"Why isn't this Su Jiu here yet? Could it be that he really fell into the hands of those people?" Zhao Minghuang was already squatting on the ground at this time, and began to draw on the ground with branches constantly. I can't tell what exactly Zhao Minghuang painted.

"I'm afraid Su Jiu has become a ghost by now!" The man saw Zhao Minghuang squatting there with a decadent look, and felt extremely happy for a while.

Although he is still tied up by him, his gang has already sent a signal, and until now Su Jiu has not appeared for so long, there is only one possibility that they have succeeded.

Since his teammates have already succeeded, then even if he died, he would be considered dead.

"Heh, maybe your people have been wiped out by the regiment?!" Zhao Minghuang looked up at him in dissatisfaction.

Zhao Minghuang thinks that Su Jiu is so powerful, and there must be a side he doesn't know, so Su Jiu will let him go first without fear, and he will lead most of the people away.

Therefore, Zhao Minghuang is very confident in Su Jiu, after all, he can even accept the challenge of God.

Moreover, that God of Light has targeted him so many times, both openly and secretly, all of which have been resolved by him, and every time he can get a blessing in disguise, Zhao Minghuang believes that this time Su Jiu is just as lucky.

"I can't say that Su Jiu's body has been eaten by my comrades~||!" The man saw that Su Jiu was Zhao Minghuang's death point, as long as he kept saying bad things about Su Jiu and kept reminding Su Jiu This incident has already been encountered, and it can disturb Zhao Minghuang's mind, so he can find an opportunity to escape.

As long as Zhao Minghuang's mind is disturbed by him, he will definitely not be able to learn that much under the panic, then he will definitely be able to find an opportunity to escape immediately, and maybe he will be able to capture Zhao Minghuang alive.

He was thinking so beautifully in his heart, but he didn't expect that Zhao Minghuang's eyes when looking at him had gradually changed.

"If Su Jiu really has an accident, then I will definitely send you down to accompany him first!" Zhao Minghuang suddenly became very vicious, and the man couldn't help shrinking his neck.

What's going on with this Zhao Minghuang? Could it be that she has been hiding before?

After trying it, he must have been hiding it all the time. Otherwise, they would not have been careless. They took Zhao Minghuang seriously and assigned him to deal with him alone.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that this Zhao Minghuang should not be underestimated at any time, otherwise he would suffer a big loss, but he probably won't have the chance to be with this Zhao Minghuang in the future, because this time it is not Zhao Minghuang. When the Emperor Ming died, he died.

But judging from the current situation, I am afraid that he himself is the one who is more fortunate.

It's been so long, why his companions still haven't come to him and the people who came to meet him have disappeared.

At this time, Zhao Minghuang suddenly heard a change in the back of the forest.

Zhao Minghuang looked back at the person who had come intuitively, it should be their accomplice, because the footsteps were not just the sound of one person.

It seems that the signal just now is indeed a signal of success, otherwise the people who came to respond would not have arrived so soon.

Zhao Minghuang was a little uneasy in his heart, something must have happened to Su Jiu, otherwise how could he let that signal come out?

Thinking of this, Zhao Minghuang didn't care too much, he had to knock the man unconscious immediately, then hid it, and helped him tie him to the rock to make sure he didn't have any self-rescue ability. Only then turned his head to leave and walked in the direction of Su Jiu.

After all those people were brought in, they quietly used the hidden weapon that had been hidden in their sleeves to cut all the ropes tied to him.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from behind.

""~Who?!" Su Jiu immediately sent the dagger to the man's neck with vigilance.

"Don't, don't, I don't want to accidentally hurt the friendly army!" The man lowered his eyes and looked at the dagger beside his neck. After all, he could cut his neck by moving the dagger.

"What friendly army? Who are you?" Su looked at this person defensively. He had never seen this person before, so why did he call himself a friendly army?

(Is it okay?) "I know you don't believe me, but you see that I have a token in hand. I am a person sent by the God of Tianwu God." The man immediately took out the token given to him by the God of Light.

Su Jiu's eyes became extremely cold immediately after seeing the token. That person must have seen the murderous intent in Su Jiu's eyes, and immediately looked at the token in his hand, only to realize that he had taken it wrong.

So he searched in his backpack to find out the token that Tianwu Divine Kingdom gave him.


So how many people did this guy take refuge in? No matter how many people he was, just saying that he had two tokens in his hand was enough to prove that this person was not reliable.

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