So after the two discussed it, they decided to prepare a little and set off immediately.

But at this time, a series of unbelievable things suddenly happened on the side of the Lord of Light.

The Lord of Light finally formed an alliance with that person and was ready to attack Su Jiu. After all, Su Jiu has seriously threatened his status.

"Be careful when you go to that mountain range this time, that mountain range is not an ordinary mountain range," Zhao Minghuang's father warned before they left.

That serious look made Zhao Minghuang once feel that there was an unspeakable "Nine Four Three" secret in that mountain range.

It's just that I was in a hurry to go on the road with Su Jiu, so I didn't care about these little details. On the contrary, Su Jiu felt that Zhao Minghuang's father had an unusual attitude.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the outskirts of this mountain range. What the guard came to report before was that the temperature of this mountain range was slowly rising, but at this moment there was a snow-capped mountain in front of them.

Could it be that the temperature of the mountains in this area changes so fast? After all, Su Jiu and the others came here through a special channel, and time has not passed.

Therefore, this mountain range should be at this moment when the temperature is slowly rising. But at this moment, there is no sign of the temperature rising in the mountain range in front of them. Even those snowflakes are still increasing.

And the frozen area is also spreading. It was completely different from what the guard reported.

It seems that there is something wrong with the guard.

I just don't know why the guard tried to lead the two of them here.

At that time, it could not actually be regarded as a lead, after all, Zhao Minghuang didn't want to come here at all. The only variable is Su Jiu.

Su Jiu and Zhao Minghuang looked at each other and felt that the matter was not easy, so the two of them slowly walked towards the mountain.

"Stop! Stop, we can't go any further!" At some point, a man in tiger skin appeared behind the two of them, looking like a hunter.

"Why?" Su Jiu asked rhetorically, seeing that person reminding him kindly.

“This mountain range is a little weird. After so many years, the snow on the mountain sometimes melts, and sometimes it is as hot as boiling water. No one knows what happened to this mountain range, and no one dares to go there. 35 The hunter and the When Su Jiu spoke, he glanced at Zhao Minghuang from time to time. After all, the temperament of these two people is there, and anyone who sees them will not think that they are just ordinary explorers.

"So for so many years, no one wants to come to explore, go in and have a look, and no one thinks about coming here?" Su Jiu was a little puzzled in an instant. It is reasonable to say that seeing such strange identities, there should be Many people want to come here to explore.

But according to this hunter, so far, no one has come to explore here. Could it be that this mountain range is changing so fast that everyone stops?

Or is there something else terrifying in this mountain range?

"This mountain range is not only as simple as the temperature change, but there are countless beasts in it. I wanted to go in and take care of it in the early years, but before I stepped in, I was shocked by the strange sight of this mountain range. I won't dare to go in anymore..." The hunter still had lingering fears when he said this.

"There were a lot of people who wanted to go in and explore, get treasures, etc., but all of them never came out. And I just stepped into the foot of this mountain range, and his temperature changed very quickly, sometimes fierce. The hot summer, sometimes like the severe cold winter, is really unbearable for a moment." The hunter said and shook his head. I still can't imagine the scene at that time. If I was a little more impulsive at that time, I'm afraid I would have explained it there.

"That's why you must never go in here. It's a place where you can't go back." The hunter turned his attention to Su Jiu again and looked at Su Jiu sincerely.

"Thank you, uncle." Su Jiu knew that the hunter had a good intention to remind himself, so he also took this kind intention to heart. I thought that after entering the mountain, I must fight a few more beasts and give them to this hunter.

"It's alright, I'm just reminding you, it's almost noon at 4.9, why don't you come and sit at my house?" After hearing Su Jiu's thanks, the hunter scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Su Jiu watched this Orion with a different feeling, but Su Jiu couldn't tell what was wrong. On the contrary, Zhao Minghuang looked in front of him with a sincere smile, and Orion began to feel a little disgusted.

"We still have to hurry and don't bother, thank you uncle for your kindness." This hunter made Zhao Minghuang feel a little uncomfortable, so Zhao Minghuang directly rejected his kindness.

For Zhao Minghuang's rejection, Su Jiu felt nothing.


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