Now he was not calm, and his mind moved directly. The good fortune Rubik's Cube slowly turned around, and a scream that made his mind trance sounded. This core was directly obliterated and turned into a strong unknown energy mixed with a trace of good. Fortune energy permeates the Rubik's Cube space.

The amount is small, excluding unknown energy, good fortune energy is only about one percent of a unit, but it is indeed good fortune energy.

When Lin Xiao's consciousness withdrew from the good fortune cube space, another seven dark shadow cores appeared in the palm of his hand, his eyes were extremely hot, looking at this thing like a lover.

No, it's hotter than a lover.

This is good fortune energy.

I did not hesitate to put it into the good fortune Rubik's Cube, the phantom of the Rubik's Cube in the Shenhai lightly turned, and the seven-point core was wiped out into nothingness.

The few good fortune energies accumulate and exist there first, and the other part of the unknown energies...I don’t see any use.

After thinking for a while, he tried to take out a spearman card and put it into the Rubik's Cube for strengthening, but it didn't work, indicating that it could not be used for strengthening.

Good fortune Rubik's Cube can not be used to strengthen, it is definitely not used in this way.

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, touched it lightly with his mind, and the next second his eyes stared, extremely surprised.

This unknown energy can actually be transformed into experience. He touched it with his mind, and all the unknown energy was instantly transformed into energy, a total of eight thousand experiences.

"Good guy, a thousand points of experience, so fat!"

At this moment, in his eyes, these seemingly terrifying black liquid monsters are experienced babies plus good fortune energy babies.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he stretched his fingers forward excitedly, there was a ‘crack’, magical lightning struck a monster that had just rushed to the floating island, and everyone rushed forward.

Although these creatures are mentally and physically immune, most of the physical damage is difficult to deal with, but as long as they think that each end is equivalent to a thousand experience and one percent of the good fortune energy, he will be refreshed and full of energy.

Physical damage is not effective. Doesn't he still have magical lightning? Use spells to defeat the target and refine it with good fortune energy.


So that he didn't even have any interest in exploring this floating island, even less interested in leaving this unknown void and going back.

What you can do when you go back, no matter how good it is, it is for good fortune energy. An ordinary treasure is great for ten or twenty or thirty good fortune energy. Here these monsters are almost endless. As long as you are diligent, theoretically brush them up. Thousands of points are possible.

And here under the shining of the huge fireball, the life, physical strength, energy and magic power recovery of him and his subordinates have been greatly improved. As long as the magic power is not exhausted in one breath, every time he kills a head and takes a break, most of them can maintain continuous Cast magic lightning.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

One after another thunder roar sounded on the floating island, and every time there was a dozen or so of sounds, it paused and continued.

At the beginning, the experience is not very sufficient. You need to bombard the target body twice or three times to find its core. If you are proficient later, you can accurately find the target core once. At the same time, you can hit the target core with Wia, destroying its body, and then launch a lightning bolt. Defeat the core, then quickly grab it and throw it into the good fortune cube to transform it into experience and good fortune energy.

A stable one thousand points of experience, from a second-level hero to a third-level hero only needs 500,000 points of experience, and Lin Xiao already has 350,000 points of experience when he enters the floating island, then he only needs to kill Refining One A hundred and fifty can gather enough experience.

And it only took two days to accumulate enough experience to reach third-level.

The third-level hero gained three points of free strategic attributes. This time he did not add other attributes, but all added to the intelligence. Not only did Ascension increase the Magic power limit, but also strengthened the damage of strategic magic.

With three free attributes and three full attributes from the Lord of Truth, he now has six intelligence points.

At the same time, the third-level hero can command the fifth-level unit, but unfortunately he doesn't have it.

There is also an extra barracks slot, and there is no such thing.

But Lin Xiao didn't care at all, how could he pay attention to these now?

In just two days, I have accumulated close to two points of good fortune energy, so cool.

This is also the reason for his lack of Magic power. The monsters that hit the floating island every day are more than these. Limited by Magic power, he can only kill a part. If there is enough Magic power, he can kill hundreds of thousands of good that accumulates nearly ten units a day. Fortune energy is possible.

It's a pity that the time of discovery was too late, it would be better if it was earlier.

In the following days, Lin Xiao had a very fulfilling life. Although he was so boring every day, he didn't feel bored at all. On the contrary, he was very excited. Every time he harvested a unit of good fortune energy, he was very happy. .

The more you kill, the richer your experience and the higher your efficiency. The only thing that restricts your progress is the upper limit of Magic power.

At this time, Lin Xiao regretted why he didn't combine to produce a high-level treasure with intelligence. Now, none of the three high-level and above treasures in his hand can be combined with intelligence.

This synthetic treasure has an important rule, that is, there must be a treasure as the substrate, and the substrate must be strengthened based on the substrate. The type of the strengthened treasure is the type of the substrate.

For example, if you use a powerful treasure as the substrate, the result cannot be an intellectual treasure.

Third-level upgrade The fourth-level hero requires 2 million experience, which is equivalent to two thousand kills.

As he became more and more proficient, the number of monsters that Lin Xiao killed in one day gradually rose to about two hundred, and he could accumulate two units of good fortune energy and 200,000 experience in one day.

In just ten days, his hero level rose from third-level to fourth-level.

At this time, the heroes on the ranking list reaching third-level are only in their early tenths.

He continued to add intelligence to the four-point strategic attribute obtained by rising to the fourth-level hero level, plus the bonus of the Lord of Truth, and now the intelligence has reached eleven points, surpassing the agility attribute.

Three treasure bars and one barracks slot are also added again. Ascension first-level command limit can now be officially commanded for sixth-level high-level units.

In the same way, there is nothing here, so I continue to command the highest fourth-level swordsman.

It is worth mentioning that his current commandable population limit is three times as high as the third-level hero population of 10,000, for a total of 30,000.

He recruited all the accumulated troops plus arms cards, as well as all the troops recruited by the barracks, all of which added up to less than 10,000 people.

Moreover, he has no money.

It also costs money to recruit subordinates from the barracks.

But Lin Xiao didn't care about it. He just stayed here to use experience and good fortune energy, and he didn't even have any interest in the treasures outside.

Running around desperately outside, how can I live faster here.

It is worth mentioning that, as time goes by, the heroes who come out of the ghost ship continue to have war dead in uninterrupted battles, and they will die in less than half a month. It seems that they will not last long. Dead light.

These heroes are all ghosts. During this period of observation, Lin Xiao had a guess.

He guessed that the high probability of these ghost heroes was that the heroes who failed to challenge the ghost ship and their subordinates were trapped in the failed challenge.

He didn't know the consequences of these ghost heroes all dead, but for proper consideration, he began to consciously support these ghost heroes who couldn't communicate with him in late stage, trying not to let them die.

By the way, grab the blame.

The happy days passed day by day. One day Lin Xiao was besieging a huge black shadow that was just born under the happy command. Suddenly a piece of information appeared in his mind that made him dumbfounded. After a few seconds, he couldn't help but jump into the air. , Reached out to the floating island and let out a deep and affectionate shout:

"Do not!"

There was an unstoppable attraction from the ghost ship that had been quietly parked on the edge of the floating island, and it directly sucked him, his subordinates, and other undead ghost heroes back into the ghost ship.

The decaying and disappearing battleship reappeared miraculously, re-embedded in the ghost giant ship, and as the giant ship slowly started to leave the floating island, this countless experience and good fortune energy also left him.

"No, let me down, I don't want to go!"

Lin Xiao leaned on the edge of the battleship's deck and watched the floating islands that were gradually going away covered by countless squirming black liquids, shedding tears of sadness.

He didn't want to leave at all, he just left after only one month of feeling. At this moment, he felt like he was wrong.

But the ghostly giant ship led him away from the floating island without any response. As he got farther and farther away, the floating island became smaller and smaller in his eyes. It quickly became like the starlight when he first saw it, until it disappeared. .

He lay down on the side of the ship with a frustrated face and looked at the evil will about to move outside. He had a strong desire to jump off the ship and go back to the game.

But just think about it, I really dare not let him jump.

"It's too special.... speechless!"

He was completely powerless to vomit, and he didn't know what to say.

The continuous good fortune energy just left him.

It was already the next day when he recovered from his depression, mainly seeing that he had accumulated 56 units of good fortune energy and was in a slightly better mood.

Then came the endless but purposeful drifting. A month ago he thought it was endless and aimless drifting, but since going to the floating island, he knew that the ghost ship was purposeful, but he didn't know the next one. Where is the destination.

Time passed day by day. One day, Lin Xiao, who was staying on the deck in a daze, suddenly felt a little light passing from the corner of his eyes. He instantly turned his head and looked in the direction of the light as if he was alive. The stiff face muscles quickly tugged to form a smiling face, and his heart was suddenly full of expectation.

And the result did not disappoint him. As the light quickly increased, a floating island that was not much different from the last floating island appeared in front of him. Also on the island, there was a fireball like the sun emitting milky white flames around the floating island. Surrounded by an evil spirit body formed like a black liquid, evil spirit aggregates rush to the island from time to time.

Then, in Lin Xiao's eager anticipation, the ghost giant slowly leaned on the edge of the floating island.

After Shao Qing, as he expected, a suction came and threw him onto the floating island along with many ghost heroes who had not died before.

He uttered a strange scream in excitement, directing the troops to heat up

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