"Father must have left by himself, but where did he go, there is still no certainty. By the way, Jingming, did you notice anything strange when you came out?"

At this time, Hei Yu began to think wildly there. Could it be that his father left first because he was afraid of hurting them? If he wanted to leave first, he should have left long ago. What is he going to do?

Or that his father discovered something and did it by himself, for fear that he would be implicated in taking them with him. These things were constantly changing in Kuroba's mind.

Jing Ming also thought back carefully, there were no accidents along the way, and nothing special happened. How could this black feather's father leave because of what he saw~?

"Su Jiu, you said it was Kuroba's father, did he leave by himself or did he disappear?"

Ouyang Qing asked Su Jiu if he had a definite answer, and he didn't know what Su Jiu was thinking. Anyway, he wanted to know something from Su Jiu's mouth.

Su Jiu shook his head helplessly, because he didn't have any direction to know where the black feather's father was. Anyway, they didn't feel any danger along the way, except to see those monkeys.

I just thought that these monkeys were a little strange, especially because the IQ of these monkeys was simply too great. It was a little strange that they were able to find the place where the parrot was buried, and even took things with them.

After suddenly thinking of this, Su Jiu seemed to understand something in an instant. Could it be that the parents of this black feather were curious about where these monkeys came from to chase these monkeys?

"What's the matter, Su Jiu, did you think of something?"

After Ouyang Qing asked these questions, he looked at Su Jiu there, wanting to get some answers from Su Jiu.

In fact, people are like this, but when you are anxious about a thing, sometimes the more confused you are, the more you want to hear some answers from other people's mouths.

Especially seeing Su Jiu frowning suddenly, did Su Jiu think of something? Ouyang Qing was instantly refreshed, it would be better if Su Jiu found any flaws.

...... ask for flowers ..... 0

"Did Kuroba's father go after those monkeys?"

Su Jiu stared at the front and said, is the father of this child chasing those monkeys? Because Su Jiu said at that time, he was still very curious about these monkeys and wanted to know how these monkeys came from.


In fact, they are not ordinary monkeys at all, but red eyes, and they are very similar to humans in many places.

I thought it was strange at the time, but I just thought that at that time it was not about investigating the source of these monkeys, but there should be something right, that is, to find a place where he can rest and let him cultivate his inner strength.

Ouyang Qing was at a loss at this time, because at that time Ouyang Qing didn't know anything at all, he was still in a drowsy state, and he didn't know anything about monkeys, so Ouyang Qing didn't understand something.

"What kind of monkeys are you talking about? Didn't those monkeys run away long ago? Where did he go after those monkeys?" And.

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