As for why this person is so persistent in wanting to hear Su Jiu begging for mercy, I'm afraid he can't explain it himself, I'm afraid it's just for his poor sense of inferiority.

However, these words sounded like a big joke in Su Jiu's ears. Trying to use someone else's lover to enhance his sense of superiority is simply an extremely inferior idea.

So Su Jiu has no desire to ignore this person at all. This person is not even comparable to Chen He. At least Chen He still has those mysterious powers that were quietly given to Chen He, and what is the person in front of him really? None, just a simple identity.

"Why don't you speak? You also look down on me from the bottom of your heart, but what's the use of looking down on me? It's still in my hands now." When the guard said this, he almost fell into a certain In a state of madness, but he himself is still completely unaware.

And this other guard was standing quietly on the side, his eyes had long been closed, he looked like he was asleep, and it seemed that no matter how loud the outside world was, it couldn't wake him up.

Most of Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing were in the same state, but they frowned and seemed to be able to hear the sounds around them, but they seemed to have fallen into a strange nightmare and woke up no matter what. But come.

"Do you think you have a sense of superiority now? You are just a pawn in someone else's hand~||." Su Jiu suddenly stared at the guard in front of him and said what he was thinking at this moment .

At that time, he would suddenly become violent, he had already been stepped on by Su Jiu, and he had lost his mind in an instant.

Su Jiu just stared coldly at the very violent guard in front of him, and didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with his words.

"Do you think those people you like, those people will value you because of this? They just think you are stupid and easy to use, not to mention that they don't have anything to say to you. ?35 Su Jiu's words were truly heart-wrenching, and the guard obviously became even more furious because of this, his eyes had begun to turn scarlet, but Su Jiu still didn't stop.

"They're just treating you as a pawn against me. It doesn't matter to them whether you live or die. How can they laugh at you behind your back?" Su Jiu continued to add fuel to the fire, anyway. It's already the current situation, no matter how bad it is, it can't be bad. Since it will be faced sooner or later, it is better to face it sooner.

But in fact, it was exactly as Su Jiu guessed, that person just fell into a kind of madness, but did not do any substantial harm to them, as if he was waiting for someone to come.

However, this person obviously can't wait for those people to arrive, because Su Jiu has already released the man's bondage, so he will be so unscrupulous to sting this person to cover up the conjecture in his heart.

It's just that after it was confirmed, Su You began to think about what to do next, whether to kill all the people who rescued him by this guard, or to wait here quietly for those people to arrive.

In the end, Su Jiu chose to wait for the arrival of those people for a long time, and wanted to see who the people who wanted to kill him were.

Sure enough, Su Jiu didn't wait for a while, those people came, and none of those people's faces were familiar to Su Jiu, all of them were very unfamiliar faces.

""~ Hahahahaha, you can't live anymore, you will surely die when they come. "The guard was absolutely mad, but Su Jiu knew that it wasn't because of what he said that he went mad, the words he said were just a fuse.

As a result, the guard ran away as he spoke, until he ran into the forest and was no longer to be seen.

These people were dressed completely differently from the men in sweaters who came to assassinate them before. The wretched man raised his chin in the direction of the guard's escape, and when he got to his side, someone immediately followed.

So after seeing the actions of those people, I knew that the guard should be dead.

In fact, at the very beginning (Nuo Nuo's), everyone knew that this society would not last long, so he did not waste too much thought on this guard, guessing that this society is not a real god, my aunt sent After the people who came, he was full of vigilance, and at this moment she has broken free of those controls, I am afraid those people don't know it yet.

"Su Jiu?" The wretched man had a sloping scar on his face, sloping from his forehead, from between his eyes to the bottom of his left face.

It looks a little scary.

Su Jiu subconsciously wanted to order something after hearing this person's words, but he suddenly thought that he was still being controlled, so he used his eyes to signal that he was right.

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