large fire element to prepare to use the rain of fire.

An hour later, as more than fifty self-explosive assassins swarmed up, a earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the ten-meter-high granite puppet was blown up alive, and the seven surviving beasts swarmed up and knocked down the cracked puppet. Torn apart.


Lin Xiao was in a very good mood when he went to another city easily. He clicked on the card drawing interface happily. A little more casually, there were three more cards.

A five-star kobold card can summon three thousand kobold cannon fodder.

A four-star goblin class card can summon a thousand goblin cannon fodder.

A five-star jackal class card can summon two thousand jackal cannon fodder.

"Good fellow, all three cannon fodder survived."

Lin Xiao was a little speechless. It was a bit of a bad idea to say that it was not good. Two five-star cards and one four-star card were lucky enough, but they were all cannon fodder and it was speechless.

There is no way, it can only be used, and the fusion method is very simple, fully integrated into that three-star rare quality Bear Goblin Wild Boar Rider card.

The goblin cannon fodder card is integrated into it, and then the other two are decomposed into nutrients and incorporated into it, and finally a five-star rare quality summoning card-cannon fodder camp is obtained.

Effect: Activate the card, summon three thousand kobold cannon fodder, two thousand jackal cannon fodder, two thousand goblin cannon fodder, and three hundred bear goblin boar riders.

Combining the cards, Lin Xiao found that the own combat deck still had a free slot but no cards to use.

Ready to continue matching.

Next is the fifth round. As long as you win this round, you can enter the top 100, which is quite critical.

After a full fifteen minutes of matching, he thought he had no opponents before he matched an opponent. When he entered the plane and saw the opponent, Lin Xiao was stunned for a few seconds and then laughed loudly.

This time the opponent was a dead army with more than 30,000 necromancers, controlled by a dozen necromancers, and there were no other units.

In other words, there were other arms, but they all turned their opponents into undead.

A single undead is not strong, but if there are enough, it will be terrible, especially in this situation.

Even Lin Xiao even took three advanced cannon fodder cards to fuse with only 7,000 cannon fodder, and the 30,000 cannon fodder on the opposite side is even more terrifying.

Unfortunately, he has more than seven thousand cannon fodder.

Lin Xiao would be fortunate that the last one he drew was three cannon fodder cards, and there was enough cannon fodder to resist to buy time, if it was like the last round with only a few hundred cannon fodder, more than 30,000 undead army would be unable to block it.

Although the Transcendent fire element has an overclocking explosion, it will be discarded when it is used up, and it is impossible to completely destroy the other party. The dozens of Necromancers in the family are not vegetarian.

Now, it's still the same as last time, attracting firepower from the front, and two hundred self-destructing assassins sneak in.

Considering that the Necromancer's perception is too high and it is possible to find the sneaking assassin, he ordered the Transcendent fire element to summon a large number of fire elements to prepare for the ultimate move like last time. The terrifying power immediately attracted all the attention of the Necromancer, thus allowing the sneak The self-detonating assassin approached the target smoothly.

Although the necromancers reacted instantly, it was already too late.

Then, there was a wave of earth-shattering self-destruction, killing 90% of the Necromancers abruptly.

At the same time, the meteor fire rain summoned by the Transcendent fire element overclocking did not have the necromancer to resist and caused huge damage to the undead army.

On the square of the tomb of the gods, Lin Xu returned to his senses with a tired look and pinched his eyebrows. The evenly matched battle just now consumed a huge amount of his mind.

The strengths of the two sides are almost the same. He can only slowly gain a little advantage by relying on fine command, the accumulation of advantages and then gradually expand the advantages, and finally win with difficulty.

Fortunately, a very powerful card was drawn after the victory, otherwise he would not be confident that he would continue to win the next wave.

There are more than 100 people on the square, but there are fewer than 20 players representing China

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