"Who are you?" Su Jiu narrowed his eyes, the air around him seemed to get colder.

Looking at this person's face, Su Jiu felt more and more unfamiliar, and felt that this person must not be kept.

After all, how reliable is a wallhead? I don't know when he will stab him in the back, and then he will not even cry.

"Although I took the token of the Guangming Divine Lord, I am actually the confidant of the Tianwu Divine Kingdom, the Divine Lord of the Tianwu Divine Kingdom, and let me ambush beside the Guangming Shushu to be an undercover agent. That person's eyes have been staring at Su Jiu's eyes. .

Everywhere he revealed to Su Jiu that every word he said was the truth.

But Su Jiu looked at the person in front of him and always felt that this person was somewhat unreliable.

"I think you look familiar?" In fact, Su Jiu didn't look familiar to this person at all, he just wanted to deceive him and see if he could see some clues from his expression.

Sure enough, after that person heard Su Jiu's words, his face changed very quickly, and he immediately returned to the same as usual.

Just like after seeing Su Jiu just now, there is no flaw at all, but his extremely fast face change was still captured by Su Jiu.

"You've already seen how I dealt with those people, so I can't keep you anymore." Su Jiu said this, not forgetting to look at him with regretful eyes, while shaking his head.

And the movement of his hand was also a bit stern, and the tip of the knife immediately sank in, and blood slowly flowed down from the blade of his skin.

"I said, I said, in fact, I am the hunter you met at the foot of the mountain." The hunter looked terrified and poured out everything he knew like a bean.

It turned out that those people found this hunter a few days ago. They knew that this hunter had lived here for many years and knew this mountain very well, so those people bought the hunter and took their people to ambushed in this mountain. .

He also warned the hunter not to say anything. If they saw Su Jiu and Zhao Minghuang, they would immediately lead them up the mountain.

So Su Jiu and the others met the hunter at the foot of the mountain. It was not a coincidence, but the hunter had been waiting for them there for several days.

As for the words that Orion said, it was only to strengthen Su Jiu's intention to go to this mountain.

Seeing that Orion has been frightened like this, it seems that he will no longer lie, but Su Jiu intuitively, he is still hiding a lot of things.

"And they detained my wife and daughter, and if I don't agree to them, my wife and daughter will be killed by them. I can't disregard the lives of my wife and daughter. The man said without forgetting to sneak Observing Su Jiu's expression, and seeing that Su Jiu's expression loosened a little, he wanted to quietly counterattack.

(ceej) But I didn't expect Su Jiu's reaction to be so fast, knocking him to the ground with one move, making him no longer able to fight back.

"So how many of what you just said are true?" Su Jiu looked at him as if he was looking at a dead man, but that man didn't have the panicked expression just now.

"I was actually seen through by you." He had already acted to this point, but Su Jiu still didn't believe him, it seemed that he couldn't hide it from Su Jiu no matter what.

If that's the case, then it's better to have a good time directly.

But Su Jiu seems to have penetrated his mind, but he is not as good as he should be slowly torturing him.

Su Jiu imitated Zhao Minghuang, took off almost all his clothes, and then tied him to a branch.

He originally thought that Su Jiu would kill him, but he didn't expect that Su Jiu would waste his strength and tie him to a branch.

"Put me down! Let me down!" After discovering Su Jiu's intentions, the man started tossing with his hands and feet, trying to get Su Jiu to let him down, but Su Jiu was indifferent.

"I'm begging you, I'm begging you! I'll let it go, I'll say anything, I'll say everything... I won't hide from you any more!" The man's tears and snot came together, and Su Jiu left with disgust He was a little further away.

Knowing this earlier, why bother?

But through this phenomenon, Su Jiu discovered that this person is afraid of heights. Once a weakness is found, then the lifeblood of this person has already been in the hands of others.

Therefore, although Su Jiu is a little publicized, he has never exposed his weaknesses to others, and even Zhao Minghuang doesn't know where his weaknesses are.

"You know you're afraid now?" Although the man had already begged for mercy, Su Jiu didn't intend to let him go.

"Now tell the truth, I can let you hang on the branch for a while less." Su Jiu smiled and looked at the man on the branch.

From that person's point of view, Bureau Su Jiu was smiling, which was also very scary.

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