The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 195 New Subsidiary God's Domain

Above the virtual plane, Lin Xiao looked at the nine cards lined up in front of him, lost in thought.

The cards he holds now are of very high quality, two ancient five-star god cards, two mythological five-star cards, one three-star mythological card, one legendary five-star card, two epic five-star cards, and one rare Quality five-star card.

And because it is a fusion of the advantages of a variety of cards, the effect of the fusion card in his hand is generally stronger than that of the same kind.

What he is considering now is to re-integrate some cards in his hand that are suitable for fusion, and decompose the useless cards as nutrients to strengthen other cards, and try to make himself stronger to face the next enemy.

It is foreseeable that all the remaining nine players, including him, have ancient quality cards, and some may have more than one or two, such as the European emperor like Shen Yuexin.

After thinking about it for a moment, Lin Xiao threw the fighter professional card into the good fortune cube to decompose it. Although this card is of high quality, it is a bit tasteless in this kind of game right now.

Then, he squeezed his chin and thought for a while, combined the five-star card that summons the four-headed large earth element with another myth card that can summon the sixth-level super large air element, and the first fusion that can summon the super large element. The myth card of the fire element, a total of three element summoning cards are thrown into the Rubik's Cube at the same time, and they are broken down and refined.

Only then took out the ancient summoning card-the sea of ​​flames, and put it into the Rubik's Cube to extract the core source, and incorporated the essence of the previous three elemental summoning cards into it.

After doing this, Lin Xiao pondered for a little more, and put the five-star mythical card that summoned ten mammoth beasts into the Rubik's Cube as well.

After hesitating for a while, he took out the gleaming Undead Legion Ancient God Card...

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered for a long time, and he had a very bold idea in his mind, whether he could fuse these two ancient cards, use the molten sea of ​​flame to cover the undead army, and synthesize an undead army with the characteristics of fire elements.

He put this ancient god card into the Rubik's Cube space with the thought of trying, but he didn't break it down for the first time, but first verified whether it was feasible through the good fortune Rubik's Cube.

After closing his eyes a little, Lin Xiao opened his eyes with an unexpected expression.

The idea is indeed feasible, and the good fortune Rubik's Cube can indeed be achieved, but the premise is that there is enough good fortune energy to change the rules and turn the decay into magic.

There is no way, he doesn't have good fortune energy in his hands.

However, in addition to his previous ideas, the two cards can indeed be merged, but only one of the cards can be used as the mainstay, the absorption of the other card will greatly strengthen itself, and one or two of the advantages of the other card can be absorbed.

This made Lin Xiao hesitate. After thinking for a while, he still didn't make up his mind. He shook his head and said:

"Let's talk later."

The main reason is that he only knows that it can be merged, but he can't know the specific results after the fusion in advance, so he dare not try it randomly for the time being.

Next, he integrated the three elemental summoning cards and the mammoth summoning cards into the molten sea of ​​flames, and then absorbed the nutrients decomposed by the professional cards, and finally an ancient summoning card with more crystal light was freshly released.

Ancient Five-Star Summoning Card-Flame Molten Sea: Each time you use it, summon Culbert, the false flame lord, from the flame melt sea, five to eight super large fire element super large lava element flame behemoths, fifteen to thirty large Fire Element Large Lava Element Fire Beast, 80 to 120 Medium Fire Element Medium Lava Element, 400 to 600 Small Fire Element Small Lava Element.

Note: Affected by the flame molten sea, the fire element has the highest probability of appearing, followed by the lava element.

"Good fellow, this is a hodgepodge!"

The summoned element is obviously affected by the fusion card. The lava element is a combination of the fire element and the earth element. The flame behemoth should be a fusion of ten mammoth beasts.

As for the super-large chi elemental summoning card that was fused... it was not shown in the introduction.

Lin Xiao guessed that the fire element and the air element do not have a boundary at all. It is estimated that the heavens and all the worlds do not have this special element, and the fusion must abide by the basic law. Therefore, it cannot be formed after being integrated into the flame melting sea. It is fortified as a nutrient.

After all, this card can already summon a false flame lord.

This is a complete surprise.

What is the Flame Lord?

This is the lord in the plane of fire element. It is a side overlord similar to the death lord and the devil lord. It is a personality and has nothing to do with strength.

A powerful lord, such as the Devil lord who occupies a level in the abyss, can be comparable to the true god in the own territory, while the weak Devil lord may not even be legendary.

The same is true for the Flame Lord, who has the authority to command all flame elements in his territory.

As for the false flame lords, they are those who have not yet fully obtained the sovereignty. Generally speaking, they have the authority but are not strong enough to convince the crowd.

Lin Xiao’s ancient flame melting card is estimated to be like this. This pseudo-flame lord named Culbert has a lordship handle, but his own strength is also only sixth-level, which is not enough to suppress all fire creatures in the domain. When will I wait? Strength is further, such as reaching the legendary rank above eighth-level to be qualified to become a true flame lord.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Lin Xiao, after all, this card is gone after the game.

"It hurts!"

It's not a pity that it's fake. It would be fun to have such a card. In the future, you can slowly strengthen a card that can summon the true Fire Lord as your own hole card.

"Or you can try it later?"

Lin Xiao rubbed his teeth and added the card to the combat deck, choosing to match his opponent.

Combining a bunch of cards, he now has only four cards in his deck, which is pitiful compared to others.

It didn’t take long for the match to be successful, and the picture before him appeared on a virtual plane that was larger than before. As the game reached the late stage, the size of everyone’s troops became larger and larger, and the initial battle plane was difficult to accommodate, until now the battle plane It has become ten kilometers by ten kilometers, enough to accommodate all the forces of both sides.

After entering the plane, Lin Xiao habitually glanced at his opponent, and was stunned for the next second, and his opponent was also stunned when he saw him, and the two of them exploded with a foul language at the same time:

"Fuck, why are you?"

After that, Lin Xiao immediately reacted. According to the current six-member college alliance in China, there are only three people. Just like the previous college alliance, he will definitely match his own side of the civil war.

His opponent this time was Li Cheng, the captain of the dark horse duo. He glanced at Li Cheng's troops and could only lament that it is really impossible to say that people's luck is coming together.

Within the plane, Li Cheng's main force turned out to be a violent demon army with a total of five thousand, plus a pile of troops with more than ten thousand cards of different arms, and the strength was quite strong.

It’s not that the tens of thousands of troops are terrible, even if they are all third-level and above, even the Transcendent creatures have two, but they are not as terrible as the five thousand berserkers.

The strength of the berserkers is also fourth-level, but the question is whether this is the militant Devil or the established Devil legion.

Devil's strength has always been the best of its kind, and it is quite terrifying to be armed with a structure. With these five thousand berserkers, Li Cheng has swept all the way to the present.

To be honest, if there is no newly acquired Flame Molten Card, the Legion of Undead will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent.

No, if the Flame Molten Card hasn't been strengthened, it may not be possible to play before.

Now, Lin Xiao has absolute confidence to kill Li Cheng, the key is that false flame lord.

The false flame lord is also the lord, although there is only the sixth-level, but with him, the power of this card has been qualitatively changed.

The two chatted while ranking the formations. Looking at Lin Xiao, who was clear and windy, Li Cheng smiled, but he valued the opponent very much in his heart, suffocating in his heart.

Throughout all the way to the present, watching the elites of the school who needed to look up before being defeated by himself, his mood is indescribable. He is eager to defeat more opponents. Thousands of the strongest elites of the same generation in the college alliance have all stepped on their feet to prove to everyone the ability to own, and so-called elites are nothing more than this.

Especially since he is now in the top ten, he can climb to the top by defeating a few more opponents. He lined up cautiously, looking at Lin Xiao's seemingly huge army of undead, with a sincere expression of cupped hands and said:

"I'm still thinking about meeting my teacher at the end. I didn't expect to meet here first. Please advise me later!"


Lin Xiao could hear the strong confidence in his words. Quite unexpectedly, he carefully looked at Li Cheng's self-confidence that seemed sincere but did not conceal it. He seemed to be smiling and not smiling far away cupped fist cupped hands:

"It's easy to talk, everyone can communicate with each other!"

With a smile on his face, he retracted his hand to end the communication, and when the countdown to the start of the battle ended, he quickly activated the Flame Molten Card and began to summon.

As a huge flame vortex unfolded on the ground, infinite flames flowed from the vortex and quickly spread to the surroundings and turned into a sea of ​​flames. A low voice slowly echoed in the plane:

"I am Culbert, Lord of the Flame Melting Sea!"

The flame in the center of the vortex arched, and a flame giant with a crown of flame above his head was drilled out of it.

"In the name of the master of the flame melting sea, call my people!"

With the whispering roar of the flame giant, the flames and lava in the flame vortex spewed like a spring, and the outflow of infinite flame lava quickly expanded to a diameter of thousands of meters, and each flame creature drilled out of it and transformed into a fire element or flame creature.

"Wow! It's spectacular!"

The power of this flame lord's appearance was even more compelling than Lin Xiao imagined, but he didn't know whether his specific strength was worthy of this appearance.

The confidence in Li Cheng's heart was cut in half when the Flame Lord appeared on the stage. It is hard to say how strong it is, but the infinite way of playing is indeed shocking to him, especially seeing the flame crown on Culbert's head. Shouted confidently:

"How is this possible? How can the fifth-level card summon the lord creature? Isn't this only the sixth-level demigod card can be summoned?"

Lin Xiao, who was on the other side of the virtual plane, heard his voice without the slightest concealment, and said unexpectedly:

"I said how to be a pseudo-lord, it turned out to be a card restriction."

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