Because Zhao Minghuang had already made it very clear just now, he obviously didn't have enough to eat, he deliberately pretended, but now that he has been told, he also thinks that their relationship is not an outsider, so let's eat it honestly.

After all, the leftover rabbit meat is not delicious, and it may be thrown away tomorrow, and Hei Yu feels that it is a pity.

I also don't want Su Jiu to fight back a rabbit, and in the end, he will throw some away. Isn't it a pity, knowing that it is really not easy to eat a little in this deep mountain and old forest.

What's more, it's rabbit meat, so Hei Yu must cherish it very much, and he definitely doesn't want to throw away these rabbit meat in vain.

"Don't worry, Hei Yu, if you can eat all the rabbit meat, then we will definitely be fully responsible, and you will definitely not care about the night vigil...

Then you can get a good night's sleep, but you will definitely go when you are going to hunt game tomorrow, after all, you have been with Su Jiu once before, and you know his tricks...

At that time, you can also teach us, otherwise it will be really troublesome to catch these wild animals. After all, they are animals, not humans, so they can't use martial arts to deal with them...

And they all run very fast, presumably Su Jiu's previous statement should be very useful, so when it comes to time you must go, and when we learn it later, then naturally you can go without you, you can go here Take care of Su Jiu and your father.

Later, after hearing what Hei Yu said, Ouyang Qing took it over. He felt that Su Jiu was also joking with him, but what he said was true.

After all, they are not very safe here, so they must be guarded when they sleep at night, so the three of them are in good health now.

It must be the three of them who are on shifts. Then, Ouyang Qing thought that if Hei Yu could really eat more rabbit meat, he would be exempted from his vigil tonight.

But it is completely understandable to exempt him from the task of vigilance. If Kuroba really eats the remaining rabbit meat, it must be impossible.

Ouyang Qing was just talking about it, the purpose was to try to eat a little from Hei Yu, otherwise he would definitely have to throw it away.

At this time, Hei Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard Ouyang Qing say this. He thought that if he wanted to avoid this task of vigil, and he had to eat so much rabbit meat, wouldn't he be killed?

It is impossible to kill him. He also understands Zhao Minghuang's thoughts. He just wants him to eat a little more, and he does not have to finish it.

The task of the night watch must be shared by 113. After all, only he, Zhao Minghuang and Ouyang Qing have the energy to do this.

Then the rest of Su Jiu, his father, and Jing Ming would definitely not work, and Kuroba knew this very well.

"Ouyangqing, please stop making trouble, you want to say that you are exempting me from the task of vigil, that is you really take care of me, but do you really think that I can do it by letting me eat the rabbit meat?

It's better to let me die. It's absolutely impossible for me. If you don't let me watch the night, then I really don't have the ability. I think you really overestimate me. At that time, it seems that this rabbit meat Really going to be thrown away. "

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