The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 135 The Challenge of the Kingdom of God, Begin! (1)

"Of course whoever is weaker will go!

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at the person who spoke, it was Zheng Hong, the God Lord of the Heiming Divine Kingdom.

"Master Zheng Hong, what do you mean by that?

Someone asked in dissatisfaction.

"What do you mean? Isn't it obvious enough? To deal with a high school student like Su Jiu, do you want me to go to the Heiming Divine Kingdom or the Qingtian Divine Kingdom?"

"By the way, since the Lord Ye Yu is dissatisfied with my words, then let your Lingfeng Divine Kingdom go, no one else has any opinions?"

Zheng Hong looked at the speaker, and then looked at the others.

"I have no opinion. The Lingfeng Kingdom of God Lord Ye Yu is considered to be the top among our lower kingdoms, and it will definitely be able to win Su Jiu."

"Yeah, although we have all agreed to the challenge, it is enough to have Lingfeng Divine Kingdom~ to make a move.

"God Lord Ye Yu, don't refuse, give Su Jiu- a little color.


The other gods of the kingdom of God expressed their approval one after another, and it just so happened that they didn't want their own kingdom to go, and Zheng Hong's words just made them go with the flow.

Ye Yu, the God Lord of Lingfeng Divine Kingdom, sank.

"God Lord Ye Yu, don't you think that Lingfeng Divine Kingdom is not Su Jiu's opponent?"

Huang Guwen, who was in the first part, also looked over, with coldness in his eyes.

"Huang Shenzhu is joking, it's just Su Jiu, I can still win the Lingfeng Divine Kingdom. With his strength, why should he dispatch the ninth-order race, he only needs 10,000 eighteenth-order races to sweep. 35

Knowing that he couldn't escape being the first to play, Ye Yu no longer escaped.

"God Lord Ye Yu, I think you should go with a million ninth-order races. After all, this kid said in the video posted before that you must go with a million ninth-order races. Although I don't know what the purpose is, after all he Is the challenger, we still have to give him a little respect.

Zheng Hong said, "After all, this kind of thing touching porcelain is not unheard of. If you destroy his Dao domain world without meeting his conditions, maybe he will sue the Ministry of Supervision, and then you will be able to do Lingfeng Divine Kingdom. suffered.

Ye Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, what he said was indeed true.

The ghost knows whether Su Jiu has touched porcelain. In case because he does not meet the conditions, the other party finally gives a challenge and it is invalid. Using this to report to the supervisory department is also a troublesome thing for him.

"Thank you, Lord Zheng Hong, for reminding me, I will let people bring a million ninth-order races to meet him!

Ye Yu said.

"Don't forget to broadcast live, since he dares to be so arrogant, let him pay the price for this matter, and let everyone watch him kneel and beg for mercy! 55

Huang Guwen said lightly.

Ye Yu nodded, and he naturally would not forget this, Su Jiu was the first high school student who dared to challenge the kingdom of God for so many years!

. Soon, it was 7:55, and there were five minutes left before the challenge time.

And Ye Yu, as the first Divine Lord to accept the challenge, also made a member of his Divine Kingdom begin to prepare to invade Su Jiu's Dao domain world.

Shi Hao, one of the members of Lingfeng Divine Kingdom, and also a college student at a certain university, has become a god and was enshrined in the divine position by Shinto.

"Hello everyone, I'm Shi Hao, a member of Lingfeng Shenguo, and I will represent Lingfeng Shenguo to accept Su Jiu's challenge. 35

Shi Hao directly started the live broadcast, and the major media that had been waiting for a long time started broadcasting Shi Hao's live broadcast room one after another, and at the same time, countless melon eaters also entered the live broadcast room.

In just one minute, the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached one million, and the number of people is still increasing wildly, almost tens of thousands of people every second.

"There are still three minutes before the time set by Su Jiu, please wait patiently, after all, I am still very punctual, saying that eight o'clock is eight o'clock.

Shi Hao said with a smile.

"You Lingfeng Divine Kingdom really take care of this Su Jiu, isn't that kid just trying to be famous, you really cooperate well.

‘The anchor beat him hard for me, don’t be polite, let him know that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

"Don't you start? I've already started eating melons. How long do you think Su Jiu can last under your million ninth-order race?"

"What kind of race is the anchor planning to send? It doesn't matter anyway, he is a high school student, and he may not have a seventh-order race, so how can he fight against the ninth-order race.


The melon eaters in the live broadcast room also talked about it, and the number of viewers has exceeded 10 million.


"Here I can get to the bottom of it. The ninth-order race I dispatched is a werewolf. If Su Jiu sees it, you can prepare in advance. After all, I will not be polite in a while. If you release water, it will be disrespectful to you.

Shi Hao said with a smile.

This remark was obviously joking, and everyone in the live broadcast room also ridiculed Su Jiu for being over his head.

Five minutes passed in a flash. At this time, the number of viewers in Shi Hao's live broadcast room alone had exceeded 100 million, and the number of other live broadcast rooms had reached at least one million.

That night, almost everyone in the world was watching this live broadcast.

"Everyone, the time is up, I'm going to start tearing the Daoyu barrier, Su Jiu classmate, are you ready?

Shi Hao said, a force swept out of his body, and a space crack appeared in front of him.


"Do you think Su Jiu can win?"

In the conference room of No. 3 Middle School, Gao Yunchang, Tang Ming, Yu Qiang and other high-level school leaders and all teachers gathered here.

There was a huge screen in front of them, it was Shi Hao's live broadcast room.

"Win? Principal, how could he win? It would be good to keep the Daoyu world."

"I thought I met a good seedling, but I didn't expect it to turn out to be a lunatic. Today, many parents of students called me and asked to drop out of school, but it was not all caused by him. 99

"After this incident, Su Jiu is considered to be completely useless. I think for the sake of the school's reputation, let him drop out. 35

"Teacher Tang is really a good student, and he dares to challenge the kingdom of God. Is that what he should do as a high school student?


The other teachers in the conference room spoke coldly, with dissatisfaction in their eyes, and many teachers have even begun to think about finding another way to make a living.

After all, after this incident, the third middle school will definitely be ruined because of Su Jiu's incident, and they will only be looked down upon when they stay in the third middle school.

Tang Ming didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the screen, he had a feeling that Su Jiu might really win.

At the same time, Su Jiu was also notified.

[Notice]: Your Daoyu World has been invaded, please prepare for it!

"System, let's get started!"

Looking at the space crack that appeared above the sky, Su Jiu smiled faintly.

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