Anyway, there is still some time before noon, and Su Jiu is not very hungry. It's just that Zhao Minghuang rarely rejects a person so neatly, and Su Jiu is a little surprised.

It seems that Zhao Minghuang is not all brainless as his master said. At least from the current situation, this Zhao Minghuang seems to be quite vigilant.

"Ah, that's it, that's fine. But don't go to the mountain. That mountain is really a mountain that eats people and doesn't spit out bones." Although he was rejected directly by others, Orion was a little embarrassed He blushed, but there was no more expression. Not feeling embarrassed, he repeatedly told them not to go to that mountain.

But Su Jiu and Zhao Minghuang, the original purpose was to come to this mountain, how could he give up his destination because of the words of 24 hunters.

"It's okay, we just take a look around here, feast our eyes, and then leave." It seems that if the hunter doesn't agree, the hunter will still have to stand here and persuade them to go back.

Then just make a random guarantee and let the hunter leave here with confidence.

"That can be remembered, don't go in. I have something to do at my house, so I will leave first. 35 The hunter looked harmless to humans and animals, and after saying this, he turned around and left.

Su Jiu was fascinated and squinted at the figure he was leaving, feeling that this person left a bit hastily.

Because according to common sense, even if there is something at home in a hurry to go home, it should be faster, instead of appearing to run away in a hurry.

What's more, if it was really urgent at home, why did they chat so much with the two strangers here.

It seems that this person is tricky.

So Su Jiu and Zhao Minghuang turned around and left, pretending to leave the mountain. Just around the corner, Su Jiu caught a glimpse of the Orion who had just left.

So he immediately teleported behind the hunter and grabbed the hunter's neck. It was just a momentary matter, and the hunter was immediately controlled.

"Say! What are you sneaking around with us?" Su Jiu immediately questioned the hunter.

Not giving the hunter a chance to breathe.

"I said! I said! Let me die!" In the end, before he could react, one was cured by Su Jiu, and his heart suddenly panicked.

He was originally an idle hunter here, and there were many people who came to explore this mountain range. Gradually, he realized that the more he refused to let those people go, the more curious those people became. They never came out again, but the things they carried were occasionally washed down by the currents on the mountain, so the hunter was able to pick up a lot of good things.

Moreover, when these things are brought to the market, they can usually be sold for a good price, so the hunter has discovered a new way to make money.

Since then, whenever someone came to the outside of this mountain, the hunter would pretend to discourage them, and then those people would go in, and the hunter would wait by the side to pick up the bargain.

But I didn't expect to meet Su Jiu this time, the two of them.

Originally, he thought that after his false dissuasion, Su Jiu and Zhao Minghuang would be more determined to enter this mountain range, but he did not expect that these two people actually obeyed his dissuasion and turned around and left. , so he wanted to follow up to see what the two were.

But I didn't expect to be caught.

"So all those people in the past have never come out?" All of them are a little unbelievable. It is reasonable to say that even if the cultivation base is low enough to enter this mountain range, as long as you don't think about deeper places, there is still a lot of difficulty to come out. high probability.

"You don't know, this mountain looks unremarkable on the outside, but it is full of formations." Although the hunter has never entered, he has heard some rumors. At this moment, in order to save his life, he disregarded the truth of those rumors and said everything he had heard since 943.

"I've heard people say that this mountain is full of people who enter the formation. Nine times out of ten, they will be trapped in the illusion created by the formation, and eventually die under the conditions of strong temperature changes." Speaking of this, The hunter swallowed.

"I'll ask you one last time, has no one really come out?" Zhang Minghua immediately took out the majesty of his young master, and the hunter instantly became weaker.

Originally, Su Jiu was scary enough by himself, but now Zhao Minghuang was added as a hunter, and he was so scared that he lost his mind.

"Let me think about it again, let me think about it again!" The hunter only thought about how to survive, and didn't care about anything else.

"Yes! There used to be! Only one person has come out! But he warned me not to let me tell anyone a good man once, and I told you, you must not talk nonsense everywhere! That hunter was scared to pee his pants. .

It seems that this time it is all said without reservation.

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