Has Su Jiu thought that this person's fighting ability is so strong? He couldn't beat him for a while.

But Su Jiu was not discouraged because of this, but instead became more and more brave. But the man seemed to never tire, just mechanically repeating his set of movements.

Doing things is just repeating that set of actions, and Su Jiu can't kill him immediately. But the outside world suddenly didn't know that something was moving, causing the man to be distracted. Su Jiu immediately saw the opportunity and stabbed him in the heart with a sword.

The man turned his head mechanically, eyes full of disbelief, watching Su Jiu finally slowly fall down.

"Nine-two-seven" "Di!" A harsh notification suddenly sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring a new vassal state!"

Su Jiu just took back his sword when he heard such a notification, but Su Jiu was not happy about it.

With a new vassal state, these lava beasts can be settled. But what Su Jiu wanted most was that other artifact, but given the current situation, it might not be easy to get it.

And being able to get a new vassal is already a big reward, and Su Jiu doesn't dare to be greedy any more.

What's more, Su Jiu didn't suffer any loss during this trip to the secret realm. So Su Jiu no longer entangled in these arrogant questions, and immediately came out of this secret realm.

"Su Jiu, you are finally back, where have you been these days?" As soon as Su Jiu came out, he saw Zhao Minghuang waiting for him in his room.

"I went to explore a secret realm." Su Jiu answered Zhao Minghuang's question concisely and concisely, not that he didn't want to say a few more words, but that he was too tired, he wanted to Rest as soon as possible.

"So that's how it is, I thought some enemy family came to look for you, you just found a place to duel with others!" Zhao Minghuang's mouth was not polite.

"Okay, okay, you can see that I'm alive and kicking now, can you rest assured now? I'm too tired to work day and night these past few days, I want to rest." For Su Jiu, Zhao Minghuang was no longer an outsider. So he kept his words concise and clear, and he was not afraid of Zhao Minghuang's thoughts.

Zhao Minghuang naturally didn't think too much. He also understood Su Jiu's character, so he went out immediately and closed the door for Su Jiu intimately.

After Zhao Minghuang left, Su Jiu immediately fell into a deep sleep. However, not long after he fell asleep, he entered a very strange dream.

In this dream, he saw someone selling children, someone selling souls. People come and go here. But none of them are normal transactions. Some people are still betraying their cultivation, just like those cultivation novels he read in his previous life.

Su Jiu wondered how he could have dreamed of these contents, so he kept walking. But as he walked, everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

Su Jiu felt unusually puzzled, and at this moment, someone suddenly knelt down first.

After someone knelt down, the others followed that person and all knelt down, just like worshiping their gods and began to worship.

"Ding! One hundred million incense points have arrived! 35

"Congratulations to the host who has newly obtained 200 million incense points! 55

The mechanical system sounded again, and Su Jiu realized that this was his own country.

This is the vassal that he has recently acquired... But he doesn't understand why he came to this vassal vaguely when he was sleeping.

And the transactions that take place within these vassals seem to be quite inhuman. Could it be that there is something mysterious about this country?

At this moment, someone ran up to Su Jiu and wanted to take Su Jiu to a place.

Su Jiu was very curious about where this person would take him, so he followed this person all the way, and at this moment Su Jiu saw the palace.

The palace that has been sleepy for a long time.

It turns out that what the person said about inheriting the palace was like this.

I just don't know how Chen He is now and whether he has recovered.

As soon as Su Jiu's idea was formed, Su Jiu immediately appeared in front of Chen He.

Su Jiu looked at Chen He standing in front of him in surprise, and immediately understood the mysterious power of this vassal state. You can turn what you think into reality.

Su Jiu thinks this attribute is really awesome. In this way, 4.9, the future self will be in an invincible state.

I just don't know if this attribute has other side effects, such as depleting one's own incense!

!!! At this time, Su Jiu suddenly remembered that his own country can turn his thoughts into reality. Didn't he just dig a hole and bury himself?

However, at this time, not only did the system prompt him to deduct the incense point, but a pit actually appeared to bury Su Jiu.

Chen He looked at this fantastic scene, not knowing what happened.

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