Mingqiu obviously didn't realize that Su Jiu, who just woke up, still had such a large amount of energy. As soon as he appeared, he released his mad knight and vampire bat. You must know that these two gods are one of Su Jiu's most powerful gods.

It's just that if he really doesn't show his housekeeping skills, will they all think he's a vegetarian?

It's just that no one cared about this issue. All Su Jiu and Hei Yu wanted to defeat him as soon as possible, then crack the formation and save all of them out. Obviously, this Ming Qiu was not in the same mind at all.

However, at this time, the vampire bat became more and more powerful. He quickly drained almost all the flesh and blood on the snake. However, the snake did not seem to die. The students who were sucked dry quickly It filled the whole body of the snake again.

And every time this process was repeated, the black mist on the snake became more and more dense, so that Su Jiu didn't know whether it was right or wrong.

24 Of course, she soon discovered that the thicker the black mist, the slower the snake's movement speed, as if the snake's body was starting to grow a little bigger.

Could it be that this snake can't withstand such a large amount of energy at all, that's why it has the phenomenon of physical expansion?

But Su Jiu didn't have time to think about it now, he could only push his god to continue to attack the snake, because the Suzaku can already see bones in her legs.

If you don't get this rope down quickly, this Suzaku will probably be more fortunate than fortune, and if the loss of such a god is tantamount to annihilation for Hei Yu.

Although Su Jiu doesn't know how Heiba ​​has this Suzaku, since he can have this Suzaku, it means that Heiha is also an extraordinary person, but a god like Suzaku, an ordinary person already has one. Rare.

Therefore, Heiyu can only have such a powerful thing, because this Suzaku's power is very domineering, he will not tolerate the existence of other gods, so this beginner should be Heiyu's only god.

Su Jiu glanced at Hei Yu, and found that Hei Yu's expression was a lot more solemn. Obviously, this was to remove the gods that were important to him.

At this moment, Suzaku let out a long hiss, and the snake peeled off from Suzaku's body in an instant. It was a rapid fall, but before he fell to the ground, he was caught by his people, and the ground pressed down on a large area of ​​the people, and the blood-blood bat was still attached to the snake.

The snake was still repeating the process, but the snake's body became bigger and bigger, and the black mist on its body seemed to be thinner than before.

"The good show is yet to come, let's take it slow, don't be in a hurry." Mingqiu was obviously not in a hurry, and her face was as calm as ever, which made people wonder how much he had left behind.

But Su Jiu didn't have such worries, he already had the design in his hand, not to mention that she now has Suzaku's bonus, so it's easy to say that he wants to deal with him, even if he encounters something like the last time Those black fogs that arrived will definitely not be the same as last time, and it will take a long time to completely surrender.

Just when Su Jiu thought that the snake would explode and die, the snake grew bigger and bigger, but there was still no sign of it dying. The black mist on his son seemed to merge with the snake. The same, even miraculously disappeared.

"This snake is very strange, we have to deal with it carefully." Su Jiu whispered to Kuroba, and the Lord Ziyu who was beside him could hear it, but the Lord Ziyu didn't really see what was so special about this snake. In his opinion, this is an ordinary god, and at most there is a black mist lingering on his body.

Huiyue still didn't speak, but his expression was a little more solemn than before. Although he still looked expressionless, Su Jiu could feel the aura surrounding him that was even more severe than before. a few points.

"It's still too late if you surrender to me now." Mingqiu reminded him kindly.

"You want me to surrender, huh, you are still 20,000 years too early!" Zhao Minghuang didn't know when he woke up, and he just heard Ming Qiu's words and saw Ming Qiu.

Seeing that Zhao Minghuang had woken up, Su Jiu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After all, Ouyang Qing was the only one left. As long as Ouyang Qing also woke up, then they would be able to leave here quickly. .

It seems that Mingqiu also realized this, and he just drove his gods to attack Ouyang Qing and others, but was blocked by Su Jiu.

In fact, Mingqiu has been dwarfed by now, he has no extra energy to take care of other things, so if Su Jiu and the others are going to leave their careers at this moment, he can't stop them.

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