Eventually, for the sake of my livelihood, I finally changed the level of hospitality from a high-end restaurant to a family restaurant.

So, we finally decided to have a meal at this restaurant called 'Wagunalia' to experience the modern lifestyle.

"But this is your club activity, right? Is it really okay for me to participate as a junior high school student?"

Kirino is also dressed as usual today, fashionably dressed, giving people a sparkling feeling. It is simply a representative of the current generation of female middle school students.

At this point, she was asking me, who was about to walk into the restaurant.

"Peace of mind, after all, I'm in for a treat. Anyway, I'm going to bleed heavily, so I'm just going to have you a piece, and no matter how I say it, I can't let you stay at home and eat lunch alone. As for what was born in middle school...... Wait a minute, you'll see that this identity doesn't matter......


I scratched my face and replied. You know, the instructor of our club is only ten years old......

"Really? Then you're welcome. Kirino said with his hands behind his back and a grin.

How can I say it, she's a little cute now...... Well, just a little!

"Speaking of which, there are people you know in the neighborhood department. I turned my head and said as I walked.

"Ah, do you mean the cow last time?".


So you're so obsessed with milk volume?!

"Long'er, you're late!" the night sky shouted to me, his expression as gloomy as his neighbors.

I looked at my watch.

At 10:55, it was five minutes short of the original appointment of 11 o'clock.

"What kind of lateness is this......


To be honest, if it hadn't taken a lot of time for Kirino to go out to dress up, we would have been able to get a lot earlier.

"Late arrival that breaks through the law of cause and effect!".

"It sounds profound, but this is vexatious!"

"You're too willful, Long'er!".

"You're the only one who has the right to say that about me!"

Anyway, Kirino and I found a place to sit down.

At present, there are Night Sky, Yukimura, Maria, and Kitty, Hoshina, and Riko who have not come, and according to Kitty, Kodo, is also coming.

Just as I was thinking about how to introduce Kirino to the members of the neighborhood department, a slender object suddenly poked me under the ribs.


Accidentally made a strange noise.

"Brother Long'er, what's wrong?" Yukimura asked me strangely.

"It's fine. "

I casually perfunctory, and then immediately turned to Kirino the initiator.

She was still poking my thin fingers under my ribs.

It doesn't hurt, but there is always a feeling of being uncomfortable.

"What are you doing......" I asked softly.

"What's going on with that kid?......" Kirino pointed to Maria, who was drooling as she looked at the menu, "Do you still have elementary school students in your club?".

"Don't look at her like this, Maria, she's a teacher. "I told her the truth.

In fact, I used a few of the more difficult questions in high school to test Maria, but she solved them effortlessly.

If you talk about academic ability alone, Maria is probably the only existence in the neighborhood that can match Xingnai.

However, these two remnant guys can really only make people cover their faces in other aspects besides studying.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. "

Hoshina, who has a feeling of being dusty, walked in from outside the automatic door and shouted happily as soon as she saw us.

This is probably the so-called Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

"Ah......h I always feel that the atmosphere is a little inexplicably sinister now......


A slight cold sweat broke out on my head.

"It's rare that you can still feel it. It's not particularly dull. Night Sky sighed and pulled the fly swatter from his bag (...... ), slapped on Xingna's head, breaking the weird staring state between her and Kirino: "Sober me up, don't be stupid outside!".

"Hmm! Why only shoot people!".

"You can't hit people with a fly swatter, that's common sense. "

"You obviously fought just now, so let's use all your strength!".

"What I just beat is just meat! It's still fat meat!".

"Overkill!Night sky, you big idiot!".

So like in the ministry, Hoshina rushed out of Vagunalia in tears, leaving the science department who had just walked in with her confused.

"What's wrong with Hoshina-senpai?".

"It's okay, it's just a daily ......."

"Oh, I was bullied by the night sky seniors. "

With a natural expression, Riko sat down in Kirino stunned.

"What the hell do you weird society do...... Why are there so many weirdos in the school who are no less than you? "

Kirino is already messy in the wind.

Besides, I think I've just heard something rude to me.

I'm the only conscience of the neighbors.,Takasaka Ryuko, who is known as the honest and reliable little Langjun!

"What's the matter with this beautiful girl?Is she the girlfriend of Ryu'er's senior?"

"It's just cousin......


Before Kirino (to me), who was flushed, became mad, I immediately explained.

"Science, I'm really getting more and more curious about the genes of Long'er's predecessors~".


Mom, there's a perverted ...... here

By the way, by the time Hoshina came back, it was already around eleven o'clock.

"Why hasn't Kitty come yet?".

I looked at the hands on my watch and frowned.

It was almost half past eleven, but Kitty and Dove still hadn't appeared.

"Would you like to contact them?" Science suggested.

"Well, it's long overdue.................. So which of you has Kitty Hawk's phone number or email address?".

Everyone: "......".

How shallow is the bond between the members of our neighboring department! Half of the semester has passed, and we don't even have each other's phone numbers or email addresses!

"Anyway, just wait another fifteen minutes, and if they haven't come yet, maybe something has happened, so let's go find it together." There was a rare hint of worry on Nightsky's face, but it was quickly replaced by the usual cold look.

Although we have been bullying Kitty in normal times, if there is suddenly one less person in the neighboring department, we will be very troubled. So Kitty, don't give me an accident.

Ten minutes later.

Kitty: "Ahaha~ I'm sorry, I got lost on the road of life today~".


Coach, I want to play Kitty Hawk.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. "

As the

other guests in the restaurant watched, Kitty was sitting on the floor apologizing to us, while Kitty was hiding timidly behind her eldest brother.

It should be said that it all depends on the human flesh of the eaglet.,At present, the little dove has not been discovered by Kirino behind me.,And Xingna, who was deliberately blocked behind by the night sky.。

But it's only a matter of time.

Thinking of Kirino being so fanatical about cute sister characters, not to mention that there is a star here who is no less fanatical than Kirino ...... So I cast a look of pity at the little dove.

"Ahh......h "

"Ah, right...... Huh?".

Wait!Why is this waiter still wearing a Japanese sword?!Compared to Kittak's kneeling, the appearance of the waiter with a Japanese sword makes the other customers even more shaken!

"Could it be that this is the legendary Sengoku Samurai Cafe?" Yukimura suddenly became excited.

"I don't think it's ......".

Just as the other customers finally accepted the samurai cos statement and stabilized their emotions, a girl's scream came from the backstage, and then a male waiter flew out of the backstage with a spin and stopped. There was also a visible fist mark on his face.

It's scary! This restaurant is horrible!

There are already customers shivering!

Then, a little girl who looked to be only slightly older than Maria and the dove ran out of the backstage to the battered waitress and screamed at his injuries.

Do you still employ child labor...... How bad is this restaurant!

After that, a blonde man in a chef's outfit dragged the waiter back to the backstage ...... with a cigarette in his mouth

"Sure enough...... Let's change the restaurant......


"Seconded. "#审核:18935448482 Time: 01 31 2020 7:28AM# Release: 18935448482 Time: 01 31 2020 7:28AM#

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