The Age Of Global Gods

Chapter 346 Powerful Hero Class-God Warrior

With such a large consumption, the result is naturally gratifying.

Five-star skill card-Deification of the Heavenly Gods: Borrowing the power of the Heavenly Gods, they can gain super physique and strength, and greatly weaken physical damage, and are immune to most spell damage and effects.

Four skills, three common skills plus a big move, just looking at the skill introduction, it feels very powerful, besides, there is a powerful talent.

Talent: Bloody.

This is a passive ability that allows fighters to continue to grow stronger as the battle continues. The more injured, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Lin Xiao has integrated a large number of similar skills, including the skill of madness, and then consumes 20 units of good fortune energy to weaken the sequelae of madness, and a powerful skill has been released.

Five-star skill card-Blood of God of War (Ancient): Whenever you take damage, it will activate the blood of God of War, which can greatly Ascension various resistances and speeds. The more severe the damage, the higher the Ascension amplitude.

Note: Before Death, any injuries other than limbs cannot affect combat effectiveness.

For other children of God's Domain, Lin Xiao only needs to consume a certain amount of good fortune energy to obtain the super-powerful skill, which is rare to see. Four skills plus one talent consume a total of 80 units of Lin Xiao's good fortune energy.

Then, these four skills and talents were loaded into the hero career template, and a super hero career template beyond ordinary people's imagination appeared in front of him, and he directly named it-God Warrior.

Occupation: God warrior.

Level: Hero occupation.

Requirements for transfer: sixth-level Transcendent or above.

Occupation bonus: Constitution 10+100%, strength 10+100%, agility 10+100%.

Occupation Talent: the blood of war.

Profession skills: phase shuttle, chaos roar, chaos strike, god descend to earth.

Note: The particularity of the hero's profession will cover certain skills or specialties possessed by the transferee. Please be cautious before transferring.

Evaluation: A powerful hero class beyond ordinary people's imagination, with the heaven-defying power to reverse large-scale wars.

The career template is simple, but the content is not simple.

First of all, the minimum transfer requirement for this hero class is a family member above the sixth-order Transcendent, which is not unreasonable.

Although there is no indication that the family members can be transferred. In theory, mages can also be transferred, but in reality it is not possible. All the skills of this hero class are tailor-made for the combat-type family members, and there are hints later that the class may cover their own possessions. Certain skills and specialties are simply abolished when the mage transfers to this position.

Therefore, only the Great Naga Warrior and the Transcendent powerhouse of the Akafur Clan can be transferred to this position in God's Domain.

It’s a pity that the transfer conditions are still a bit high. If only the fifth-level can be transferred, it will be possible to transfer to the lowest sixth-level Transcendent level. The available range is much smaller.

But this is not a problem. If you don’t need it, you can’t use it. You can use something else. It just happens that the omnipotent warrior class he used before can no longer keep up with the family members. It just so happens that there are a bunch of skill cards in his hand. Adjust it.

Because it is used by the dependents below the sixth-level, it is basically used by the little naga, so the new all-round fighter class does not need to be strengthened too high, and the key skills are good.

Refer to the hero class of God Warrior, he only selects four skills and one talent from the skill library.

He found that a powerful profession doesn't need so many pretty skills, after all, it's just that a soldier is not a mage, as long as it is strong and practical.

A total of 20 units of good fortune energy were spent, and two active skills were combined, one passive skill, one big move, and one passive talent.

Skill 1: Super Charge: Charge at any target or direction within 100+X meters at a super fast speed, causing triple critical strikes to the target and knocking down a stalemate for two seconds. The cooling time is three minutes.

Skill 2: Heart inflammation: burst of power, push the surrounding enemies beyond the 5+X meter range, and make the target freeze and unable to move within 2+X seconds. The cooling time is five minutes.

Skill 3: Multi-function weapon specialization: Professional fighters can use any weapon proficiently, and can pick up weapons on the battlefield and use them proficiently.

Four skills: Warlord: Every time you kill an enemy on the battlefield, you will absorb part of the opponent's vitality to restore your own injury and state. If you replenish yourself and have excess vitality, it will be stored. After a certain amount of vitality is stored, you can turn on the warlord Status, greatly Ascension's own physique, strength, speed, physical defense and various resistances, the more vitality the explosion, the higher the bonus.

Talent: Fighting in blood: every time a soldier receives damage on the battlefield, it will stimulate the fighting spirit, with a small Ascension speed and various resistances. The heavier the injury, the higher the Ascension range.

Occupation: Supernatural warrior.

Grade: sixth-level.

Conditions of transfer: above second-level.

Occupation bonus: physique 3+30%, strength 3+30%, agility 3+30%.

Career Talent: Fight in blood.

Profession skills: Super Charge, Heart Flame, Multi-function Weapon Specialization, Warlord.

Evaluation: A powerful fighter advanced professional, super adaptability on the battlefield can make them the king of the battlefield.

This class is super suitable for the little naga, and it can also be used by the red furnace tribe and the newly grown-up big naga, and this is just a normal skill that does not conflict with the hero professional god warrior. After the big naga is promoted to Tier 6, it can be directly transferred to Hero occupation, cover this occupation with hero occupation.

With this, it can just fill the little Naga's now slightly hollow combat power, and the salted fish spurs that have been lost after many adjustments have returned.

After finishing the career card, the next step is to use the two hero promotion permissions in your hand.

Lin Xiao thought for a while, prepared a copy for Slardar to use, promoted him to an unprecedented mythical hero, and another permission for the leader of the Red Furnace Clan to use.

He now has a hero leader for all the family members in God's Domain, but the original Earth Dwarf does not have the Crimson Furnace, which is very bad.

However, the Crimson Furnace is still in the process of transforming from the earth dwarves and is temporarily unavailable.

With a heart move, he communicated with Slardar, but he didn't issue a metaphor to make everyone know, but secretly gave the authority. He wanted to see what changes Slardar would have when he was promoted to a myth-level hero.

Mythological heroes are basically the limit of heroes. The number of heroes of the highest quality is extremely rare. Except for Gaia’s will, almost no heroes can be promoted to mythological qualities on their own. Even a Sacred dragon comparable to the true god becomes a hero. It's not 100% possible to become a mythical hero.

Together with the authority, there are ten units of divinity and a lot of divine power.

When the authority was activated, Slardar was shrouded in a golden light, and even as the Lord of God's Domain, he could not detect his situation.

"All right!"

This is indeed quite unexpected.

After seeing it for a while, Lin Xiao didn't wait any longer and turned his gaze to other directions in God's Domain.

At the bottom of the Ming Realm, when he cast his gaze over, he froze for a while, and then felt a little pain in his cheek.

Hundreds of thousands of nightmare creatures were thrown in it before, and some monsters from the evil nightmare world were also thrown in. The inside itself was filthy.

These nightmare creatures can only eat other kinds of creatures if they want to survive. The nightmare creatures and the evil nightmare can kill each other, swallow each other, and pollute each other. When he cast his eyes into the underworld, he saw the strange aura that filled the entire world.

The mixture of nightmare creatures and evil nightmare creatures produces the kind of weird rules similar to the evil nightmare world.

Especially the few of the most powerful legendary nightmare behemoths imprisoned in them, they have been killing and devouring how many similar and evil nightmare creatures, they have begun to change in the direction of those strange monsters in the evil nightmare world that cannot be directly looked at.

"The risk seems a bit big."

Lin Xiao thought for a while, felt that the risk of imprisoning these things in his God's Domain was too great, and it was easy to lose control.

"Wait for Slardar to wake up and lead his troops to suppress it!"

Then he set his sights on the heavenly realm, and at first glance was attracted by dozens of tall and golden Titan giants.

The Eternal Cloud Palace can summon a seventh-level Titan giant every month, and consume 1,000 units of divine power every ten years instead of summoning resources to summon a Thunderlord with a strength of Tier 8.

It is a pity that this thing cannot be summoned automatically, but the number of summoning cannot be accumulated. In these years, Lin Xiao has not been in God's Domain for most of his time, so he has not summoned much now, and even the Thunderlord of the eighth legendary rank has not been summoned.

Of course, the eighth-order Thor Lord has a quota in ten years, even if he squats every day, he can't summon a few now.

Lin Xiao felt that when he became a demigod, he must cultivate a safe and reliable god to help him deal with these things.

It cannot be Slardar.

Slardar assumed that he would serve as the pope for a long time, and there was no time for him to deal with these things.

He has two ideas. One is to promote from God's realm. For example, Tinker, the elemental elf, is now the queen of water elements. In the future, he will light the fire to become a demigod, and he can give her divine nature to promote her to a demigod. God.

The second idea is to merge with the girlfriend's God Realm, he is in charge of the outer war, and Shen Yuexin is in charge of the inner.

But this possibility is not very big, she may be willing, but her father and Big Brother will certainly not be happy, how could the granddaughter of the first great god-tier power merge with him in the realm of God, and still be based on him , It is impossible to agree.

Even if they are really together in the future, according to her brother's idea, it will be based on her.

Unless he can be promoted to a strong god-tier power in the future, it may make them change their minds.

Therefore, it is impossible for their gods to merge at this stage.

Then he can only choose internal Ascension and train his own helpers.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Lin Xiao set his gaze in the Eternal Cloud Palace, and sure enough there was a Thor Lord who could be summoned.

Instead of consuming a thousand units of divine power, a thick lightning flashed from the sky and flashed a dazzling light on the high platform. When the light of the lightning dissipated, a giant surrounded by lightning was revealed.

The eighth-order legendary construct creature: Lord Thor.

Yes, both the Titan Giant and the Thor Lord are constructed creatures, not the legendary Giant Titans. Strictly speaking, both the Titan Giants and the Thor Lords are constructed creatures made by imitating the real mythical species Titan Giants. , Just like all kinds of golems, this Titan giant is also a kind of golem, but it is very advanced.

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