Summer vacation is coming.

I realized this when I overheard my classmates happily saying things like 'What do you do during the summer vacation?'

Before you know it, a semester is coming to an end......

What to do during the summer vacation......

I walked absentmindedly towards my neighbors.

Although after joining the neighborhood department, my reputation was a little worse than before.................. Well, I'll admit it's a lot worse.

At present, in the school, my evaluation is probably 'a thug who will riot and hurt people', 'Eventually a bad leader', and 'Even the school rules can't stop him from falling!'

So I burst into tears.

There is no student association that comes within three meters of me at the end of class! The purpose of joining the neighborhood department is completely impossible to achieve!

Forget it, at least there are neighboring departments that can be used as a base to breathe for a while.

And it's a little weird, but at least everyone is normal.

Thinking about it, I came to the outside of the neighbor's department.

That's right, this is the place where I should be with the right common sense.

I opened the door.

Then Hoshina, with a new hairstyle, appeared in front of me.


hair on both sides and back stretches out in all directions, and soba noodles and swimsuits are wrapped around the hair as headbands.


hair on the top of the head is carefully woven like a Japanese-style castle, fireworks and cantaloupe bread, dragonfly carcasses and cicada shells are indiscriminately decorated on the head, and the castle tower is covered with cuttlefish and chocolate bananas, like antennas.

"Common sense, ahh——————!!!h

My whole body is OTZ.

"What are you doing, why are you here so late?".

Hoshina asked with a disgruntled expression.

"On you...... What's going on......" I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Changed the hairstyle. She smiled shyly, "This is called Sheng Fa, and it is a hairstyle that can match my aristocratic atmosphere!"

No, no, no, no matter how you look at this, you're being bullied!

I looked inside.

The night sky and science both turned their heads weakly, and Kitty stood in front of the window with a complicated expression, only Yukimura said with a normal expression: "It's really suitable for Sister Hoshina." "


I see, it looks like I've been teased by the night sky again.

Night Sky, who was supported by Yukimura, also smiled dryly and said, "That's right, that's right, this hairstyle called Ultimate Present @True Summer Night's Dream Super Invincible Hair is super commensurate with the flesh (laughs)." "

You've just laughed!You've definitely laughed!

"Yes, yes, Sister Xingnai is super cute, and I really want to get one for science~".

Science also made a longing girlish feeling.

What a terrible acting...... This guy.

"Ryu'er, what do you think?" asked Xingnai expectantly.

I'm a little sorry for Xingna, but because things seem to be going in a very interesting direction, I still don't plan to break it.

Looking at Hoshina, who was so happy, I put my hands on her shoulders and said in a gentle tone, "Hoshina, no matter how tragic the fate is, you can't despair of this world......


"I was encouraged by Long'er with inexplicable words?!".

"All in all, this hairstyle is a great way to show what you are inside. "

The inner ...... called the remnant mind


So Hoshina went back with that hairstyle.

The next day

"Hello everyone~" I opened the door and found that Xingna, who usually played games, was lying on the sofa like a dying little animal. That exaggerated hairstyle has changed back to its original shape.

The night sky seemed embarrassed to look at Hoshina, and Rikka was unashamedly typing on the notebook.

"What's wrong?" I touched my chin and asked Hoshina, "Yesterday's ultimate current charge @True Summer Night's Dream Super Invincible Hair?"

"Forget it, ahhhh

Her face was full of humiliation, regret, and anger.

.................. It's really getting more and more people want to bully her

“............ Do you have anything to do during the summer vacation?".

The night sky asked the people in the neighborhood who had nothing to do.

◎Kitty Hawk

Let's play?

"A lazy worm with no ideals or plans!".

So what are you going to do!

"Play with a plan. "

Isn't that the same?!

"Next. "

Don't ignore me

◎ Hoshina

There is a plan to play through the current few new works and the previous good works galgame!

"It's really going farther and farther on the Wasteland Avenue, meat. "

Don't despise otaku!

"I don't despise otaku, I only despise you, meat. "


"Next. "


Biological experiments.

"Next ......



Continue to serve the dragon and the big brother of Kitty.

"Well, be manly!".

Yes, Night Sky Big Sister Head!

"Even if it seems unreasonable, you have to do it with the momentum that suppresses everything!"

Yes, Night Sky Big Sister Head!

"So let's wear this nurse's outfit starting tomorrow. "

Yes, the night sky...... Huh?

◎ Me

Well, maybe I go back to Mitsuzaka to visit my former friends, right?

"Ah, is the dragon leaving?".

"Don't just get into other people's conversations, meat!".

I'm not sure, I'll get in touch with those guys anyway, right?


"Long'er, you seem to have violated our FFF group...... Ahem, the place where the Ministry of Neighbors is purposeful. "

Didn't some strange organization appear in an instant?

"You're too careful. "

Then don't tie me up with strange ropes, hey!

"So today's topic is tentatively how to deal with the betrayer of Long'er!".

The night sky looked at me with a cold gaze, who was tied up into a rice dumpling and trying to escape from my neighbor's department in a caterpillar-like crawling way.

"I have a proposal!" Xingna was the first to raise her hand and said in an emotional voice, "Let Long'er lick my feet as a servant." "

"Are you a pervert!".

As soon as I heard this proposal, I couldn't help but complain, and as a result, I accidentally fell sideways and fell to the ground.

It is necessary to get back to a position where you can move quickly.

Twist and twist.

"Proposed!" Science also raised his hand: "Let Long'er seniors and Science LOVELOVE~".

"Rejected! What do you want to do in the Sacred Ministry!" Before I could object, the Science Department's proposal was rejected by the night sky.

"Proposed. Yukimura also came to join in the fun: "Let Brother Long'er wear Sengoku samurai armor to do a tour at school." "

"Don't! will be regarded as a pervert like science!".

"Senior Long'er, you just said something very rude to science!".

At this time, Kitty suddenly raised her hand.

That's right, I can trust you as the only normal person in the department!

"Suggest, how about letting Long'er invite us to a high-end restaurant for a meal?

Are you still holding a grudge against the last high-end restaurant!!

"Pass!" X3

"Why are you so tacit at this time!".

So, today's neighborhood ministry decided to give my wallet weight loss...... It seems that the summer vacation is going to be spent in the part-time job ......#审核:15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:34PM#Release: 15081989037 Time: 12 10 2019 2:34PM#

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