But the reason why Lin Xiao stayed at this time was not to rest, but because he was attracted by a group of peculiar species occupying the seabed in the dark depths of the Black Sea.

This is not a monster, but an indigenous species of Life in this world, which is equivalent to other races such as kobolds and murlocs in other worlds.

Looks like...

There is no appearance, because this thing is transparent like a jellyfish, but it can change its own form at will, that is to say, it can be changed into a creature it has seen at will.

Moreover, this kind of creature can be independent, or it can bring together a large number of racial companions to form a strong will.

Before Lin Xiao arrived, these creatures were still living in the bottom of the sea in the form of independent individuals. When his huge body passed over the sea valley, these little guys quickly gathered together to form a giant jelly-like life larger than him. body.

Lin Xiao shredded this guy again with curiosity, carefully observed, and specially collected a small part of the income and saved it in God's Domain.

No other meaning, it is to enrich the gene pool.

All the nightmare creatures in the five nightmare children killed before were driven into the main divine realm, most of them were killed, a small part was imprisoned in the underworld. Inside the hatched Flesh Tree gene bank.

The genes possessed by this thing are very interesting, very valuable for research and storage.

On the next journey, Lin Xiao no longer immersed himself in the journey, but wandered around the seabed, specifically looking for interesting monsters or species.

With the strength of his body as an evil god, most places in this world can be visited. With such a big advantage, of course he has to use it.

Do not worry about destroying the Nightmare node anyway, it doesn't hurt to slow down.

Two days later, Xiong Chumo’s battleship came to a deep sea. A beautiful young girl with a ponytail stood on the bow and looked at the sea with a puzzled face, and then at the shining ball of light in his hand. It took a long while. Slowly looked down at the dark sea, and said in surprise:

"Isn't it on the bottom of the sea?"

The other girl standing next to her was also Qidao:

"Isn't it possible, this seabed is so dangerous, how can Brother Lin Xiao stay underneath?"

The members of her team are all senior high school students from Huiyao. This time, all the senior high school students from Huiyao High School No. 1 and No. 2 high school are divided into four teams. She is the third team, and the members are usually with She made good classmates.

Another male student with glasses supported the bridge of his nose, and said:

"Of course it’s impossible normally, but don’t forget the dragon emperor Wu Zhonglin on the Throne of War. He turned into a giant dragon to survive in this dangerous world. This fellow Lin Xiao may also have this ability and can turn into a powerful one. Of aquatic creatures."

Several other companions nodded one after another, thinking that this guess was correct.

But now the question is coming, Xiong Chumo spread his hands and asked:

"If he is on the bottom of the sea, how do we find him? How to communicate with him?"

"Ah this..."

Everyone hesitated, and some people said after a long while:

"Then wait. He has been staying on the sea surface where the school brother Lin Xiao is located. He can never stay on the bottom of the sea all the time. He will always float on the surface of the sea. As long as he comes up, he will know us."

"This.... OK!"

This is the only way.

On the dark seabed, Lin Xiao rolled up a tentacled monster that was full of tentacles and hundreds of meters long like a sea cucumber. He used his nails to break away the spirally inwardly contracting sharp teeth, like a hose. Turn his body inside and out, revealing an inner elastic pillar like a tongue.

The meat at the top of the meat column is very tough and peculiar. It can be transformed into creatures that have been seen before, such as fish. You can use this to lure other creatures into prey to prey. Hook the target and drag it back into the mouth.

The peculiar physiological structure made Lin Xiao smash his tongue, lamenting the strangeness of the creatures in this world.

And such strange creatures are everywhere on the bottom of the sea, and their abilities are breathtaking.

Naturally, the more such good things are, the more the better. No matter what kind you see, collect a copy and store it.

As his mastery of the law of creation becomes higher and higher, he can start to try to create his own without using the good fortune Rubik's Cube. The more types of creatures he understands, the wider his horizons, and the more perfect the created species.

This kind of endless wandering didn't know how long it took. One day he suddenly picked up the star map and found that he had unknowingly deviated from the route and came to another nightmare node.

On the surface of the sea, Xiong Chumo was looking into the distance with a speechless expression. At this moment, she felt that Lin Xiao was more than a hundred kilometers away from her, but she did not dare to step forward, because further forward, she would enter one of them. The daily patrol range of the Nightmare Node.

Although you are a Tianjiao deputy ranking player, she does not think that she can break through a nightmare node alone and retreat. Going forward, once the children of the nightmare may appear nearby at any time, a group of children of the nightmare rushes to siege and kill.

Fortunately, this world is always dark at any time, as long as the lights are not turned on, and there is a boat passing by from a kilometer away, they will not be found.

At this time someone said:

"Senior Chumo, let's step back and observe from a distance. Maybe he just passed by nearby."

"Maybe, it must be."

Another team member smiled:

"Don't you think he dares to attack this nightmare node? Don't be kidding."

Everyone roared with laughter, and Xiong Chumo also spread his hand and said:

"Then turn, find a safe place to wait and see where he goes..."

Before she finished her words, she saw the sea surface nearly ten kilometers away suddenly arched, her voice stopped abruptly, and her red lips slightly opened.

"Is it here?"

Lin Xiao felt the power of the nightmare that was getting closer and closer, and less than a hundred kilometers away in front of him, he sensed a very powerful nightmare will and a dense and weak nightmare will. Not surprisingly, it should be something Nightmare node.

The huge body slowly broke through the sea and drilled out of the sea. Lin Xiao suddenly paused, then slowly turned his head to look at the super-large battleship that Zhengcang had fled ten kilometers away.


"Run, it found us."

The ship was in a mess. The children of the Gods’ Domain who was still wondering just now screamed in his heart and hurriedly urged the warship to run away:

"Hurry up, that guy is looking over."

"Don't rush, it's the fastest speed. The steam oven is already overwhelming."

"Fuck, he moved, he is coming to our side."

The voice of speaking was a little trembling:

"Senior sister, what should I do, return immediately?"

Xiong Chumo's red lips bite and dare not look directly at the terrifying existence that is too large to imagine. He can only occasionally glance at it with his peripheral light, but even such a natural aura of not looking directly at it makes her extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, she was fighting Deva in her mind, thinking quickly what to do.

But there is no way to think about it, this guy is too terrifying, completely unstoppable.

And at this time, Lin Xiao could clearly see the figure on the ship, especially the young and beautiful girl at the bow of the ship. Isn’t it Senior Sister Xiong Chumo?

He was very happy to see acquaintances rare in this world, and immediately raised his hand to say hello.

However, at the moment he raised his hand, it looked like a huge tentacle with a diameter of several hundred meters and thousands of kilometers from the ship and swept toward the warship.

"It's over!"

Everyone looked at Xiong Chumo, and the girl took a deep breath and shouted:

"Return now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qingguang rose up and wrapped all the children of the nightmare in it, and the surrounding space quickly distorted.

"Senior Sister, Chumo Senior Sister, what am I???"

Lin Xiao looked at him with a silly look and also heard his voice with a silly expression of regret Chumo Senior Sister turned away, her raised tentacles froze in the air and motionless.

For a long while, he looked up stiffly and looked at his tentacles, which were thicker than the side of the warship. With his body like a mountain, he immediately understood everything.


At this moment, he wanted to chant a poem to express his own bad mood...

"I was happy when I first saw the senior sister, but the younger brother is not a human being. If you can go back in time, the secret sign will be the senior sister..."

"It's so speechless!"

Lin Xiao hung his head down and frustrated for a long time before regaining his spirits, turning his head to look at the distant island with stars and lights. A dark pillar of light with a diameter close to his body stands in the center of the island, and the continuous nightmare power blends. The unique rules of the nightmare world have since been injected into this world and are gradually changing this world.

At the same time, this pillar of light to the sky is also the passage for the children of the nightmare. The eight nightmare nodes are the eight roads, which are equivalent to the birth points of the eight children of the nightmare in this world.

As long as one destroys one, the war potential of the Nightmare World in this world will be reduced by one point, and the resistance of the will of this world will be stronger by one point, and the pressure of the human world to invade this world will also be reduced.

In fact, when Lin Xiao appeared in this sea area, he could sense the existence of the will from this world, and he was gradually becoming active, as if he knew what he was doing.

A warship sailing out of the island where this nightmare node is located broke through the darkness and appeared in this sea area. The surface of the sea was quiet, and the dark and unlit ships did not find any abnormalities in the sea until the warship suddenly shuddered. Only after hitting something did the sailor get up and observe and saw that the bow of the ship happened to hit a huge pillar whose head was invisible.

Someone in the cabin was asking loudly, and the sailor was about to answer. He suddenly saw the pillars moving. When he took a closer look, the muscles on his face were beating rapidly, and his body was deformed into a weird humanoid monster at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kind of distortion cannot even be controlled by Lin Xiao himself, and the changes of a hundred people will not be the same.

The people in the cabin quickly discovered the anomaly, and several soldiers rushed out of the cabin with weapons and froze at the door.

A tentacles larger than the hull of the ship are slowly tightening around the hull, that indescribable indescribable aura

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