The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 366 The situation soon became one-sided

It was only at this time that Su Jiu noticed that the god of Black Feather was Suzaku, so this formation might not be able to withstand such a large energy fluctuation, and it was possible that all of them would be buried here.

Su has already found the formation eye and unlocked the formation. Of course, it is impossible to allow such a thing to happen, not to mention that they have more important things to do, so they must go out safely.

"Even if you open the eyes of the formation, so what, you can't escape, you still can't escape." Now Mingqiu seems to be a lion that has lost its sense, and has no sense at all. "050"


Su Jiu was very puzzled when he heard his words, because he didn't expect it would end like this.

What does it mean that they can't escape even if they have opened the ban, is there anything strange about this importance?

Or that this array of eyes is simply fake.

Su Jiu forced himself to stand up straight, ready to take a look around, even if he couldn't move around freely, it was good to have a look because of his eyes.

Because even if you can only look at Su Jiu with your eyes, you can detect the difference, but Su Jiu has looked around, but still can't find any difference.

So this name is most likely because he knew that he was going to die, so he was trying to build a little sense of existence. Su Jiu decided that it would be better not to believe his words.

At this time, the long snake volleyed into the sky again, and this time it all flew into the sky. However, it didn't take long for the snake to begin to show signs of falling, but the Vermillion Bird couldn't help him fall freely.

The Suzaku flew very fast, he quickly flew to the snake and fell behind, and caught the snake by the way, but he did not let go of the stone, but carried him to a higher place , threw the snake down.

However, just as the snake was about to fall, it suddenly entangled Suzaku's feet.

Suzaku was unprepared, and was taken away by this snake at once. The snake tightly wrapped around Suzaku's feet, and the skin on Suzaku's body began to rot away quickly, and even the bones were exposed.

Su Jiu was a little surprised to see this scene, because he didn't expect that things would turn around like this, and the Suzaku didn't know whether it could get rid of the snake's attack, so he turned his attention to Hei Yu and found that the black Yu was as expressionless as ever, making it impossible to tell what was on his mind.

Could it be that something happened while he was in a coma?

But now is not the time to think about it, he still thinks about it as soon as possible, how to get out is the real business.

The Suzaku didn't seem to feel any pain, but started to fly quickly, throwing the snake into a daze. Even so, the snake still refused to let go of the Suzaku's feet.

The Lord Ziyu, who was standing aside, looked a little anxious, but he didn't look particularly anxious, so he was relieved, because generally speaking, he could hold back such a situation with people close to him. Unsurprisingly.

It's just that if Su Jiu found out, the reason why Lord Ziyu didn't take action was because he was afraid that Kuroba would be angry with him, and he didn't know if he would...

"How is it? Can Suzaku be able to deal with this snake? If not, I'll help you!" The appeal really can't wait. If they don't go out as soon as possible, what will Zhao Minghua and Ouyang Jun do? The person is still in a coma, and this formation will soon be unable to support it. Once this formation returns, the people trapped in this formation will be unpredictable...

After hearing Su Jiu's words, Kuroba nodded silently, because he knew that Su Jiu said this because time was running out, and he wanted a quick solution.

So Kuroba did not refuse Su Jiu's help. After all, if Su Jiu could really make a move, this war would end faster, which would be a very favorable situation for all of them.

After seeing their interaction, Divine Master Ziyu felt a little sour in his heart. After all, Kuroba had never been so gentle to him before, and he felt a little uncomfortable for a moment.

But when he saw Su Jiu's move, he instantly understood why Kuroba had such an attitude, and if he were Haiyu, he would probably have such an attitude too.

As soon as Su Jiu shot, he directly summoned his own mad knight and vampire bat to suck blood, and as soon as the bat came out, it quickly attached to the long snake.

The adult obviously didn't realize that there was a creature like vampire bat. At the beginning, the reaction was so violent that he almost let go of Suzaku, but he still tightly wrapped Suzaku at the critical moment.

With the addition of vampire bats, the situation soon began to become one-sided.

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