The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 298 Transcendent Demon Net Debut

Not only them, but even the officers in the command room were stunned, whether it was Lei Bai who supported Luoshuang, Xie Yufei who supported Lin Xiao, or the generals who carried Venus on their shoulders.

No, it should be said that it was shocked.

Even these true gods couldn’t imagine Lin Xiao summoning these before they were summoned. No matter how big their brains were, they wouldn’t expect to see them summoning more than one hundred thousand seven-tier giant elite waters in an instant. The scene of the elements is beyond their cognition and has never been seen before.

"Damn, what did I see?"

A military elite couldn't help rubbing his eyes, and asked his companion on the side loudly, with a look of disbelief.

"I seem to have seen... a lot of elite water elements?"

The tone is not very believable.

"You are not mistaken, it is indeed the summoning of many elite water elements."

Wu Zhonglin also had a hint of shock in his eyes, and at the same time he was puzzled. This is too abnormal.

He has always been a child in the mouth of other people’s parents, a pervert in the eyes of others, but no matter how perverted he is, he will not be so perverted. One hundred thousand elite water elements are equivalent to one hundred thousand seventh-order high-level Transcendent water elements. What is this concept? ?

Isn't that the same for the top players in Tianjiao?

Not to mention their shock, at this time, the battlefield that had more than 100,000 elite water elements was summoned and filled the entire battlefield. This level of elite water element itself has its own radiation field, which can automatically gather the energy of the surrounding water system. What is the concept of the convergence of multiple elite water elements?

The water element of the entire plane is converging here. From a distance, it is the overwhelming blue light converging here, and the whole world seems to be covered by the blue water element.

The water vapor in the air grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, from damp to humid, and then water mist, turning into liquid dew, countless dews converged and turned into water. In just ten minutes, the two sides did not fight, and the water vapor on the entire plane converged to form A water area centered on these 100,000 elite water elements is rapidly expanding and flooding the battlefield.

This natural change like a natural disaster forced the frosty troops to stop. A large number of priests and wizards blessed them with underwater breathing and other spells, otherwise they would drown as soon as the water flooded.

Even the terrifying dragon clan is no exception. This thing is big, but the pure terrestrial creatures can’t be watered. Normally with its size, even if it enters the sea, it can’t flood him, but it will let the enemy control it with infinite clean water. This height has no effect.

In just ten minutes, a huge man-made ocean took shape, Luo Shuang slightly opened his mouth and stood in the air, looking at the submerged battlefield and his family members who were futile and uncomfortable in the water, with a look of helplessness.

This move was completely beyond his expectation. He had a hunch that he would not be able to fight when he saw one hundred thousand seventh-order elven water elements. He didn't expect that he hadn't done it yet, and the natural changes that would naturally occur due to the gathering of so many giant water elements. I feel helpless.

It is impossible to fight at all. If it is just pure waters or swamps, it can be hit, but this is an ocean of life under the control of the enemy...

"How to fight this?"

Lei Bai, the commander of the Nirvana battle group, slapped the other officers on the table with both hands and awakened the other officers. He looked at Xie Yufei with a depressed expression:

"Fuck, where did you find this kind of perversion, what kind of tricks are you doing, how do you fight this?"

At this time, Xie Yufei herself was a little confused, and the expected earth-shattering battle did not start. It seemed that she was going to win. This is simply...

Very cool!

Hearing Leibo's annoyed tapping on the table again, she laughed with hands on hips:

"You don't care if you're shameless, your little brother is not shameful when he gets such a big horror dragon clan. I have the ability to let your little brother not use the horrible dragon clan. Bring it!"

With one hand on her hips, she stretched out her little white hand with confidence.

"Damn, you are lucky."

"What luck? This is ability, this is strength. Do you want them to fight again next time without using this trick?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"



In the challenge plane, the ocean has been completely formed, transformed into a huge pure water ball with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. The landslide and tsunami crashed down, and Luo Shuang's hands spread out with a helpless expression of surrender.

He is not someone who can't afford to lose. If he loses, he loses without entanglement saying that you cheated, but rather curiously asked:

"Is this your trump card?"

Lin Xiao was silent for a moment and nodded:

"That's it."

"What do you mean? Is it possible that you have other hole cards?"


"Damn! Don't fight anymore."

Although he lost, Luo Shuang was not too desperate. Although Lin Xiao's move was abnormal, it was not incomprehensible. It was just that it was too sudden for the first time and was caught off guard without any preparation.

First of all, after his observation, the small and medium murlocs of Lin Xiao's family members slumped into the water directly after summoning the elite water element, indicating that these ordinary family members used a special method to summon the elite water element by overdraft. After the summoning, there would be no combat power.

In addition, elements like this summon can be dispelled by expelling element spells.

Moreover, the summoned elements generally have a duration, and will automatically return to the elemental plane once the duration expires.

Combining these three points, if he is prepared, he feels that it is not impossible to fight.

But this time, after all, he lost, and he chose to surrender without any hesitation.

Coming out of the God's Domain login cabin, Lin Xiao clearly found that the elites in the army saw the changes in their eyes, instead of the previous eagerness to think about challenges. Instead, they were recognized and respected.

Luo Shuang came out of the God's Domain login cabin, stretched out his hand and laughed heartily:

"Your assassin is quite powerful. I think there is a code name that suits you well, Water God, you can be called Water God."

Wu Zhonglin nodded immediately:

"This code name is good, it happens that no one on the Tianjiao list uses this code name, you use it appropriately."

Lin Xiao:........

"Ah, I don't think this is good."

He immediately vetoed it.

The water god himself is not enough to force him, and this summoning water element is not really his killer, plus this code name sounds weird.

They wouldn't be entangled with this, Luo Shuang's eyes fell on Wu Zhonglin's body and said with an agitated look:

"Old Wu, didn't you just say that you want to fight him? Now that we have finished the fight, it's your turn."

Wu Zhonglin laughed and said:

"I know what you are thinking about, but you know what my core family is. Do you think I will be afraid of him summoning the water element with one hand if I am prepared?"

"I'm afraid I'm not afraid of playing before. I really want to see if you, Dragon Emperor, who has been ranked in the top three all the year round when you entered the Tianjiao deputy list, and this pervert who ranked first on the list, who is more powerful."

"That's as you wish!"

Wu Zhonglin looked at Lin Xiao, his eyes were full of warfare, and Lin Xiao was also full of warfare.

He has always been very curious about Wu Zhonglin's strength, curious about what his family members are, and curious about what his "hanging" is, so that he can be ranked in the ranks of Tianjiao only one stage higher. This is quite outrageous. Throughout the 300,000-year history of the subject world, there are less than five people in total, which is less than the great god-tier force born in human history.

This curiosity has been piled up for so long, and it is finally about to be solved today.

"Everyone has them, go to the auditorium immediately! Please note that this is not a drill! Please note that this is not a drill!"

"Everyone has them, go to the auditorium immediately! Please note that this is not a drill! Please note that this is not a drill!"

"Everyone has them, go to the auditorium immediately! Please note that this is not a drill! Please note that this is not a drill!"

Everyone was stunned by the three urgent prompts. Lin Xiao, who stepped half of his foot into the login cabin, was stunned. He raised his head and spread his hands to Wu Zhonglin, who was also about to enter the cabin, and said:

"This is a coincidence, next time."

He also shrugged:


The other elites in the army had already lined up at this time, and Luo Shuang said loudly as he walked:

"The heaviest distance in the military, if you don't want to be punished, it's best not to be late."

The two of them smiled at each other and quickly followed.

Following the team quickly went downstairs, bypassed a road and entered another courtyard, and entered a metal building in the center of the courtyard. This was the auditorium.

On the second floor, he saw five or six officers sitting on the rostrum, Xie Yufei was among them.

A group of people lined up in front of the podium, saluted, and sat down.

Several officers on the podium sat down in return, and a lieutenant colonel stood up and said:

"It seems that your battle is quite interesting, but unfortunately it came from the command of the Expeditionary Forces Command, let us immediately set out to gather at the front line fortress, and the competition with the Ivy League colleges and universities is placed in the front line fortress."

He glanced across all the elites below and said loudly:

"This action is your mission this year. You can only succeed but not fail. If you win, your mission this year will be considered complete. If you fail, you will be deducted 10 points."

"The specific competition rules will be known when you get there. Do you have any questions now?"

Everyone was speechless, and Lin Xiao did not speak either. After waiting for about half a minute, no one spoke, the lieutenant general waved his hand:

"ready to go!"

An invisible force came, and Lin Xiao felt the emptiness in front of him. He had already left the fortress and appeared in a separate small room on a Void Ship. Through the porthole, I could see the distorted void outside the window, and the Void Ship was accumulating energy and entering the teleportation state. .

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a crisp knock on the door, and he looked at the screen by the door, which showed Xie Yufei and several soldiers.

Opening the door, she waved her hand to let her subordinates leave first, and walked in with a smile on her back, and said as she walked:

"I can't see that you are so strong. This time I competed for Face. This colonel is very happy."

Speaking, two white fingers stretched out, a little bit of starlight condensed into a card exuding rich crystal light and handed it over:

"Here, this colonel always counts his words. I said before that if you win, I will give you a blueprint for building a standard mage tower. Now this is yours."

Lin Xiao was also polite to reach out, thanking very sincerely:

"Then I'm welcome."

"You're welcome, you are my person, and you fight for my face. This is a reward for you."

She reached out and patted his shoulder and said:

"In the future, you will know that if you follow me, just behave well and you will never suffer."

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