Luoshuang’s low-level family members are Deinonychus. This is an extremely good low-level race. Not only is its combat power the strongest among the low-level races, but its IQ is not low. With excellent equipment, its overall strength is no longer inferior. For some medium races that are not good at fighting.

The supporting race is a large group of short dwarfs, less than 10,000, all of whom are wearing Magical Robe, it is estimated that most of them are spellcasters.

Luoshuang’s core main battle race is Tyrannosaurus, a branch of dinosaurs. It is a high-level race with very powerful combat effectiveness. Although there is the word dragon, it is not the common giant dragon family. Any relationship, but the dinosaur family.

Although the dinosaurs are also dragons, their combat power is far worse than that of the giant dragons. They cannot breathe or speak magic. Only a purely powerful body can match the dragons.

Therefore, the Tyrannosaurus is also the strongest among the higher races, and is one of the most popular races used by the elites in the military.

Tyrannosaurus looks very much like Tyrannosaurus, but the size is much smaller than Tyrannosaurus, about three to four meters tall, slender stature, forelimbs are more developed and flexible than Tyrannosaurus, can use weapons, but can not use spells or even magic items , Which means that while possessing a body and power comparable to dragons, Tyrannosaurus cannot use the power of magic at all.

As soon as the two parties met, they stopped by about ten kilometers apart. The priests or wizards of the two parties began to add buffs to their companions. The mountain-like terrifying dragons crouched on the ground, and a large number of Tyrannosaurus and Deinonychus climbed to it. physically.

The height of two hundred meters and the height of eighty or ninety meters is like a hill. Moreover, Luoshuang has installed many platforms on it, like building a house, punching holes in the hard skin of the terrifying dragon clan like a city wall. , Constructing a combat platform, a large number of Deinonychus archers or spearmen, and even a turret loaded on it, artificially transform this huge terror dragon clan into a man-made mobile fortress, a terrifying one.

Lin Xiao held his chin and looked at the mobile war fortress for a while, and finally gave up his plan to kill.

too big.

Conveying his own will to Slardar, he retreated to the side with his arms around him, intending to let it go.

Luoshuang laughed loudly:

"What, give up?"

Lin Xiao smiled:

"Do you think you can beat me with this cumbersome big guy?"

He pointed to the many families of Luoshuang and said:

"Although you have a big guy, your family is not as strong as my family. Whether it is the bottom cannon fodder, the core family or even the high-end family, they can't compare to me. How can you fight me."

The Deinonychus of Falling Frost are not much different from the little murlocs, but the rest, whether they are the dwarf mage or the Tyrannosaurus, are no better than his intelligent goblin and Shura naga, one is a high-level race and the other is a sub-legendary race, Shura The upper limit of Naga's regular evolution is Tier 7, and now more than 60 Tier 7 Shura Naga knights have been accumulated, while Tyrannosaurus is only Tier 6, and now there are less than 1,000 Tier 6 Tyrannosaurus. The species gap is so big. Normally speaking, you can't beat yourself in the same population.

Unless Luoshuang will have some high-level legacy to close the gap, but the problem is that he also has a high-level legacy and a second-level legacy. In this regard, he does not believe that Luoshuang will be stronger than himself.

Even if it is stronger, it cannot be too strong.


However, Luo Shuang laughed suddenly after hearing his words:

"Do you think that I am ranked on the deputy ranking of Tianjiao based on these? Or do you think that the super elite on the ranking of Tianjiao is just stronger than the other elite family members? Too naive."

He stretched out his right hand to make a false move, the air in his palm was slowly twisted, and he stretched out his hand in front of Lin Xiao, his expression was slowly serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"Every super elite who can be ranked in the ranks of Tianjiao has a hole card killer that makes us far superior to other elites of the same generation. Just like you, although you don't know what your hole card killer is, I can be sure that you have, I have, Wu Zhonglin Also, our combat power cannot be judged by common sense. As an opponent of the same level, I advise you to go all out later. If you need time to prepare your hole cards, I will give you time. What I need is to be evenly matched or even comparable. My stronger opponent has a smooth battle, not just a victory!"

Lin Xiao's expression, as Luo Shuang's words became more and more serious, at the end he put down his embracing hands, and when he finished speaking, he said seriously:

"You are a very good opponent, as you wish, I will do my best!"

"That's the best!"

Returning to the top of his family with a serious face, Lin Xiao's expression was very serious and a little nervous. Luoshuang's words woke him up like thunder. Is he inflated? Facing the same Tianjiao super elite, he dare to underestimate the other party. , The mind to preserve strength is too bloated.

"I want to go all out!"

Lin Xiao checked the current status of all the family members who participated in the battle, and then looked at the five Transcendent abilities on the Transcendent Magic Net to remove the foresight that has nothing to do with battle. The other four Transcendent abilities have very high requirements for the family Mental Energy, even if there is a high-level legacy prophet Zhalan. The 200% Mental Energy enhancement of the sword of grams, the Mental Energy that the little murloc currently has is not enough to use any Transcendent ability except foresight.

After all, these Transcendent abilities are too strong, and the Mental Energy of a low-level race like the murloc is really not high, even the murloc warlock is the same.

Warlocks cast spells based on talent, and have little to do with Mental Energy. The Mental Energy of the Murloc Warlock is only a little stronger than the ordinary Murloc, and it is not as powerful as the Mage.

"It seems that this can only be done."

The sudden and strong pressure made Lin Xiao very nervous. In order not to lose too ugly, he decided to fight, and instead of paying for the little murloc, Mental Energy used the Transcendent ability.

Only once, and once again, his stored divine power is not enough.

Of course, only for the little murlocs, the Mental Energy of the Smart Goblin and Shura Naga is powerful enough, each can use the Transcendent ability more than once, at least twice, as many as three or four times, especially those who have reached the Transcendent level. The wise goblin archmage, whose Mental Energy is enough for them to use ten times in one go, is extra.

"let's start!"

The huge terrifying dragon race rushed over a hundred meters with big feet like a skyscraper. The ground shook the mountain, but Lin Xiao's attention was focused on the falling frost hanging in the air, and he saw him. The right hand was held high, and the void centered on him for hundreds of meters collapsed steeply inward. With an invisible wave, the robe burst and hunted, and the surrounding space exploded with the wave, like a domino. Generally collapsed layer by layer, quickly forming a huge collapse and distortion with a diameter of more than one kilometer.


This collapse and distortion with a diameter of more than one kilometer suddenly exploded. In the depths of the void behind countless flying fragments, a huge and incomparable phantom of the face of a fierce dragon appeared. At the same time, the family members looked up to the sky and roared, and screamed palpitatingly.

Then, all the dependents seemed to have awakened some power in their bodies, their bodies began to twist and expand, and their aura soared like an inflated balloon.

The contract of the ancestor of the terrifying dragon!

After seeing the huge phantom of the ferocious dragon head behind the void, this piece of information naturally appeared in the minds of all those who saw it, and naturally knew it.

This is a terrifying existence with a great personality in the crystal wall universe dominated by the terrifying dragon family. It is the ancestor of the original dragon family. Luo Shuang is blessed by this great existence, so that when signing a contract, he can use its power to increase himself and Dependents.

"What a powerful existence, what a terrible ability!"

The terrifying dragon clan Shi Clan put too much pressure on Lin Xiao, and he quickly dispelled his decision to violently give all the murlocs, he wanted to change to a Transcendent ability.

"Then summon the enhanced water element,

As he made the decision, Luoshuang’s family members had already transformed themselves. Just under his nose, the Deinonychus quickly swelled and transformed into a four-meter-long Deinonychus dragon. The four-meter tyrannosaurus swelled even more exaggeratedly, and even directly returned to the ancestors to swell and transform into a tyrannosaurus that was ten meters or so.

From the Tyrannosaurus into a Tyrannosaurus, Luoshuang's family strength directly Ascension a large level.

The fifth-level tyrannosaurus transformed into a sixth-level tyrannosaurus. The sixth-level tyrannosaurus transformed into a tyrannosaurus no less than the seventh-level tyrannosaurus. The average strength of the Deinonychus queen has surpassed the little murloc.

"Sure enough, I am worthy of being a super elite who can be ranked in the ranking of Tianjiao. It is too strong. I want to go all out."

Lin Xiao thought, from the little murloc to the Shura Naga, all began to cast spells to summon elite water elements.

The enemy is too strong, and he needs a batch of water elements to withstand the enemy's strongest impact.

Luo Shuang, who had finished summoning the power of the ancestor of the terrifying dragon clan, saw this scene and sneered:

"I need you to go all out. Where's your hole card? Where's your killer? A group of murlocs cast spells together. This is your hole card? I'm so disappointed."

It is not only him who is disappointed, but most of the people who show up in the appearance battle show disappointed expressions.

They thought that there would be a battle between dragons and tigers, but they were disappointed. Luoshuang took out his assassin. This man named Lin Xiao was still hiding. He only summoned some elements. A group of murlocs were all participating in the summoning. This could summon them. What? In their eyes this is funny.

With the success of the summoning, the huge summoning circle took shape. The well-informed Luoshuang recognized at a glance that he was summoning the water element. He was even more disappointed, and said with a cold snort:

"Do you think that summoning some water elements can stop me? Even if all your family members can summon water elements, then..."

A huge summoning circle was formed, the space was distorted, and an extremely large water element emerged from the summoning channel. The huge size and powerful aura made Luo Shuang's face become speechless.

When the strength of more than 100,000 reached the seventh rank and the giant elite water element with a height of more than 20 meters emerged from the summoning circle, the whole plane was quiet at that moment.

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