Originally, Zi Yu stayed here to help, but she didn't expect that it would be so sad to hear what she could say.

Although he also guessed that it might just be Hei Yu who deceived this Mingqiu, but knowing it was one thing, he couldn't help feeling sad, but it was another.

At this time, Su Jiu had already opened all the formations, and they would be able to leave this place soon, and Kuroba had run out of patience.

The Suzaku instantly turned red.

From a distance, it looks like a cluster of burning flames, but Ming Qiu's facial expression remains the same.

After the snake saw Suzaku's changes, it seemed that he didn't dare to approach Suzaku, and all his people were frightened by Suzaku.

The black snake seemed to no longer have the ability to resist, obediently crawling under Suzaku's feet.


"Don't think that you can defeat me like this." Mingqiu remembered at this time that there was another God of Light who had not appeared. Since they started fighting until now, he seems to have never seen God of Light once.

But he clearly remembered that the first person to appear here should be the God of Light. He came here with the God of Light. Why did he not see the shadow of the God of Light after so long? What did this God of Light do?

But no matter with or without the help of the Lord of Light, Mingqiu is very sure that she can get out of here, not because she has any confidence in her own strength, but because he believes that his young master will not throw him away Here, whatever his.

"You don't have to wait for your rescuer, your rescuer has no way to enter this formation right now." Su Jiu, who was already guarding the formation, said fiercely to Mingqiu.

This formation is very strange. At the beginning, no matter who was able to see the situation inside the formation, the people inside the formation could not observe what was going on outside the formation. Can't leave easily.

And once the formation eye is activated, the formation will be destroyed, and after the formation eye is activated, people outside cannot see the internal affairs at all, nor can they enter the interior.

So Su Jiu didn't lie to this Mingqiu, but Mingqiu obviously didn't believe what Su Jiu said, after all, the two of them were in a state of hostility.

Looking at Ming Qiu's suspicious eyes, Su Jiu didn't say anything else. After all, no matter what he said in this situation, the other party wouldn't believe it, not to mention that the two of them already had hatred.

After listening to their conversation, Su Jiu realized what happened to him while he was in a coma, and the feeling that Black Feather turned out to be this person's son.

It's just debatable whether it's true, but it's surprising enough.

It's just that if this person is really Kuroba's biological father, then why does he (cefa) go to great lengths to use Kuroba's adoptive father to contain Kuroba? Can't he just tell Kuroba the truth directly? And if He told Hei Yu, Hei Yu still had time to check it out, and then he would trust him even more, why did he say it at such a critical juncture?

Could it be that everything he said was false, just to confuse Hei Yu.

"I'm real, I'm really your biological father, why don't you believe me?" Ming Qiu's last time his facial expression was very anxious, but Hei Yu was unmoved.

However, at this time, Mingqiu suddenly took out something, it was a crescent-shaped jade pendant. Is there any engraving on the jade pendant? Su Jiu was too far away to see clearly.

However, the moment Hei Yu saw the jade pendant, his eyes suddenly widened. He looked at the jade pendant in front of him in disbelief. He did not expect to see this jade pendant again in his lifetime.

He remembered that his father had told him that this jade pendant was owned by his biological father. That's right, Hei Yu knew from the beginning that his father was not his biological father at all, but his adoptive father raised him, and he would repay such kindness no matter what.

And he also has a jade pendant that just fits with this jade pendant, but he didn't carry it with him, but in the hands of his adoptive father.

"Could it be that this jade quilt is not enough to make you believe what I said?" Ming Qiu looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and then at Hei Yu, and found that the expression on Hei Yu's face had begun to shake. .

He knew that this was a token, and the reason why he didn't dare to take it out was because this jade pendant was not only a token of recognition between her and her son, but also contained a very important secret.

Once this secret is discovered, all of them will suffer the disaster of silence, so he doesn't want to take it out easily, but the current situation cannot allow him not to take it out.

And as long as he doesn't say it, who can guess the people here?

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