The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 196 Teacher's Attention

Normally speaking, even the second or last seats of super institutions are more attractive than the chiefs of ordinary institutions of higher learning.

At least for Lin Xiao, if the Throne of War is willing to give a special recruitment quota, even the third place is better for him than the chiefs of other institutions of higher learning.

It's just that now he has agreed to Ether's special move, so the war throne that has chosen Wu Zhonglin has lost the priority. Now even if he is given a special place, he can't agree, unless Ether gives up on its own initiative.

Before the release, it may be possible to exchange for benefits, but now this situation is definitely impossible for the ether to give up, unless they exchange it with Wu Zhonglin.

However, the observers of the Ether are in a very bad mood at this time. Although the War Throne has no chance, there are still a few of the five super universities that still have the first special move priority. If they... don't have to, at this time Sheng Jing and Shen Wrath have successively said that they have fallen in love with him.

In other words, although Lin Xiao still belongs to the ether in name at this time, it can be foreseen that waiting for the result of God's Fury and Saint Crystal will not belong to them.

There are twelve super universities in the main world and five in the China district.

Respectively ranked number one Huiyao.

The third-ranked War Throne.

Underworld ranked seventh.

God's Fury ranked tenth.

As well as the twelfth-ranked Saint Crystal, each is a behemoth with a huge ruling territory and terrifying power.

The minimum standard for establishing a higher education institution is to have a strong god-tier power, a large and complete god system, and a complete unity in a foreign land that is dominated by a super-large plane that can produce a strong god-tier power. Face community.

This is only the minimum standard. In fact, there are more conditions involved in establishing an institution of higher learning.

After all, in the main world for so many years, every few hundred years or thousands of years or so, a strong god-tier force will be born, but higher education institutions have not been born for tens of thousands of years.

As for the establishment of a super institution, the conditions will be more demanding. First of all, it must be based on a higher institution. This is a prerequisite. It will not be said that suddenly there is a strong god-tier department that wants to establish a super institution. The god-tier main god is suddenly promoted to great god-tier power, and he can't jump over it in one step.

Of course, it is only a matter of time before a sudden great god-tier force is born.

A super academy must have a strong god-tier power of ten ninth-level, and dozens or more strong god-tier powers to support it, and it must be unified in a foreign land with a primary material plane as The lord’s huge community of planes.

This is a very harsh condition, because in the alien crystal wall, the main material plane is generally the center of the crystal wall, linking many forces across the crystal wall, and the area where the gods of the general crystal wall system fall is the main material plane.

It is difficult to unify a community of the main material plane...

Let’s put it this way, except for the top few of the existing twelve super universities, the unified main material planes behind are all crystal wall systems without great god-tier power, or the unified ones have no great existence attention. The main material plane of.

This is because some powerful crystal wall systems have multiple planes of primary material, forming multiple centers in the crystal wall universe, and they unify the places that have not been paid attention to by the great existence.

Lin Xiao, of course, would not refuse, nor could he refuse, when he was taken by such a behemoth.

"Who will be the first to contact me!"

Sitting on the golden throne and looking down, the angles of the seats seemed to be surrounded by his subordinates, condescending, and the stars holding the moon. This feeling was very refreshing.

Sitting at this level, you are basically at the top. The next thing to consider is, if several super universities choose themselves at the same time, how should I choose?

The premise is that Huiyao is not included. If it is the No. 1 Super Academy, it definitely doesn't need to be considered.

Except for Huiyao and the Throne of War, although the remaining super universities have high and low rankings, there is no qualitative difference in strength, so it will be entangled.

The young man was daydreaming with his hands on his chin. He didn't pay attention to the strange glances from the other players on the golden throne.

A hint of dissatisfaction mixed with curiosity.

Well, the main reason is not convinced.

The main reason was that Lin Xiao's seat was a stone seat at the beginning. At that time, he was so far away from them that he belonged to a small character whose name could not be remembered.

As a result, after two rounds, I climbed to the silver seat without knowing it. Now I not only jumped to the golden level, but also defeated Wu Zhonglin to win the first place in the final stage, and inherited the legacy of the ancient ancestors. This is simply... .

If Wu Zhonglin is the first, they are convinced.

If Lin Xiao takes the first place by strength, they are also convinced.

But he is not. He got this by luck. This result made them very unconvinced, quite unconvinced.

But they have no choice, the result is doomed, they can only use their eyes to express their own dissatisfaction.

Of course, just dissatisfied, this does not mean what they will do, not to mention that the result has already been determined, even if you turn over Lin Xiao at this time, the result cannot be changed, but it is really not convinced.

Lin Xiao noticed their gazes, but didn't care. This is normal. Any outstanding genius who considers himself extraordinary will be arrogant.

It was their business that was unconvinced, and he couldn't control it.

At this time, he didn't have the time to control, because he had already received the cancellation message from the Ether Observer. The observer said in a regretful tone:

"We very much hope that you can come to Ether, but unfortunately, from the rules of the summer camp, you will be selected by a super university."

Lin Xiao was secretly overjoyed, but the expression on his face did not change. He stretched out his hand to stroke his chest and said in a deep voice:

"It's a pity that I couldn't go to the Ether students!"

The Ether Observer paused before replying:

"With your talent, you will definitely stand out in the future. I hope I can hear your good news in the future. Goodbye."


The communication was interrupted, and Lin Xiao sat down calmly.

This communication from the Ether Observer almost means that there must be a super institution that has taken a fancy to him, but I don't know which one or which ones.

In a certain space, three void and twisted figures stood in the air. Opposite them there was only one figure shrouded in twists. The four were arguing fiercely.

Just listen to the middle of the three say:

"We've already been optimistic about this player."

The opposite person just embraced his arms and said faintly:

"You gave up on your own."

The figure on the right of the three people continued:

"We have made an agreement with his alma mater, and he will enter our Saint Crystal."

"Alma mater is his alma mater, and he has no right to make decisions for him."

The figure on the left of the three immediately said:

"We decided to give him a lead position."

"We also decided to give him a lead position."

"Old guy, do you have to fight with us?"

Feng Qingyun, an observer from God's Fury, said calmly:

"You and I grabbed it."

"Really not giving Face?"


...The three observers of the Saint Crystal were dull. The guy in front of him was already difficult to deal with, and the rank of God's Fury was higher than the Saint Crystal. In addition, they had given up Lin Xiao once before, and this time they were really not sure about the contention.

They didn't expect this young man to be so powerful. Only Lao Li thought it was a good seedling before, but he only thought it was a good seedling. How could he have thought of giving them such a big surprise in the end? In their eyes, Lin Xiao’s The potential is already second only to Wu Zhonglin, and stronger than other gold players second only to Wu Zhonglin.

If it takes another year or so, under their training, it will not be a problem to enter the second rank of outstanding people at the end of the second year of high school, or even a higher level. Such super-excellent players don't want to give up.

But there is still the problem. They can see the advantages of the young, and others can also see that how to grab it is a big problem.

According to the regulations, if the two sides have been arguing with no one to give in, and in the end they still have to let the young man choose by himself, then Sheng Jing, who has given up the young man before, has no advantage.

"What a headache!"

The three Saint Crystal observers thought about it for a long time, and found that there was no way at all, no matter whether they persuaded the teenager or dismissed the opponent, because not only did they have no advantage, they were slightly inferior to the opponent.

The three of them were silent, and the observer from God's anger on the opposite side laughed loudly:

"Does it feel uncomfortable? That's right. You gave up classmate Lin Xiao when you divided the team. Your Saint Crystal ranks no better than ours. You have the same friendship with everyone. I see how you compete with me."

"By the way, Mingluo has already decided to give up Lin Xiao, and now we and Huiyao are the only ones who can compete, but Huiyao usually only shot once more than ten years ago. The last shot was two years ago, and it is estimated that no one was sent this year. Come, so..."

The three were speechless, but the leader Guo opened his mouth but it was another voice.

"Is it?"

The four people suddenly raised their heads at the same time with unexpected expressions. I don't know when there was a voice other than the four in this space.

A little starlight rippled away, and from it came out an extremely handsome white-clothed boy who looked like an ordinary person from the surface without any abnormality, but the four of them saw him as if they saw something terrible, especially from The observer who was angry with God took a step back subconsciously, and quickly realized where he was calm at this time.

The three observers from Shengjing looked at each other, and at the same time arched their cupped hands to the white-clothed boy, and asked:

"Your Excellency is here?"

The white-clothed boy glanced at them and said faintly:

"Take two people away."

The four felt bad at the same time and asked:

"Who do you want to take away?"

In the hall, Lin Xiao is chatting with Lin Xu. He just received a message from Lin Xu that he has been recruited by the 41st ranked "Dark Moon" in higher education institutions. Although he is not the chief but the last one, he is coming to him. Said it has been pretty good.

At this time they have already withdrawn from the original group. Gucheng has not communicated with them since the end of the exchange competition, and they are too lazy to pay attention to it. It is not a topic that the same passerby can't communicate with.

"When the summer camp is over, Grandpa will definitely be very happy."

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