The Age of Gods of All People: The Road to the Rise of Genius Gods

Chapter 413 Looking at the little face is not like pretending

"Where's Zhao Minghuang? Where is she?!" Ouyang Xing suddenly reacted. He didn't see Zhao Minghuang's shadow. He knew that after he looked left and right, he realized that Zhao Minghuang was lying beside him. He breathed a sigh of relief, after all, no matter whether he was alive or dead, Zhao Minghuang was still by his side, it was better than a life without a dead body.

At least after meeting Su Jiu, he can still have an explanation to Su Jiu.

"Don't worry, you have already come out of the magic circle, and it was Su Jiu who rescued you." Seeing that Ouyang Qing gradually recovered. Hei Yu, then reminded Ouyang Qing that they were outside the magic circle, and also emphasized that Su Jiu rescued them.

Speaking of this Hei Yu, there is still some guilt. After all, she originally thought that she could help Su Jiu, but did not expect that in the end, he not only dragged down Su Jiu, but also affected Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing.

In the end, he knew that the two of them were trapped in the circle, but he was helpless. Thinking back on that feeling, Hei Yu still felt a little suffocated. He couldn't accept that fact, so he decided to wait for this time. After that, she must follow Su Jiu to learn the knowledge of the magic circle.

"Who is this boy?" After Ouyang Qing calmed down for a while, he realized that in addition to a middle-aged man beside Hei Yu, there was actually a child, and he didn't know who this child was from. Could it be called a black child? Yu's brother?

However, looking at the distance between the two of them, you can guess that the two of them are not brothers, and anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the middle-aged man is Heiba's father, because the distance between the two of them is very close, and their expressions are very similar. Different.

Hearing Ouyang Qing mentioning herself, Jing Ming was a little nervous and didn't know what to say. She looked at Hei Yu asking for help, hoping that Hei Yu could explain to him.

Hei Yu looked at it, and the sisters knew that this child was probably too shy. He probably hadn't seen anyone before. If that was the case, where did he stay before?

Hei Yu lost his mind as soon as he thought about it, and obviously forgot the part about introducing Jing Ming, but Ouyang Qingjian didn't answer, he didn't care that this young man didn't have any offensive power here, he also Reassuring.

It's just that he didn't know when Zhao Minghuang would wake up. He looked at Zhao Minghuang lying on the ground again, and found that Zhao Minghuang's lips were still white, but his breathing was relatively steady. It seemed that he was gone. His life was in danger, this time Ouyang Qing was truly relieved.

"By the way, what about Su Jiu? Didn't you say that Su Jiu brought us both out? Why hasn't he been seen yet?" Only now did Ouyang Qing react, and everyone present They are all there, but only Su Jiu is missing, and I don't know where Su Jiu has gone. Could it be that Su Jiu is looking for something again?

"In order to find a source of water for the two of you to save your lives, he went to the stream, but when he met a giant python, he asked that young man, his little apprentice, Jing Ming to bring the water back, so you are now Only then can I wake up." Hei Yu only recovered after hearing Ouyang Jing's words, and directly introduced Jing Ming to Ouyang Qing by the way.

Although it is said that this matter should be done by Su Jiu, but Su Jiu is not here now, only let him do it first.

"It turns out that this young man is called Jing Ming, and he is Su Jiu's new apprentice..." Ouyang didn't expect that when he woke up, his roommate would have an apprentice. He thought that he had no plans to accept apprentices in his life. It seemed that he was just thinking too much before. When he looked back, he had to look around to see if there were any children as big as this boy who also sent over to be Su Jiu’s apprentices. .

After Su Jiu saw the giant python returning to the water, he immediately ran back.

Although he was a little anxious on the road, he still avoided those magic circles. After all, if he entered a certain magic circle now, it was certain that he could solve it, but he didn't have the ability to come out, then it would be another matter. What's more, now that the blood bat has been damaged, he must quickly let the blood bat recuperate Wang Zhao) to rest.

Soon Su Jiu rushed back to Ouyang Qing and the others.

""~ How are you Su Jiu? Are you injured?" Kuroba was tall, so he could see it at a glance, and it was still a little distance from them, Su Jiu immediately greeted her, and Jingming was also farting. Dian followed behind him, but his walking speed was obviously much slower than that of Kuroba, not to mention that he was still a minor.

After Su Jiu heard Kuroba's words, he raised his head and glanced at Kuroba, and at the same time he caught a glimpse of Xiao Jingming who was following behind with a worried expression.

It seems that this apprentice's income is not bad, and it doesn't look like he is pretending to look at the small face.

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