Especially when I heard what Kuroba's father said, it wasn't that if this person moved, his body would sag.

It's just that as long as Kuroba's father exerts force, the grass will tie it tightly, and then trap his body in this, as long as the movement is fierce, the grass will become more and more crazy. of long.

In fact, what they didn't know at all was that there was a danger behind them that was slowly approaching them.

Because they are now paying attention to Kuroba's father, so they don't even notice, the danger around here is slowly coming to them~.

"Is that what you are talking about is a swamp, isn't that the state of a swamp-.

Zhao Minghuang just remembered, isn't this what this swamp looks like? But this place is not so humid, how could there be a swamp?

At this time, Zhao Minghuang thought in his heart, if Su Jiu was there, he would definitely come up with a good solution. If Su Jiu is not here, he really doesn't know what to do. This swamp can eat people. , Are these grasses like swamps?

Isn't it true that Kuroba's father will not be able to come? He will be trapped in this place, slowly eaten by these grasses, and in the end he will lose his breath and be eaten by these places?

"Yes, it's the kind of situation in the swamp." Jing Ming lay on the ground and looked at the situation below, and then answered Zhao Minghuang's question.

At this time, Hei Yu was looking at his own server with a tough person like the one below, especially when he didn't know if he would be able to come up, Hei Yu was really a little anxious. just jumped off.


This move of Hei Yu really shocked Jing Ming and Zhao Minghuang. Even Hei Yu's father didn't react at all. He only felt that there was a black shadow next to him and fell directly on the ground. beside yourself.

At that time, Heoba's father was really startled, because Heoba's father was looking down at the grass below.

It was only after careful observation that these grasses were twisted and twisted like ropes, growing in this place, and all of them were intertwined. If you look carefully, you will find that these grasses are slowly growing there.

...... ask for flowers ..... 0

"How did you jump down? What are you doing here in such a dangerous place? And the space here is so small, aren't you asking for trouble when you came down? What if you are trapped in this place too?"

Hei Yu's father was very anxious, especially when he saw that Hei Yu had reached his side, he was even more worried, even more worried than himself.

No matter what, this is the mood of a father. It doesn't matter if he is in danger. If his son is in danger, his mood will be different immediately.

This is what this person looks like. Usually, they are noisy and look at each other, but if they really get into trouble, the father and son will be fine.

"Kuroba, why are you so impulsive? After you go down, isn't this space even narrower? It's already crowded enough under itself, won't it be even more crowded after you go down?" And.

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