The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 299-Demigod Road

The main world, the star realm that ordinary people cannot perceive.

Like the star realms of other crystal wall universes, the star realms of the main world are also the final destinations of divine creatures, most of which are the fallen God realm players in the past.

But unlike other star realms in Crystal Wall Universe, everything in God Realm after the fall of God Realm player will be integrated into the main world to expand the main world, leaving only a projection falling into the Star Realm, turning into a star with different brightness, God Realm player After falling into the star realm, his soul will return to the Star transformed into its own realm, and use the projection of the realm as the tomb.

The stars in the sky that the creatures of the main world usually see are no longer the stars in the sky, but the projections of the tombs of gods. The stronger the strength during the lifetime, the brighter the star.

The current main world has nothing to do with the ancient times. The space program that once made a lot of noise in the ancient times. With the development of the main world, the famous Explorer has been unable to leave the solar system after a long flight. Eventually, the gods discovered the universe outside the solar system. The starry sky is just the projection of the Universe of the Chaos Void Crystal Wall and ends.

The actual size of the main world is the size of the solar system.

Of course, that was the previous main world. After hundreds of thousands of years of development in the current main world, countless generations of Gods domain players plundered other crystal wall universes from the outer domain and supplemented their resources. Not only the main world is huge, but the mainland is The outer void, that is, the solar system, has now skyrocketed. I don't know how many times.

If you take the original travel practitioner number back to the present, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of times as long to reach the edge of the solar system again.

In terms of strength, the current main world is already a famous and powerful world in the Chaos Void Sea, but in terms of size, the current main world can only be regarded as a small thing. The void outside the main world is only so small, compared to the endless void in other large crystal wall universes. , There are several main material planes, and tens of thousands of planes surround the main material plane to form huge plane communities, which can only be regarded as small.

As a spiritual world, the star realm does not have the concept of area, it is theoretically boundless, at least for non-true god-level beings, the star realm has no boundaries.

But from another angle, there are margins, and true gods can find margins in the star realm.

The star realm of the main world does not have the dense star realm creatures and terrible gods. Under the care of Gaia’s will and guarded by the gods, there must be a great god-tier power to sit in the main world all year round. In the star realm of the world, no gods and creatures in the star realm can survive, and the power of order has reached its extreme here.

Therefore, the star realm of the main world only has the gleaming starry sky and the constant silence for billions of years. Occasionally, any changes will arouse the eyes of some of the gods sitting in the star realm.

Among them, they are most interested and talked about every time the Tianjiao list dominated by Gaia's will changes.

In the void of the star realm, a giant god who is completely surrounded by infinite divine light came out from the edge of a dense star. This giant is as high as ten thousand meters, covered with a layer of glorious gods that resemble mountains, rivers, rivers, and various dependents. A, that is its God Realm projection.

As the guardian of the star realm at this time, he is one with God's realm, and he can borrow all the power of God's realm at any time as long as he is willing.

This giant stretched out his huge palm to the front, the palm surrounded by the divine light passed through the space into the subspace, and took a piece of colorful light to bring it back, and was about to knit it into something. Suddenly the giant raised his head, the divine light in his pupils flickered, his face There was a hint of surprise, and the sound was like Hongzhong, muttering to himself:

"This is.... There is a new Tianjiao appearing?"

At the same time, many beings in the star realm are sensing the changes of heaven and earth.

Located in the depths of the star realm, a light and shadow that can not be directly seen sits in the void. The infinite divine light around his body is blazing like a tide. He is also attracted by the changes in the star realm. He slowly raises his eyes and penetrates the void, slowly Withdraw his gaze.


God's Domain, Lin Xiao, who was opening up the new Transcendent ability slot in the Transcendent Magic Net inside the crystal wall system, suddenly raised his head in surprise, put down the things in his hands and slowly stood up from the god seat.

At this moment, he sensed something important happening.

Slowly, the induction became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, his perception gradually became solidified in a vague impression.

He opened his mouth slightly, and as the impression became more and more condensed in his perception, at a certain moment, an indescribable...'Tianjiao List', yes, to him, the Tianjiao that was like a thunder but never seen before. Bang appeared in his consciousness out of thin air.

Then, Lin Xiao naturally knew that he was already on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao, ranked in the deputy ranking of Tianjiao with thirty-six seats, and ranked 11th, ranked 12th.

As soon as he entered the list, he dropped to the eleventh place, one of the top twelve, which is extremely rare.

However, this ranking does not refer to the strength ranking, the Tianjiao ranking does not have a strength ranking, but the ranking of the comprehensive growth evaluation of all the players on the ranking list on the existing strength, existing predicted potential, and comprehensive strength and potential.

Because Lin Xiao was on the list at the same time as his strength and potential, he directly surpassed all other Tianjiao who were on the list by strength or potential. It does not mean that his strength is stronger than those who have been on the list for a long time and are already three years old.

Of course, although this ranking is not a real-time combat power ranking, it can be regarded as a strength indicator from a certain perspective, and the strength that can be on the list is not much worse.

As the person involved, Lin Xiaoneng immediately knew that he had been on the list.

When he truly ranked on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao, Lin Xiao slowly calmed down after the initial ecstasy.

It's not how good his mentality is, but he has no time to think about other things at this time.

At the moment of ranking on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao, at the same time, he received a series of benefits related to ranking on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao.

Yes, the welfare, and it is the welfare from the original will of the crystal wall of the main world, in their words it is called the blessing of Gaia.

First of all, at the moment when he was ranked on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao, he and his God's Domain came under the attention of Gaia's will for the first time, and immediately gave Lin Xiao and his God's Domain a Gaia blessing.

This is a blessing that all Tianjiao deputy ranking players have. The main function is to purify his God's Domain as a whole. It is used to remove the possible negative curse of God's Domain and the Lord of God's Domain, including some powerful existences that come into contact with you in a foreign land secretly to you Under the curse or mark.

In addition, after ranking in the deputy ranking of Tianjiao, there will be a period of Gaia's blessing buff that lasts for a full three hundred and sixty-five years, which is exactly one year in the main world.

Lin Xiao can now see the effect:

Gaia's Blessing: The blessing of the peerless Tianjiao from Gaia's Will from the Lord's World.

Attribute 1: The reproduction speed of all creatures in God's Domain is +300%, the survival rate is +100%, and the life span is +100.

Attribute 2: All creatures in the domain of God’s combat experience and occupation experience gain +300%, and the species level is easier. Ascension, the probability of Ascension breakthrough the species limit, the probability of Ascension being promoted to the hero.

In addition, all the players on the sub-list of Tianjiao also have a series of permissions in the main world.

For example, you can communicate with God's Domain at any time anywhere in the main world, including subspaces.

If you go to Outland, you will get a mark from Gaia's Will. This mark will not give you other help, nor will it say that encountering an unstoppable enemy will save you, such as encountering a powerful evil existence to control your spirit , This Gaia mark does not help you immune, it is just a mark, and its only function allows you to contact the main world when you are lost in a foreign void, so that you will not get lost.

This is very practical. The most feared thing about coming to Outland is getting lost. With this, you don't have to be afraid of this problem.

Of course, this mark is not a panacea. If you run too far, or the lost crystal wall system is too special, you can't contact the main world, but it is still much better than other Gods domain players.

Then, it was the legendary Gaia wishing technique, which was the deal with the class teacher.

This is basically the full effect of Gaia's blessing, and it cannot directly increase your strength, but it can increase your strength from another angle.

The Vientiane Crystal Wall System, the Star Realm, and Lin Xiao's clone had already arrived in the depths of the void sea full of evil spirit bodies.

At this time, he has not left the Vientiane crystal wall system. The King of Vientiane said that sending him to the Evil Abyss crystal wall Universe did not mean that he was teleported over out of thin air. It is actually not that the Vientiane crystal wall system is comparable to the great god-tier power of Vientiane. The Lord didn't have this ability, but as a mortal enemy, his power was extremely sensitive to the Evil Abyss Crystal Wall Universe, and he would definitely be rejected if he did it directly, so Lin Xiao could only pass by himself according to the instructions of the Lord of Vientiane.

This is not difficult. It is a bit cumbersome and time-consuming to find the connection point of the two crystal wall universes hidden in the endless void, and he has not found it until now and rushed over.

Here is the depths of the void, the pure void, there is no evil spirit like sticky silt everywhere, it is a common void, one can not see the head when looking up, but cannot see the bottom when looking down, the diameter is tens of thousands of kilometers. The huge chaotic vortex traverses this void.

When Lin Xiao arrived, a huge face slowly appeared on the surface of this huge vortex, and an evil will that made him feel extremely oppressed followed his eyes on him.

The ruler of this crystal wall system called Xie Yuan is the seven evil wills and the order of the alignment, so Lin Xiao can come here all the way safely with his current weak strength.

The characteristic of the order camp is order. According to the rules of the Evil Abyss Crystal Wall Universe, low-level evil-yuan creatures can actively challenge high-level evil-yuan spirit bodies, but high-level evil-yuan creatures cannot actively attack low-level evil-yuan creatures.

This is the basic rule, but if the low-level evil creatures take the initiative to provoke the high-level evil creatures, they will be shot to death by the opponent.

Lin Xiao has been challenged many times along the way, but as long as he has the same rank, even if his apparent strength is higher than him, he will be able to win by relying on his'angry' power and superior combat skills. .

After all, he is not just a juggernaut, swordsmanship is just one of his skills.

As a lord condensing power with pure anger, Lin Xiao's personality is very high, that huge face stared at him for a long while, and slowly disappeared, he knew that he had been allowed to enter.

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