The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 283'Anger' Authority

Then, Lin Xiaoxie smiled, and the two hundred crystal puppets split into two halves. On one side, one hundred took a heavy step toward the interface of the enemy battleship. Similar cannon fodder was directly crushed, and more than one can be trampled to death with one foot.

The sixth-level unit has entered the Transcendent, which is equivalent to a powerfully constructed puppet such as a steel golem outside. The four-meter-high crystal is added to the magic circle to increase it. It can smash the stone with one punch.

Fortunately, the warship they bought was also equipped with magic array reinforcement. The wooden warship that was replaced by ordinary mortals suddenly had so many overweight golems, I was afraid it would have been crushed or crushed long ago.

The summoned puppet will also receive bonuses from strategic attributes and talents. The sixth-level troop will receive his 14-point physique and strength, and the most terrifying nine-point agility bonus. The bulky puppet is like a rabbit. The same running fast, the two players add up, the dragonfly is a bit faster than the crystal golem, and everything else can't be better than him.

This is because he didn't use the slow Dafa to slow down, otherwise they would be more sour and refreshing.

As a result, there is no need to go into details, with one enemy two, a wave of unsuspecting destruction swept away.

He did not accept the surrender of the two and eliminated them cleanly.

This is already the third season half a year later. Eliminating a player can gain 30,000 experience and one hundred points. This can't be wasted.

After killing the two, the remaining subordinates didn't want it. He doesn't lack troops now, what he lacks is gold coins and experience.

After cleaning the battlefield, I came to this huge ship, only to find that it was a ghost ship.

The so-called ghost ship, also known as the ghost ship, refers to a mysterious ship that was lost or sinking in the sea many years ago, but after many years, it was discovered by people sailing at sea, but the ship was empty.

The surface of this huge ship seems to be well maintained, but the material of the hull is decayed as if how many years have passed. The whole is gray-black and it looks like it can be squeezed into powder with a slight pinch, on the surface of the hull. There is a layer of light gray waves covering the surface of the hull.

Lin Xiao's battleship remained level with the ghostly giant ship, which had no direction and purpose, gliding quietly in the sea. In order to be safe, he didn't immediately enter the ghost ship, but quietly observed it for a while, and it really made him discover the anomaly.

Every once in a while, the gray light on the surface of the ghost ship will ebb and flow like tides. When the tide goes down, it is a quiet ghost ship, but when the tide goes down, there will be shadows on the gray light on the surface of the giant ship. Look closely, it looks like a war movie with no sound is playing inside.

Unfortunately, I don't know whether it is insufficient energy or something. This shadow is looming and unclear, the time is short, and it is not continuous. Lin Xiao followed for a long time and couldn't see what it was.

Originally, he wanted to steadily continue to observe, but at a certain moment, the induction from the underworld told him that the ghost ship was about to disappear.

Can't wait any longer, he can only enter the ghost ship immediately.

As soon as he entered, Lin Xiao felt an incomparably powerful ice-cold will slam into it, like a heavy truck across the road suddenly slammed into it, even if he was prepared, the strength of his will was too high. , And knocked him out directly.

"Depend on!"

Faint and dizzy, he pressed his head, feeling that the huge giant ship not far away seemed more and more blurred, and shook his head vigorously, the giant ship did become a little illusory and was about to disappear.

This will not work.

How could Lin Xiao watch the delicacy in his mouth disappear, and quickly ordered the battleship to slam into it heavily.


There was no heavy impact as expected, the battleship slammed into the giant ghost ship and embedded in it, and the huge ice-cold will once again impacted his will, and the giant ghost ship had begun to blur.

"Don't think about it!"

Lin Xiao did not hesitate to concentrate all his energy and slammed into the evil will that struck.


As if thunder exploded in his mind, he lost consciousness in an instant.

At this moment, the ghost ship that was gradually imagining suddenly shook slightly, and a circle of gray transparent ripples swayed. The Lin Xiao battleship that hit the ghost giant ship was affected by the gray ripples and then became blurred, and then together with the ghost giant ship. Disappearing in the sea, there are only waves of turbulent sea waves that prove that there was a brief confrontation just now.

When Lin Xiao recovered his consciousness, he found that he was still standing on his battleship, but he found that his battleship was a transparent battleship at this time. He lowered his head and found that he and all his subordinates were transformed into a ghost state, embedding the same transparent ghost state. The edge of the ghost giant sailed fast in the dark...the void.


He was a little dazed for a while, this state was unheard of.

If it was a void, he felt that this pitch-black void was not the void he had traveled through in the past.

He could feel that outside the dark void, there were many extremely evil wills watching him with hatred and greed.

I can't see anything, but through the touch of will, I can sense that these forms of will full of hatred and greed are full of distortion and depravity.

They stared at him like hungry wolves, all eager and full of desire, but they didn't take any action.

"Could it be the cause of this ghost ship!"

He guessed that it could only be for this reason. The hungry wolves who were sheltered by the ghost ship did not dare to go, or could not go.

No matter what the reason, Lin Xiao didn't dare to move at this time, he didn't dare to bet what would happen to him when he left the ghost ship.

No, he has a strong hunch that if he leaves the ghost state, he will end badly.

There are densely packed wills lurking outside this dark void without a trace of starlight. His induction is almost endless. The number is simply an exaggeration. The more the will feels into the darkness, the more fearful he is, especially in him. In the deepest part of the induction, there are many places that hide incredible horrors.

He couldn't feel it clearly, but from the moment of contact with the other party's existence fluctuations, his will involuntarily trembled.

Yes, it's just shaking involuntarily.

From this we can infer the horror of that incredible existence.

He sat quietly on the ship, his mind kept turning, thinking about his current state and what to do.

I didn't dare to move, and now I didn't even dare to return to the cabin or open the system panel, for fear of causing some changes to get out of this state.

This meditation lasted for a week.

Sitting motionless on the deck for a whole week, this ghost ship also remained in this sailing state for a week without any change, and the surroundings were as dark as the void.

To be honest, if he could not sense the endless greed and will in the dark void around him, he would have thought that he had stayed in place for a week.


Lin Xiao sighed heavily, depressed for his own luck.

There is no gain for a week, and his strength will be pulled down immediately. Now he dare not open the panel to look at the ranking list, but he can be sure that he has definitely dropped a few places in his ranking, and he may fall outside the tenth place.

But there is no way, small lives matter, I can only pray that this ghost ship has been swaying in this unknown void, leaving early and entering the material plane.

As soon as this thought came up, a gleam of light flashed in the corner of his eyes. This was the first time in a week that he saw light. It immediately attracted Lin Xiao’s attention. Looking over, he saw a place far away in front of the ghost ship. There was a little star twinkling.

As the ghost giant slowly approached, the little starlight slowly became larger and brighter, from a little starlight to a bright spot, and then to a cloud of white light.

After one day, the light was already like a round of the sun, and the ghost ship sailed straight to the direction of the sun. The sun became bigger and bigger in his line of sight, until...

It was close to a certain distance that Lin Xiao could see that the sun was actually a small piece of floating island illuminated by a ball of fireball burning with milky white flames?

The floating island is not large, with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. It looks like an inverted mountain, covered with incomplete formations, and some are overflowing with white energy that is taking effect, and some places have been distorted by infinite black. Swallowed, the edge of the floating island was also gnawed incompletely.

That's right, just gnaw.

In the place where the burning fireball on the edge of the floating island can't shine, it is filled with infinite pitch black, liquid-like twisted evil spirits, surging at the edge of the floating island, burning hard against the flames and constantly gnawing the land on the edge of the floating island.

There are constantly evil spirit bodies being burned into black energy and disappearing because of crowding close, but the land on the edge of the floating island will also be gnawed away.

At the same time, every moment, the dark void on the edge of the floating island will produce a vortex from time to time, and then a black shadow that swallows up the surrounding light like a black hole rushes onto the floating island, and the power released by the burning fireball above the floating island makes its black liquid rise and evaporate. Black smoke, but the black shadow rushed towards the island with the power of flame.

Then on a huge altar in the center of the island, among a circle of golden statues tens of meters high, one woke up, stretched out the right hand made of gold to grasp it, and the white streamer converged into a thick lightning and threw it fiercely. The black liquid figure was blown to pieces.



The ghostly giant ship smashed through the evil twisted spirit around the floating island like breaking waves A barbarian hero with some transparency all over Bai Guang flew out of it and threw it toward the floating island, along with a large army of barbarians.

The barbarian troops entered the island, and the burning fireball in the center of the island cast a halo over the barbarian troops, turning into a beam of light to accurately strike every soldier. After the beam of light dissipated, it left a small white halo at the foot of the unit.

Then the barbarian hero roared and commanded the troops to block a black figure that had just rushed to the island and killed it.

About ten seconds after the barbarian troop left, the second elven hero rushed out. Lin Xiao was surprised to find that the level of the elven hero was third-level, and the troop was stronger than him and the previous barbarian hero.

The third, the fourth, a steady stream of heroes and subordinates came out of the ghost ship.

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