So when he saw these two people coming out so directly, he was very surprised, because he originally thought that the two were going to escape, but when they approached, Su Jiu was on guard all over, because Wan Wan What if this person wants to take these to attack him?

"..." The two apparently noticed that Su Jiu didn't look very friendly, but they didn't take it to heart, just thinking about how to explain to Su Jiu for a while.

They didn't want to confront Su Jiu at all, and they had no interest at all in attacking them. After all, they were sent by the God of Heaven to protect "Nine Nine Zeros" to protect Su Jiu.

"Who are you guys? Why are you hiding here and sneaking around here?" Before waiting for the two to open their appeal, he directly asked everything he wanted to ask. He didn't want to wait for the two to take the initiative to confess. It can't be said that the two people took the initiative to confess things that have nothing to do with him.

What's more, Chen He took the initiative to confess, but what he said was completely useless information.

It's inappropriate to say that, after all, the person behind what Chen He said was actually the Lord of Light. Su Jiuxiu didn't expect it at all. He originally thought that the Lord of Light was frightened by his strength, so he said after a while, But I didn't expect to make such a big little action behind the scenes.

If it is not a box, is it possible that the original capsule behind this is the Lord of Light in the end? Maybe only when he really faces the God of Light, he will know all the original things. It's all created by the Lord of Light.

"We are the people sent by the God of Martial Arts to help you. At first, we wanted to help, but I saw that the young master and Ouyang Qing could handle it, so the two of us sat and held the child. , I want to help them when it's important, but I didn't expect to wait until now." When this person answered Su Jiu's question, he looked trembling, for fear that if he said something wrong, Su Jiu would be unhappy. .

After all, if Su Jiu was unhappy, he might just die here quietly, not waiting for anything else to happen.

"Then we have already come out and defeated Chen He, why are you still hiding there?" Zhao Minghuang heard that these two people were actually sent by his father to help them, but they had just completely There was no intention to take action, Zhao Minghuang was full of anger in his heart.

After hearing Zhao Minghuang's question, the two fell into a strange silence. They really had nothing to say. After all, these things were done by them, and they were indeed not very glorious.

Zhao Minghuang followed the two people in front of him and lowered his head, as if he knew that he had done something wrong, but for some reason, Zhao Minghuang always felt that the two people couldn't tell what was wrong.

Zhao Minghuang glanced quietly, and Su Jiu found that Su Jiu still had a flat face, not even a little bit of turbulence, as if he didn't care about the two people in front of him.

"Then when did you come here? How long have you been here?" Hearing the displeasure in Zhao Minghuang's tone, Ouyang Qing also asked his doubts. Determine if these two are their enemies after all...

If you don't ask clearly about the situation, it is not a good thing for them to take these two people with you or let them go, so you must ask everything clearly, otherwise, who knows what will happen next.

"We, we... saw the Lord of Light when we came." The other one decided to tell the story after deliberation. After all, they didn't know when they came, and they could only tell everything they saw after they came. Talk to them all over again.

The other person just listened quietly, his companion told all the things that the two of them had encountered since they came, without even the slightest expression, the whole person was very silent.

Su Jiu glanced at the person and didn't say anything, just didn't know what he was thinking about, Zhao Minghua stopped talking when he saw all the way, because he knew that Su Jiu should be thinking, after all these two people are 4.9 Not reliable anymore.

"The Lord of Light..." Chen He, who was lying on the ground, muttered softly. It seemed that the words "God of Light" deeply stimulated him.

In fact, Chen He wasn't seriously injured, but now he just fell to the ground and couldn't get up, and his breath of life was already very weak.

Su Jiu can't tell exactly what happened to make Chen He become what he is now. Even if Su Jiu wants to be in the old city with one side, I'm afraid he won't have that ability. There is no reason to be so weak.

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