Su Jiu knew that Ouyang Qing might wake up after a while. After all, they just passed out just because they were affected by some unknown force, but now they have all come over safe and sound, presumably Ouyang Qing will too. woke up soon.

But when Su Jiu looks back on it now, he can't remember much about the situation at that time. He only remembers that after he found the eye, he knocked out the man in black and threw it aside, but he didn't think that the black man suddenly He disappeared out of thin air, and then he was also attacked by an unknown force and fell into a coma.

But he didn't know what the power was, and she couldn't remember the situation at the time. All the memories now are just those memories that were forced in before the coma. The reason why it can be felt is because He felt that these memories did not belong to him at all.

What's more, he still has a bug in the system to remind him, what changes have happened in his body?

Therefore, Su Jiu clearly knows that these memories are not his, but someone has modified his memories, but the system can't tell who it is.

"I think you should not waste your energy." This Mingqiu will only say this sentence over and over again, and Hei Yu has already heard a little tired, if it is not because of the secret he said before, and some doubts, Hei Yu had already made a ruthless attack, how could it be possible for him to linger on until now?

But Su Jiu obviously didn't know these things, so he just thought that Heiba's power was limited, so he couldn't beat Mingqiu.

"Let this person take care of me, I will definitely be able to defeat him, you go to the array first, I will come soon"`. "Hei Yu knew that he couldn't drag it any further, he could already feel that the world seemed to be collapsing rapidly, so he must solve these things as soon as possible, so as to leave this formation as soon as possible.

After Su Jiu listened to Hei Yu's words, he no longer hesitated when the opportunity came, and immediately took the Divine Master Zi Yu, Zhao Minghuang carried Ouyang Qing who was still in a drowsiness on his back, and immediately ran towards the direction of the formation.

But at the moment when Su Jiu took Ziyu Divine Master away, Ziyu Divine Master suddenly stopped.

"You guys go first, I'm going to watch some Heiyu, I don't worry about him alone." The reason why Divine Master Ziyu came here is because Heiyu now let him leave Heiyu and go alone, he might as well not Come, so he must go back to accompany Hei Yu, even if he knew that he might be a drag on him, he did not want to leave first.

Hei Yu was thinking about how to verify the name, but at this time, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the figure of the Ziyu Divine Lord. Hei Yu didn't seem surprised that the Ziyu Divine Lord had gone and returned. He seemed to have already guessed that the Ziyu Divine Lord would meet. this way.

Zi Yu originally thought that when he came back last time, Hei Yu would be unhappy, and Hei Yu would definitely drive her away, but he didn't expect that Hei Yu would be silent after seeing him back.

It seemed that Hei Yu had tacitly agreed that he could follow him, and Zi Yu felt a little happy.

"Didn't you say that you are my father? Then do you know this person beside me?" Hei Yu said these words off guard, and even Divine Master Zi Yu did not respond, and Ming Qiu was stunned for a while before responding. What the hell did Kuroba say?

Mingqiu carefully looked at Divine Master Ziyu but found nothing, except that Feiyu and Divine Master Ziyu were somewhat similar in demeanor, they really couldn't find anything in common.

""~Why don't you speak? Do you not know the person next to me at all?" Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will surely sprout. Everything he said was basically lying to him, so he didn't have to be merciful.

It's just that if he were to be killed so easily, where would he go to find his father's whereabouts? Although they are still in the mountains, where can they find the fastest speed?

"Why don't I know him, isn't he the Lord Ziyu? Your brother, ah, no, your younger brother." Mingqiu did not recognize the Lord Ziyu at the first time, but he quickly realized it. So he immediately (of Li's) said the answer in his heart.

Because he has heard the legend about the Lord of Ziyu, he knows that Ziyu has always had a brother, and the children love her brother very much. Judging from the current situation, this legendary brother is probably Black Feather.

"As long as you say that now, I can't completely believe you. After all, you didn't say it right away, and I'm not the brother of Divine Master Ziyu." Hei Yu's tone was unprecedentedly serious.

As for Divine Master Ziyu, who was standing by and listened carefully to them, her eyes darkened a lot after hearing Hei Yu's words. She did not expect that she would hear such words when she stayed.

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