It must not have been 100% to eat that much, and he wanted to save more for them. Now that they have not finished eating, Ouyang Qing also felt that Hei Yu should be allowed to eat a little more.

After all, Hei Yu is also very hard, and he still needs to take care of his father here, so tomorrow he will have to hunt some game, presumably the things here must be done by a few of them.

So if you eat a little more, there must be "one-one-three" benefits. After all, the leftovers won't taste like that if you eat them tomorrow.

Hei Yu had also emphasized this point before, but at this time Hei Yu heard Ouyang Qing say this, and smiled while he felt that Ouyang Qing had already seen that he was not as full as he had eaten, but he was not hungry. That's it.

But he has said that before, if he eats those leftovers now, wouldn't he prove that he was lying and didn't tell them the truth.

Let them know that they are pretending to be full, but as Ouyang Qing said, the rest of the rabbit meat will definitely not taste good if they eat it tomorrow.

Then it's just that he really doesn't know what to do.

"Oh, Hei Yu, don't pretend, we all know that you are not full at all, but we both really ate, and there is still so much left...

If you don't eat this rabbit meat, you will throw it away. Can you let Su Jiu throw away the rabbit that Su Jiu worked so hard to beat back? If so, you will blind Su Jiu's thoughts...

Otherwise, you can eat more. In the end, if you really can't finish it, there is nothing you can do. Besides, we have been together for so long and have experienced so many things. We also understand you...

In fact, you are just thinking about us and wanting us to eat more, so how can we say that you are not full?"

At this time, Zhao Minghuang was in a dilemma when he saw Hei Yu's state, and he also saw his mind. After all, they already knew that he didn't eat that much.

I just wanted them to eat a little more, so now they did what Kuroba said, but in the end there was still so much left.

He was also thinking of asking Kuroba to pick out some meat and eat the rest, and the rest should really be thrown away.

At this time, when Hei Yu heard Zhao Minghuang say this, he also felt that the two of them really saw through him, and even if he pretended to be, he couldn't pretend anymore...

Then it's better to eat it as it is. Since there are already leftovers, he can see that the two of them are really full, so he won't worry about anything anymore.

So he laughed out loud, then reached out and grabbed a piece of meat from the rabbit and ate it there.

"Okay, don't talk about it, you two, can't I eat it? Actually, I really eat almost, but it's just not that strong...

Now it seems that if I eat some more of these rabbit meat, it will definitely last for me, but since the two of you have requested, then I can only fulfill your wishes...

Otherwise, you 5.0 two will definitely not let me go, and I can see it, but after I finish eating, I will go to sleep, and if I have anything else, it will be yours. Who asked you to let me eat so much. "

At this time, Hei Yu was teasing Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing while eating rabbit meat. In fact, Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing could hear it, and Hei Yu was also there to make fun of himself.

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