Because along the way, Hei Yu's father has been silently following them behind him, and he didn't say anything, nor did he do anything unexpected.

Because when they first saw the monkey dug up the parrot's body, everyone was still chatting there, all gathered together, and Kuroba's father also said what Jingming did there.

Jing Ming remembered this clearly at the time. When he was on the way to the waterfall, Jing Ming looked back and saw him behind, but when he disappeared, Jing Ming really didn't know a thing.

"This is really terrifying, everyone has already walked to this place.

Hei Yu and Jing Ming were moving fast. The two of them walked back to the original hole at the fastest speed. They went into the hole and searched for a circle, but they did not find the father of Hei Yu. trace.

At this time, Hei Yu was even more flustered than before. It was not like he was a little calm before. Maybe his own father was around here, but he had already walked so far and did not find any trace. .

At this time, Zhao Minghuang also caught up later. Zhao Minghuang was also looking for traps around here, because when they said it in it, Su Jiu mentioned the problem of traps.

Zhao Minghuang has also been looking for the trap, but after all, he couldn't find it, and he kept following it back to the original hole, thinking that Hei Yu's father might have left something, and he didn't want to bother them to come back and get it.

It was also possible that when they returned here, they saw Jing Ming and Hei Yu have come out of the hole.

Looking at Hei Yu's frowning face, he knew that Hei Yu's father had not come back to this place, but they are even more confused now, where did this go?

"Have you discovered anything about Zhao Minghuang?"

Heiyu saw the little monkey dog ​​coming from a distance, and thought that Zhao Minghuang had brought some good news. It is very likely that after they left, his father returned to the cave, and ( cefa) Zhao Minghuang is here to tip off.

Because of the distance, Zhao Minghuang didn't want to make a loud noise to tell them about these things, so Hei Yu misunderstood here.

"I didn't find anything. After you came out, I came out. What I was looking for was whether there were any traps around, but there were no traps around. If there were traps, my uncle would definitely call for help."

After Hei Yu heard this sentence, his heart was really a little cold, and he didn't know where his father went, especially in the barren mountains and mountains in this place, where did he go to find it?

Isn't it obvious that he is causing trouble for them here? Kuroba is already too anxious, no matter what, even though his father has done such a thing, he is also anxious.

At this moment, the three of them are silent here, because the three of them are thinking about each other in their hearts, and they are also thinking about where his father has gone, thinking here.

Everyone didn't have a clear answer because they didn't know what was going on and let him go.

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