At this time, they have already tied the rope firmly, and now they can only pull it up.

The three of them worked hard together with Kuroba's father, feeling that his body was going up, but his legs seemed to be imprisoned.

"No, no, my leg seems to be stuck here."

Black Feather's father felt that his leg was a little painful, how did his leg fall into this place all of a sudden?


"Let the rope loose, what's the matter with you, father?"

Hei Yu hurriedly called the two of them to loosen the rope, but the three of them died with a lot of strength, and they didn't feel any movement from below.

Zhao Minghuang and Jing Ming hurried over to take a look, what is the situation?


"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Zhao Minghuang asked.

"My leg seems to be entangled with something, I found this grass growing up slowly, and now it has reached the position of my knee.

"Let's just say that I feel the difference, I'll just say that the grass is different from before, he has now firmly bound my legs and is growing upwards.

Hei Yu's father was talking about his feelings. At this time, he couldn't see anything in the darkness, but Hei Yu's father felt that the grass was slowly rising up his legs at 100,000,000 points. They are getting tighter and tighter.

When he didn't move, the grass was still very loose, and after he died, the grass surrounded his legs even more.

Hei Yu's father tried to lift one of his legs, but found that as soon as he exerted force, this leg was more firmly imprisoned by the grass.

What the hell happened, the grass was still very soft just now, because Heiba's father had already given up, and when they came over, Heiba's father was standing up, and he didn't feel the grass. What is the difference.

But after standing for so long, after telling them these words, I found that the grass has started to grow more and more, do these grasses have any magic power? .

"How to do?"

The original Hei Yu was still a very thoughtful person, and now I don’t know what to do now, especially when I saw that my father couldn’t come up from below, and this kind of situation happened, I felt even more in my heart. A little nervous.

The current Hei Yu belongs to the kind of idiots who have no masters. Don't look at this child's relationship with his father is usually not very good. The two always quarrel, but at the critical moment, Hei Yu still cares about his father.

"Uncle, don't move first, don't move, I think you are now in a quagmire. You know that quagmire is that the more you move, the more your body sinks, and you may have encountered this situation now.

At this time, Jing Ming began to speak. Jing Ming had been silent all the time before, and he just listened to Zhao Minghuang chatting there. At this time, Zhao Minghuang had begun to be uncertain.

Jing Ming was there just now thinking about why such a situation happened, and after thinking about it, he suddenly thought, isn't this what this swamp looks like?

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