At this time, Su Jiu saw that the big python had escaped, although he said he didn't know why, but since he had left at this time, it was not a bad sign.

After all, he is still quite worried about the situation of Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing, and he also put that Jingming there, because Heiyu and the others didn't know what Jingming came from before, thinking that it must be a mess now.

Su Jiu knew that Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing had been in a coma since they came out of the magic circle, and he didn't know whether his water would work for the two of them.

Now that 083 is thinking about it, it is the most important thing to go back and have a look. As for that big python, even if he stays here and continues to fight with him, he is definitely not his opponent.

After all, his blood bat and mad knight need the support of incense, and his current skill is still not allowed.

Before, in order to get that water for Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing, a lot of skill had been expended. If you want to deal with this big python, you still need to rest for a while.

"You finally woke up, how are you feeling now?"

At this time, Ouyang Qing had already woken up, and his spirit (cefa) seemed to be quite sober, otherwise he wouldn't have directly asked where Zhao Minghuang was.

In fact, Zhao Minghuang had already woken up before him, but he still felt less sober, which had been proved by Jingming during the Qingming Festival.

Now that Ouyang Qing asked this question, he knew that he was very worried about him. It seemed that they must be very good friends.

"Don't worry, Zhao Minghuang is definitely not worried about his life now. Although it is said that he is a little confused now, but I believe he will wake up soon, please rest assured. 35

At this time, Ouyang Qing heard Hei Yu talking about Zhao Minghuang's situation, and knew that he had woken up, so he felt more at ease.

After all, they have experienced life and death this time, and the magic circle is really too powerful. If they hadn't met Su Jiu this time, they would have died.

I think Su Jiu's skills are still very strong, but he really doesn't know how they wake up now. During this period, they have been in a coma for a long time, and there are many things he must not know.

At this time, Jing Ming saw that Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing were also awake, and knew that the water that Su Jiu brought back was still useful.

Su Jiu had a way to come here, otherwise, looking at the situation before Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing, he would definitely not be able to escape this catastrophe.

"Oh, then he'll be fine, who brought us here? Could it be Su Jiu? Where is he? Why can't he see his people? 35

At this time, Ouyang Qing knew that Zhao Minghuang was out of danger, so he himself had nothing to do. After all, he was still much stronger than Zhao Minghuang. It seemed that the damage to him by this magic formation was relatively light.

So he remembered what happened in it, after all, he didn't know anything after he was in a coma, and he still knew that Su Jiu existed before that.

Since I didn't see Su Jiu in front of me now, I remembered and asked Kuroba.

Just when Ouyang Qing asked Su Jiu, that Su Jiu had already rushed back, and that Jing Ming's eyes were also good. Before Su Jiu walked in, he saw him coming here from a distance. , so I greeted him...

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