Chapter 1 The real daughter comes to your door

 July 23, 1989.

Ji Yun was sitting on the bed meditating when he suddenly noticed a refreshing breath. He was so surprised that he opened his eyes. It was spiritual energy. He finally felt the spiritual energy.

It's been half a month since he was reborn. Ji Yun meditates every day according to the habits of his previous life, but there has been no movement. Today, he suddenly felt spiritual energy. Ji Yun felt surprised and happy. Thinking about the time when the spiritual energy revived in his previous life, and then thinking about what happened before his death, Now is the time to leave the Ji family.

The karma between myself and the Ji family has been severed in the previous life, and I have to resolve another karma in this life.

Ji Yun removed the look in his eyes and returned to his usual gentle and introverted look.

As soon as I walked out of the room, I heard several exclamations from the main room. I could vaguely hear my daughter, my biological child, and the results of the appraisal done by someone at home.

Ji Yun's heart moved and he walked directly over there.

The two people in the main room were chatting around a girl. When they saw Ji Yun appearing at the door, the scene suddenly became quiet.

“Mom, what is this?” A strange girl in the room asked timidly, looking at Ji Yun with a vague look in her eyes.

Shen Momo, or Ji Momo is more appropriate, why is she here? Wasn't she in Baiyun Village this year? Could it be...

Ji Yun had a guess in his heart, but looked at Ji Momo with curiosity on his face. He saw that her face was cute and naive, but her eyes were calculating. She was a little fat, and she looked very much like the Ji family, not at all. As she said in her previous life, she had suffered enough at her adoptive parents' home.

Wang Meilan was embarrassed. She originally thought that Ji Yun was not at home. Who would have thought that she suddenly appeared at the door and would not be hiding outside and eavesdropping. I was originally thinking about how to tell this child, but there was no need to think about it now. After all, Momo had suffered for so many years, and she couldn't bear to let her suffer a single day of grievance.

“Momo, this is Ji Yun.” Wang Meilan took Ji Momo’s hand and introduced her.

Of course Ji Momo recognized the woman in front of her as Ji Yun. She didn't expect that she was as beautiful in her teens as she was in her thirties. Seeing her thin and gentle look, Ji Momo gritted her teeth.

Ji Yun had robbed him of his life. If it weren't for her, he would be like this, noble and well-educated, instead of being in his thirties, accomplishing nothing, and still being a loser after marrying a man.

Now that I have come back more than ten years ago, I will definitely live a better life.

Ji Yun looked at Ji Momo's unconscious expression of hatred and thought. It seemed that Ji Momo was also a reborn person, otherwise she would not have come to recognize her relatives so early. After all, it was him who was not the daughter of the Ji family in his previous life. I only discovered it when I was thirty-two.

"Who is this?" Ji Yun looked at the face that was quite similar to Wang Meilan's and had no special reaction as usual.

Everyone is used to Ji Yun's reticence. Thinking about the sound of several people in the room just now, Ji Yun outside must have heard it, and he is still pretending here.

"This is my biological sister." Ji Shen said at the side, "Mom has asked someone to do genetic testing abroad." Ji Shen raised the document in his hand.

Ji Yun then understood that Ji Momo had been back for many days and had done a genetic test without telling him. This would be certain, which was why Wang Meilan had such a big reaction.

Wang Meilan looked at Ji Yun's pale face and looked confused, and said quickly: "Yunyun, it's not that the family wants to hide it from you, but the matter has not been determined before, and they are afraid of hurting you. Momo, this child has been with you since childhood. "My mother feels really sorry for you who have endured more than ten years of hardship in the countryside. Please understand her feelings."

Ji Yun looked at Wang Meilan, who had tears in her eyes and was full of distress. There was no fluctuation in her heart. The same was true for Wang Meilan in her previous life. She relied on her care for her family and kept letting herself be patient. In the end, she had nothing.

"Then what should I do?" Ji Yun thought that this would be a good opportunity to leave, and he didn't care to accompany them to perform another show. He immediately pretended to be injured, but after saying the words, he remembered what he had experienced in his previous life, and his body But he couldn't help but tremble.

Ji Momo looked at the trembling Ji Yun and couldn't help shouting in her heart. She must get rid of this woman who occupied her life, otherwise all her years of suffering would be in vain.

 From now on, all Ji Yun’s things belong to him.

"Mother Ji, seeing you, I have fulfilled my wish. I have to go back immediately, otherwise my mother will give birth and no one will take care of her during the confinement period." Ji Momo looked at Wang Meilan reluctantly.

"No, you are my daughter, you are not allowed to go anywhere." Wang Meilan held on to Ji Momo's hand tightly, for fear of losing her again.

How could the apple of the Ji family's eye serve an unrelated woman? Thinking of this reminded her of Ji Momo's previous suffering, and Wang Meilan looked at Ji Yun with complaints in her eyes.

"Okay! You can hear the noisy sound from so far away. Don't you think it's embarrassing?" Ji Chang, the head of the Ji family, heard the sound coming from the room just after returning home, thinking about the people he just saw in the alley. Ji Chang looked at the curious woman with a displeased look on her face. What good would this do to her family if a girl made it known to the whole neighborhood.

Wang Meilan was so frightened by her father-in-law's expression that she fell silent. She knew that her father-in-law took his face very seriously, so she quietly asked someone to do an appraisal. Things were perfect, but she didn't know that Ji Yun had bumped into her and she didn't know. What's going to happen next? No matter what, Momo can't leave anymore.

Ji Chang only found out about this yesterday. He didn't take it to heart at first. Anyway, looking at Ji Yun's appearance, he would at most marry a little girl to a family that would be helpful to the family. As for who is the biological child, it doesn't matter.

Unexpectedly, when I came back today, I found that people in the alley started to discuss this matter. Then this matter must be handled properly. The biological ones must be taken care of, and the raised ones must be handled with care. The reputation of the family cannot be ruined. After all, the boss is Critical time.

“Ji Yun, you know the whole story, what’s your decision?” Ji Chang asked calmly.

 “I want to leave.” Ji Yun lowered his head and said, looking very sad.

Ji Momo didn't expect Ji Yun to agree to leave so easily. Life in the Ji family was so good, shouldn't she stay in the Ji family shamelessly? Just like in the previous life, could Ji Yun also have adventures?

Ji Momo couldn't help but look at Ji Yun carefully. Seeing that she lowered her head and looked taciturn, she looked nothing like the strong, confident and strong Ji Yun she had seen in her previous life, so Ji Momo gave up. idea.

She, Ji Momo, is the only heroine in this world. How can anyone else have such adventures?

"Have you decided to go back to your own home?" At this time, in the main courtyard of the Ji family courtyard, the gray-haired Ji Chang continued to ask with a serious face. It doesn't matter if this is the case, nothing can happen in the remote mountain village of Baiyun Village. matter.

As for whether the Ji family will use her in the future, Ji Chang believes that the day will come when his family will find a peasant girl. Even if it does, the years of upbringing will not be in vain.

 (End of this chapter)

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