Hearing such unreliable words from the system, Su Jiu felt that if he wanted to leave here, he would have to wait for a long time.

However, in fact, Su Jiu didn't, and he got out of there immediately after waiting for a long time. But facing this palace, Su Jiu is still at a loss, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Su Jiu suddenly remembered the person he met before, and said that he was the heir of this palace. Could it be that there is something in this palace that he didn't know about?

But he's seen it over and over here, and the only thing that's a little different is the murals.

If there are any tricks hidden in these murals, they should be able to see it. But Su Jiu has been working for so long and still hasn't found any clues.

As for touching those walls, Su Jiu was reluctant to try again. However, it was at this time that Su Jiu discovered that these walls were different from before.

If the people in the original mural were just repeating an action mechanically, and that action did not have any substantial result, then at this moment it became a mechanical repetition, that result.

That is to say. Originally, the child in the mural was just the action of being thrown repeatedly, but now it is the child who is repeatedly thrown into the boiling water.

Does it mean that you enter this wall once, and these walls will undergo some different changes?

Su Jiu didn't understand very much, but he couldn't find any other way.

There was really no other way, so Su Jiu decided to let the lava beast burn all these walls.

After receiving Su Jiu's order, the lava beast immediately spewed out a suitable amount of fire, burning all those walls.

After those walls were burned, there was still no color change, but all the people inside turned into ashes.

Su Jiu looked at this scene thoughtfully.

Turning his attention to the relief again, the relief was also burned, but the people inside still survived.

The only ones that were not reduced to ashes were the worshipped man and the child.

At this moment, the person who was admired suddenly changed, and his belly was slowly shrinking.

And his clothes have also changed.

Slowly, Su Jiu looked at the person being worshipped and felt a little familiar.

In the end, that person finally stopped changing at all, and Su Jiu found out that the person looked exactly the same as him.

Su Jiu was a little surprised. Does it mean that whoever burns these walls will be worshipped by this wall?

Another survivor was the child who was thrown into the water.

Su Jiu found that not only the pilgrim had changed, but the little child had also changed. This little child is playing in the boiling water and growing up slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He soon became an adult.

Just when Suzhou thought that the child's growth was over, he changed again, and he slowly became the person who was worshipped by everyone before.

However, at this moment, a beam of white light suddenly emitted from the wall, sucking Su Jiu into it.

Entering this wall again, Su Jiu said that he did not feel happy.

Su Jiu once again lived in this wall and became a real bystander.

...for flowers....

And the two of them didn't seem to be able to see Su Jiu, and the duel between them began. So I just stood by and looked at the other me and the big belly, and felt that I still had the upper hand.

Su Jiu suddenly felt that this picture was a bit irritating.

At this moment, Su Jiu felt a burning sensation.

Su Jiu immediately summoned the holy dragon, and he rode the holy dragon's body into the air.

However, the burning sensation of the flames was still extremely strong. At this moment, Su couldn't bear to summon the lava beast.

When the lava beast also entered the mural, that archery feeling disappeared abnormally.

Knowing that at this time, the other Su Jiu turned out to be like the real Su Jiu, and the two actually merged into one. It was at this time that Su Jiu received some memories that did not belong to her.

Here Su Jiu saw the rise of a kingdom of gods.

Su Jiu was very sure that this divine kingdom was not among all the divine kingdoms he knew. Could it be that the kingdom of God has disappeared?

Or is this another very mysterious kingdom of God?

However, another person did not give Su Jiu much time to think about it, and immediately attacked him.

Su Jiu immediately dodged the sword swung by the man. Instead, he drew out his holy sword and fought against it.

Su Jiu's skills are more agile now, and he stabbed towards the man's throat quickly with his eyes and hands.

But the man immediately blocked with the sword in his hand, Su Jiu's first kill.

So turn active into passive. Su Jiu has the upper hand. But that person has become more stable.

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