The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 134: Alarming the World (6 for Subscription)

"Boss Su Jiu, is this news true? Do you really want to challenge the kingdom of God?

"Crazy, the powerhouses of the kingdom of God are all gods, so how could you possibly win."

"I really think that I am very strong, in front of the powerhouses of the kingdom of God, you are nothing.

Entering the classroom, everyone also gathered around. Most of them were just curious, but there were some who were sneering, such as Zhou Yu and others.

Su Jiu ignored the crowd and looked at the news.

In the beginning, only the news released by the Lincheng Daily had been reprinted by countless media.

The popularity has also successfully become the number one today, and everyone is talking about it.

"Who is this Su Jiu? He's too crazy to dare to challenge the nine kingdoms of God."

"I heard that these nine kingdoms of gods had invited Su Jiu to join, but Su Jiu rejected them. For some reason, Su Jiu is going to challenge these nine kingdoms of gods again, which is a bit of a backlash."

"It is indeed a bit ignorant of praise. It is already a great honor to be invited by the kingdom of God. It's okay to refuse. Now it is not a simple arrogance. It is completely shameless. 39

"Thanks to me taking him as a role model before, it turns out that this kind of person really wants nothing because of the 880-degree heat."

"This Su Jiu is the best student in Lincheng No. 3 Middle School, isn't that the best? It seems that the other students are not too good. Those parents who send their children to Lincheng No. 3 Middle School are too unlucky."


Looking at these comments, Su Jiu smiled slightly, and sure enough, no matter what time of day, the fishing reels are deadly.

But he didn't regret it. When he won, the mouths of these people would naturally be closed.

"Challenging the kingdom of God is true, you don't need to ask about other things.

Immediately, Su Jiu waved his hand, ignored everyone in the class, and came to his seat to sit down.

But the surprised eyes of everyone in the class still did not dissipate. I didn't expect that Su Jiu would actually dare to challenge the kingdom of God.

At this time, another message appeared on the Internet.

"We Hei Ming Divine Kingdom gladly accepted the challenge of Su Jiu, it is our honor to be favored by Su Jiu, of course, we don't mind helping Su Jiu teach a lesson.

In addition to Hei Ning Shen, other challenged Divine Kingdoms and other Divine Kingdoms also expressed their positions, but the words were full of ridicule, and they showed disdain for Su Jiu.


Naturally, Su Jiu saw these news and didn't care too much. The only thing he was afraid of was that the kingdom of God would not agree.

Now that he has agreed, his worst fear has disappeared.

[The system prompts that the host's condition is detected, and the system automatically issues a task. 】

[System task, defeat the nine kingdoms of God, the task rewards the God of War Totem! 】

"Oh? There are still system tasks?"

Su Jiu's eyes lit up, he had basically figured it out, the system seldom released tasks on his own initiative, unless he did some big things himself, would trigger the system's tasks.

"God of War Totem? It sounds like a great thing, and now I'm waiting for the night to let these kingdoms of gods enter the set.

Su Jiu's heart was full of joy, and he didn't expect not only to get the artifact, but also to get system rewards.

But he didn't know how much impact this incident had on No. 3 Middle School.

Principal's office.

"Minister, can't your supervisory department stop this?"

"What? Can't stop it? Unless Su Jiu comes forward to clarify?

"Parent, please don't get excited, there is absolutely no problem with the teaching of our third middle school, about Su Jiu... eh? This parent, why are you still scolding people?

"What? You're dropping your child? You're going to complain to us? Please don't joke about this parent, we... hello? Hello?"

"Chief Shi, Su Jiu did it himself, our school didn't know about it before.""


All morning, Gao Yunchang had been talking to different people in the office to explain, but in the end he was treated coldly, which filled his heart with helplessness.

"Is this bastard doing human affairs?"

Gao Yunchang sighed, and now he only hopes that Su Jiu can win, so as to restore the image of their third middle school in the outside world.

Time passed by, and everyone on this day was looking forward to the result of Su Jiu's challenge to the kingdom of God at night.

After school in the afternoon, Su Jiu returned home, went online and waited for the challenge time to arrive.

The challenge time he set was eight o'clock in the evening, and the time when the artifact secret realm disappeared was eleven o'clock in the evening. Three hours was enough to challenge the nine great kingdoms in turn.

"Stu Jiu, it's really uncomfortable for you not to do things."

At this time, Chu Qing sent a message, and her words were full of helplessness.

"You know that too?"

Su Jiu said with a smile.

"Can't you know? Today's news all over the world is about you, high school students arrogantly challenged the nine kingdoms of God, and you are the first in history.

"Then do you think I can win?"

"Naturally you can win. You never do anything you are not sure about, but I'm very curious about the purpose of doing this, just to be famous?"

"You can think so too.

Su Jiu didn't explain too much, so don't tell others about the artifact.

Originally, he wanted to ask Tang Ming for help for nine million ninth-order races, but in this case, he definitely needed to talk about the artifact.

Fortunately, these Divine Kingdoms ran out to find trouble at this time, and he raised the challenge.

"Since you don't want to say it, then forget it. I wish you a successful challenge."

Finally, Chu Qing said something.

Su Jiu looked at the shrine in front of him with a smile on his face.

"System, what you said before is true, as long as someone invades my Dao domain world, you can directly bring his race to the vicinity of the shrine?

Su Jiu asked again to confirm.

[Please believe the host in this system, as long as they dare to come in, they will definitely be teleported to the shrine in the secret realm of artifacts. 】

Su Jiu nodded, if it weren't for this, he would not choose to challenge the kingdom of God, after all, he has no ability to let these guys from the kingdom of God take the initiative to enter the secret realm.

Time passed by, and soon it was approaching eight o'clock in the evening, and at this time the whole world was looking forward to it.

At the same time, the gods of the nine kingdoms of God who were challenged by Su Jiu also sat together.

"Which one of you will go up and play with this kid?"

There was a man sitting at the top, and there was nothing in the man's eyes.

This person is the God Lord Huang Guwen of the Qingtian Divine Kingdom, and he is also the only God Lord of the superior Divine Kingdom among all the Divine Kingdoms present.

Hearing Huang Guwen's words, everyone looked at each other and did not speak.

Although they have already accepted Su Jiu's challenge, if they do go, there is no glory in winning.

"Of course whoever is weaker will go."

Everyone was silent for a while, and then a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at it in unison.

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