Although he once again cast his eyes on Chen He who was lying on the ground, he found that at some point in Chen He's body, a hidden power loomed.

Su Jiu, who had already called out to Lin Qiunan, was no stranger to this kind of power. He was very keenly aware of this power, and it was somewhat similar to the dark shadows he fought against before, but the specific demands were still unresolved. He couldn't figure it out, so he squatted beside Chen He.

He wanted to find out why Chen He became what he is now, and also wanted to find out what happened to those hidden powers. Although he said that he just felt it and didn't see it, he had always been Trust your own perception.

However, at the moment when he squatted down, Chen He suddenly moved his eyes and stared at Su Jiu, Su Jiu didn't seem to feel Chen He's gaze.

On the contrary, Zhao Minghua and Ouyang Qing, who were standing on the side, were shocked when they saw Chen He's reaction. They quickly tried to pull Su Jiu away, but found that they couldn't make any sound.

At this moment, Su Jiu also seemed to feel something wrong, because the surrounding was so quiet that it was too terrifying, and it seemed that even the sound of people's breathing could not be heard, which meant that something must have gone wrong. , all turned their attention to Chen He's face again.

As a result, at this time, he found that Chen He's eyes had been closed, but Chen He's hands were still clenched, he was still breathing, and he could even feel Chen He's heart undulating violently, it seemed that this was the Experiencing some unknown pain.

"Chen He?" Su Jiu called out Chen He's name tentatively, but found that Chen He still didn't respond. At this time, Su Jiu realized that something was really wrong.

In fact, when he squatted down and noticed Chen He, he already realized that something was wrong, but the feeling was not very strong, and it was only at this moment that he really realized what had happened.

He wanted to look back at Zhao Minghuang, because he knew that if something really happened, Zhao Minghua would not be as quiet as he is now. Could it be that something happened to Zhao Minghua?

Thinking of this, Su Jiu began to feel a strong sense of unease in his heart, and at the moment when he looked back, he found that his neck could not be turned.

In this case, things will be very difficult to do. If they can't move, what should they do next? If someone sneaks at them at this time, I am afraid they will all die here.

However, at this time, Chen He's body began to move slowly, although his hand was slowly raised, and then Chen He's eyes opened again, but the eyes were no longer as they used to be. The demeanor has become hollow.

"Zhao Minghuang, can you hear my voice? Zhao Minghuang!" So I felt that something was going to happen, but he wasn't sure yet that he tentatively called Zhao Minghuang's name, but still didn't hear it For any response, even Ouyang Qing did not make any sound at the moment.

"Su Jiu, you can't think of it, I didn't expect you to die at the hands of an unknown pawn in the end." At this time, the other one who had been silent all the time claimed to be the guard sent by the Tianwu God Lord. Standing in front of Su Jiu, and squatting down in front of Su Jiu.

Su Jiu narrowed his eyes and looked at the guard in front of him. He knew that the guard had been silent just now, and he had always felt that something was wrong in this society, but he had never found any definite evidence. He never thought that he would reveal himself now. fox tail.

"Why are you looking at me like this, are you unwilling?" When the guard said this, he suddenly laughed. This smile made people look uncomfortable.

Su Jiu just stared at this person with a calm expression on his face. Although Mr. Su was able to speak, he did not make any sound at this moment, which made the guard wonder if the power he was disappointed in was too great. solidified.

"Why don't you talk? Is it because you're too scared? Let me see if you pee your pants." The guard was actually lying on the ground as he spoke, trying to see if Su Jiu looked like him As he said, but he originally thought that doing this would anger Su Jiu, Su Jiu just looked at him quietly with his eyes, without even a superfluous expression.

"You talk, why don't you talk? Didn't you just call Zhao Minghuang's name?" "When he said this, the guard was obviously very emotional, because he didn't know why, but Su Jiu changed. With this appearance, he just wanted to hear Su Jiu kneeling on the ground begging him for mercy.

However, Su Jiu has always been quiet, like a sculpture.

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