"Wow, wow..."

The slightly black sea water splashed against the reef and splashed with water and foam. A centipede with a thick human body and full legs crawled over from a distance in the darkness, and its full-legged body leaned on the damp reef and looked at the undulations below. seawater.

Suddenly a fish shadow in the sea swam to the edge of the reef. The centipede bowed and jumped into the sea. The fish with thick arms grabbed it, but found that there was a fleshy beard under the belly of the fish connected to the bottom, and it crawled back quickly with the centipede. A huge mouth full of sharp teeth was revealed.

The centipede quickly spit out the sea fish, but the huge mouth below had already opened out from the sea to bite the centipede, and then there was a scalp-numbing chewing sound.

But the chewing sound didn't last long. Suddenly, a spear flew from a distance and shot into the sea. With a muffled grunt, the sea water surging, and a huge strange fish more than ten meters long was struggling frantically in the water.

A beam of light slowly shone over, and along the beam of light, you can see that the source is a huge sea ship.

This is an iron armored sea ship with a length of nearly 100 meters. The thick iron armor can withstand the impact of more powerful sea monsters. There are dozens of cannons on the huge ship, and the searchlights move back and forth, probing into the distance.

I dare to light up lights when I go to sea, which is extremely rare in this world.

"Is it this island?"

On the ship’s side, a group of men in strange costumes pointed at the huge island ahead, and did not pay attention to the strange fish that was killed by a spear just now. I do not know when it has disappeared. The light swept across the sea, and a huge black shadow was faintly visible. Glide slowly from the bottom of the dark sea.

The deck was full of sailors lined up, including gunners with modern muskets and blood-borne soldiers with cold weapons. From the perspective of array and discipline, this is not like an ordinary expedition ship.

In fact, it is not. This is a main battleship of the Lord's Mansion of Pearl Island. The purpose is to investigate why this mine island suddenly loses contact.

The captain surrounded by the crew and several crew members dressed in similar styles are the children of Nightmare. Six months ago, the three children of Nightmare suddenly lost contact and attracted their attention. Considering the identity and special circumstances of the missing, they did not dare to immediately. The investigation, instead of gathering the free nightmare children in several nearby territories and hiring two nightmare children, formed a small team with a total of six nightmare children before starting the investigation.

One of the Nightmare Sons named Jovis was already in a high position in Pearl Island, and he used his identity to rent a main battleship from the navy of the lord's mansion and rushed over.

The leader of the Nightmare Child, Jovis, stood on the high deck of the armored ship and looked into the distance. The power of the Nightmare Child allowed them to see farther than the telescope with the naked eye, and the ubiquitous dense fog could not completely block their eyes.

In his vision, the island is quite large, the edge of the island is relatively flat, and the center of the island seems to have a high peak.

In Qiaovis's secret feelings, the island exudes an extremely unknown aura, but he didn't care about where there is no danger in this world. It was strange that he didn't sense any danger.

However, this mountain is a bit big and occupies the center of the peninsula. He heard that the mine on the island is located inside the island. He has some doubts that the inside is a mountain, and the mine is in the middle of the mountain?

It didn't make much sense to entangle this, and Jovis decided to go to the island and take a look.

Anyway, there are six nightmare sons in their line, a large iron-clad ship, and an elite force. It's okay to explore an island.

"The first team is starting to land on the island!"

Several strong men about two meters in height jumped from the iron-clad ship that was docked with a shield in one hand and a big sword with a wide blade in the other. The two nightmare sons finally disembarked.

One of the two is called Elton and the other is called Hall. They are brothers and come from the same Nightmare family.

The bloodborne soldier started, followed by the gunman. After going ashore, he circled the vicinity of the beach. After confirming that there was nothing nearby, he signaled to the ship. The second crew disembarked and prepared to build a temporary place here. Pier.

They saw the ruins of the original pier on the other side of the island. The original pier had long since disappeared, leaving only some ruins.

Judging from the huge dents that are more than ten meters wide and hundreds of meters long in the ruins of the wharf, they should have been destroyed by some oversized monster. This is also the main reason why they dare not go ashore there, for fear that the stuff will still stay. In the sea near that.

They moved quickly. The temporary dock was dug out quickly, and there was still time to build a not very high fence. A large amount of materials were moved down and put into the dock. When the second group of team members came down, the first group explored. The team has begun to march towards the island.

The island is very desolate, with black land under thick black fog, and black plants.

The ground under my feet is a little soft, and the soil is as soft as a swamp, and it will sink into it if you don't pay attention.

Soon I came to a small depression in front of the pool, which is like an ordinary pond. Through the light, I can vaguely see that the dark water of the pond is not deep, and the mud underneath can be seen. Many of them are like lotus leaves. The aquatic plants floating on the surface of the water, there is also a finger-thick rhizome connected to the bottom of the water. There is a fruit-like bag in the center of the large basin of the aquatic plants. fruit.

When bypassing the water pool, one of the team members saw one of the large leaves with pieces of full fruit, and the ghost stopped and said:

"This thing looks delicious, do you want to pick it up?"

Leading Elton and Hall turned their heads and saw that the players were walking towards the pond, and the other players around were watching.

Suddenly his face changed slightly, he picked up the gun and shot it at the pond and shouted:

"Attention everyone, leave the pond."

At this moment, his shot hit a lotus leaf. The leaf that looked like a lotus leaf suddenly bounced, and the lotus leaf opened more than ten times elastically and rushed over to the soldier who was just about to pick. I wrapped it and dragged it into the water. In the next second, a dozen black tentacles with thick fingers popped into the lotus leaf.

The soldier instantly lost his reaction and stopped moving.

Then, in less than ten seconds, a large living person collapsed under their eyelids until the elastic lotus leaf reopened, leaving only some clothes with holes and residual teeth and bones, everything else. Disappeared, even most of the bones were swallowed.

And this was just the beginning. I tasted the flesh and blood. At the bottom of the pond, I don't know how many black tentacles bounced up in excitement, extending to the shore like a flurry of demons.

"Ready to fight!"

A strong man carrying a metal box took out a metal can from his back, lit the fuse for a few seconds, and threw it into the pond.


The expansion of the flame tore a large number of tentacles to reveal more tentacles at the mud bottom of the pond, and a large amount of black silt-like liquid was flying and spraying everywhere with the tentacles.

Several fighters were sprayed with mud, and their consciousness immediately gave up resistance and rushed to the pond. Several bloodborne fighters were about to step forward to stop their comrades. Elton suddenly shouted:


As soon as the voice fell, the ground under my feet began to vibrate, cracked, and raised, as if something big was about to come out.

Everyone quickly turned around and ran away. At the same time, several cannons of the iron armored ship in the sea slowly turned around with the mechanical creaking sound, and the inscription on the body of the gun slowly lit up.


A group of dark red firelight is particularly conspicuous in the darkness. The pond floor was just arched and exploded. A group of houses the size of a house was entangled by countless small black tentacles with thick fingers and thick arms... Let's just say, it's like digging a bucket of earthworms or the kind of spheres entangled in the mating of the snake season. The visual and mental impact is disgusting and nauseous.


Regardless of the fact that it is impossible to fight, no one wants to fight because of the appearance of this thing.

Moreover, even if you want to fight, you can't beat it, because what is exposed is only the tip of the iceberg, and there are more black tentacles rolling out of the underground, it seems that this is a hidden monster.

On the armored ship, Jovis stared at the tentacles that slowly appeared larger than he imagined, and said:

"Is it this?"

A nightmare on the side shook his head:

"Unlikely, this guy looks quite big, but it won't make the three of them disappear!"

Jovis was silent for a while, waved again, and the naval gun spewed dark red flames again. A shot hit the center of the tentacles, and a large area of ​​broken tentacles was blown up.

But this also angered the monster, and a larger body came out, and countless broken tentacles were not dead on the spot, and they could keep a certain amount of activity and dive into the ground.

Large tracts of sand and rocks were turned over, and the limbs formed by the entanglement of black tentacles flew out crazy attacking the humans on the beach, forcing them to flee to the island, and several extra-large entangled tentacles rushed from the ground to the dock. Ironclad ship on the seashore.

"Interesting! Prepare the main gun."

He didn't put this thing in his eyes. It has been in this world for so long, and even strange and terrible monsters have been encountered. Although this is quite big, it is not even in the top ten in his knowledge.

The main guns of the armored ships were more than five times larger than the secondary guns, and even the huge armored ships were pushed laterally after one shot.

Under the huge fireball, a huge crater with a diameter of more than forty meters was directly exploded from the earth-shaking noise, and countless fragments splashed.

Immediately after a dozen secondary artillery bombardment, the other parts of the monster's body were blown up and broken. Only one round of shelling blasted the monster body to pieces, exposing the broken core. Jovis looked far and saw the broken body. A blood-red crystalline brain with a blood-red crystalline brain still embedded in the squirming flesh and blood looked happy:

"good stuff!"

Immediately send an order to the subordinates who are still on the shore:

"Remove the crystal brain, hurry up."

The two nightmare children quickly gathered the remaining subordinates and returned to get their brains. They just passed a large crater exploded by a ship’s artillery. Suddenly, they felt the earth sway violently. To the bottom.

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