Chapter 2 Getting rid of the Ji family

Ji Yun knew that Ji Chang had the temperament to take one step at a time, and the future of the Ji family was more important to him than the children of the Ji family.

I simply gave him a reassurance and continued to say firmly, "Yes, Grandpa, I have decided. I can only repay your kindness in raising me in the future."

The Ji family's daughter has been recognized back, so isn't it an eyesore that she is still here? It is serious to return to the countryside decisively and fulfill the family relationship.

Ji Chang looked at the girl with a firm face in front of him. It was the first time in nineteen years that he saw this granddaughter talking to him confidently and so firmly.

Ji Chang thought for a while and said with a rare kind face, "Okay, grandpa can't bear to see you separated from your biological parents, but you have to remember that the Ji family will always be your home. The Ji family has raised you." , We will come and visit often in the future, so don’t forget us relatives when you go back.”

Ji Yun knew what Ji Chang meant. If he had heard him say this in his previous life, he would have been very moved and secretly kept the kindness of the Ji family in his heart. But now Ji Yun has seen through the true face of the Ji family. After all, in his previous life The Ji family relied on the grace of upbringing to push themselves into desperate situations step by step.

Ji Yun mentally nodded cooperatively after Ji Chang finished speaking.

"Yun, mom has raised you for so long, why are you leaving just now?" Although Wang Meilan cares about her newly recognized biological daughter, she is also a little reluctant to let go of her adopted daughter who she has raised for 19 years.

I had already planned everything. I was raising my two children at home and there was no shortage of food anyway. I didn’t expect that this girl would be so stubborn and directly asked the old man to go back to her home.

What's so good about her home? When she met Momo, she did some research on that home. Coupled with what Momo's words revealed, what kind of life can a family in a poor ravine give her? She's already admitted to college. , I probably won’t even be able to pay the tuition after I go back.

"Mom, since they want to leave, just let them go!" Ji Shen on the side was a little irritated listening to Ji Yun's words. In the past, he was most annoyed by this sister taking care of herself, and her personality was not pleasant. I never like to play with her, and now that I heard that she was leaving, I should be in a good mood, but I don't know why I feel a little inexplicably irritable.

"Sister, you'd better not leave. I think it's better for me to go back. Anyway, I've adapted to the life in Baiyun Village. I've been here for so many years. Sister, you are already in college and have a bright future. It's better for me to go back." Ji Momo looked at Wang Meilan's reluctance to stay with Ji Yun and said while wiping away tears.

As soon as these words came out, the living room was silent for a few seconds. Everyone realized that the attempt to retain Ji Yun might have hurt Ji Momo, who had just returned.

Wang Meilan suddenly panicked and quickly took Ji Momo's hand and said carefully: "Momo, what are you talking about? You are our daughter and you are not going anywhere. Your parents have owed you for so many years and they must make up for it in the future." As for you, you are only a sophomore in high school. We will find two more tutors in the future. The educational resources in the city are very good, and we will also go to college. "

"Yes, sister, Ji Yun can pass the exam. You are my biological sister. You must have the smart genes in our family. It's not easy to get into college." Ji Shen, who had never spoken softly to Ji Yun in the past, now Seeing her sister's tears, she immediately softened her voice.

Ji Yun looked at the family gathered together over there and felt that it was the right choice to propose going back today. Otherwise, if he stayed here for a few more days, nothing might happen.

“Mom, I’m sorry, she will be with you in the future. I also want to go back and see what my old home is like.” Ji Yun looked firmly at the head of the family, Mr. Ji.

"Okay, let Yunyun go and see her biological parents. Your child has been found, and you have to think about others." Ji Chang made the final decision on the side.

Hearing Mr. Ji say this, Wang Meilan wanted to say something else, but looking at Ji Momo's pale face, she finally swallowed her words.

"Well, grandparents, I'm going back to pack my things. By the way, I'm going to use the household registration book at home later to move my household registration out, so that Ji Momo's household registration can be moved in." Things can be done. It went smoothly, Ji Yun was in a good mood, controlled the expression on his face, and continued.

Originally, Wang Meilan wanted to say that it didn't matter whether she moved her hukou or not, but when she heard that Ji Momo's hukou was going to be transferred, she swallowed the words that were on her lips. Ji Chang nodded in agreement and asked Ji Shen to go over and help him apply for the household transfer, and then went back to his room.

Ji Yun glanced at the remaining people in the room and exited the room directly.

Ji's family lives in a courtyard with three entrances. It's not a large courtyard, but they live very closely. There are five members of his family, plus five people from his uncle's family, and an old man. The whole house is full.

But fortunately, Ji Yun also has a room, in a small wing at the second entrance.

Although the room is not big, the lighting is still very good, which is much better than the situation where many families are crowded into one room.

Ji Yun didn’t have many things of his own. They were mostly books he had used for school for so many years. Ji Yun packed up his things. After living for 19 years, he could only take away a small box of things.

 Looking at his room again, Ji Yun turned around and walked outside without any hesitation.

Ji Yun originally thought about what to say if his family members came out to see him off, but they just stood at the door of the main room and looked at him and did not come over. This saves Ji Yun trouble and does not have to think of ways to deal with these people.

Yun carried his things, bowed to Wang Meilan, turned around and walked outside.

From now on, I will no longer be the daughter of the Ji family, and the cause and effect of my previous life will be cut off. If the Ji family is no longer looking for trouble, I can put aside everything from my previous life and start a new life.

"Yunyun." Wang Meilan called out as she looked at the person who turned around, and Ji Yun stopped.

Then I heard Ji Momo call her sister in a tearful tone.

 In the end, Ji Yun didn't wait for Wang Meilan's words and strode out of the Ji family's door with his luggage.

Ji Shen was already walking in front, showing no intention of waiting for him.

Ji Yun doesn't care either. He has been like this because of his family's favor. Ji Yun is used to it.

The Ji family's courtyard is in an alley. Although Wang Meilan did not announce it loudly, the news about the Ji family having the wrong child still leaked out. The neighbors next to them knew the whole story to some extent, so Ji Yun was busy meditating these days and ignored about this matter.

There are people in the alley who have nothing to do with themselves, but most of them are people who like to watch the excitement. As soon as Ji Yun left home, he attracted the attention of everyone in the alley.

 (End of this chapter)

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