At this time, Hei Yu and Jing Ming had already walked outside and started to search around this place, especially when they went back to the original direction, because they didn't go anywhere else.

Actually, I really don't understand a little bit of Kuroba, why his own father suddenly left like this.

But what Kuroba can decide is that his father must have left by himself, not that he was hurt. If he said that he was hurt, would it only hurt his father alone?

That was impossible, especially when Ouyang Qing walked slowly at the end. When they entered the waterfall, this Ouyang Qing waited for a long time before entering the waterfall.

Thinking of this, Hei Yu still felt a little angry, this Ouyang Qing entered here slowly, he himself found out that his own father didn't come in, why didn't he find out?

Hei Yu really blamed himself, this is really just too careless. In fact, this matter cannot be entirely blamed on Hei Yu, but Hei Yu feels that his father has almost recovered.

But it's much better than before, so you don't have to worry anymore, there's no problem with him following behind, so you don't care too much, but it's because he doesn't care too much that such a problem occurs of.

"Don't worry too much, it might be convenient outside, it's just that we made a fuss, it's all possible.

Jing Ming didn't know how to comfort him at this time, and Hei Yu also knew that Hei Yu was very anxious, let alone what Hei Yu was anxious about. In fact, Jing Ming knew it well, and everyone was very anxious.

After all, where did he go as an old man? How can he disappear if he doesn't see it?

At that time, everyone was looking at the waterfall, and they didn't notice what was going on behind it.

"If it's convenient, it will be back soon, but it's been a long time and I haven't come back. We entered the waterfall for half a day, only to find that my father is missing.

In fact, Hei Yu was also thinking about this. If it was really convenient, it would be good, but after all, he hadn't seen each other for a long time. Of course, he was afraid of any accident.

"Don't worry, this uncle, who has a great fate, has already been injured like that, and was rescued by Su Jiu, he will definitely not encounter any danger, so don't worry, if you say that he What danger is encountered in the back, it is impossible for us not to discover."9

In fact, what Jing Ming didn't say is that unless there are ghosts in this place, because if there is any sound around, they can't hear it.

In fact, at the beginning, when Jingming knew that Heiba's father was gone, the first (remarkable) thought at that time was whether Heiha's father was in the last inconvenience or was caught by something.

But no matter whether they are flying in the sky or running underground, they must all have a sound, and they cannot be caught, and they can't hear a single sound.

After Jing Ming thought about it, there was only one possibility, that is, Hei Yu's father left by himself, but Jing Ming couldn't figure it out. If Jing Ming's father left by himself, he would go somewhere.

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