Chapter 106 You can’t believe it

"You are really good at guessing, but that's not the reason. Brother, your Public Security Bureau is very familiar with the surrounding area. Could you please help me collect all the information about those who believe in the Immortal God? I have important things to do. "Chen Yun thought that if he asked people from the special department to come over to investigate, it would be a lot of trouble. If he alerted the people behind it, it would be more of a loss than a gain.

“This is simple. When we found this, we simply visited and investigated it. If you want to see it, I will bring it to you in the afternoon.

But no matter how good this religion is, I still advise you not to be superstitious about it. "Huang Bin was very happy. In the end, he was afraid that Shen Yun was an inexperienced little girl, so he tried to persuade her.

“Don’t worry, I’m just curious and want to know more.” Shen Yun shook his head.

“Then I’ll rest assured and I’ll find it for you in the afternoon.”

Now the matter is half solved. If the information provided by Huang Bin is complete, then a lot of things will be saved in the future. The physical condition of these believers is really a problem, and I don’t know how to solve it.

 At noon at Huang's house, he was forced to eat a few more mouthfuls. After going down, Shen Yun's strong persuasion prevented Shen Hua'an from asking for leave.

Shen Yun sat alone at the door facing several bags of dry goods.

Thinking about the possibility that these things would have to be transported back to Baiyun Village for frying later, Shen Yun felt that this trip would be too time-consuming.

The place at my aunt's house is small, and there is no earthen stove at home. It is impossible to deal with all these things now.

If you want to continue doing this for a long time, you still need to rent a house in the town.

 When I get back, I suggest to my uncle and the others that they find a house with an earthen stove.

After Shen Yun sat for a while, he saw Huang Bin coming over with a stack of paper.

“These are all the information about the Immortal God, take a look.” Huang Bin handed the things directly to Shen Yun.

This is said to be information, but actually it doesn’t record much. It was all from a few months ago. It does record the provenance of the stone statue and the situation of the gym there.

 There are still some people who believe in this.

Shen Yun looked through it carefully and found that the information had not been updated. There must have been many more people who believed in it, but there was no record of it.

However, from this, Shen Yun learned that this thing was present in several villages.

With the information in mind, Shen Yun handed it to Huang Bin again, "Thank you, brother, I've read it all."

"This thing is new. Just take a look at it. But don't believe the nonsense that people say that worshiping stone statues can live a long life. Your brother and I don't believe this the most. Let's eat well. If you feel uncomfortable, please don't believe it. Seeing a doctor is better than anything else," Huang Bin explained uneasily.

"Don't worry, I definitely don't believe in this. You should go to work as soon as possible." Shen Yun laughed. Not to mention that she was reborn, even at her age in her previous life, she would not be interested in religion.

Unless some Buddhist and Taoist cultural relics are unearthed, I might be interested.

Huang Bin muttered a few more words before turning around and walking out.

Shen Yun did not wait long in the afternoon when he saw two cousins ​​loaded with things walking in pushing bicycles.

 Followed by several elders.

 The two bicycles carry an estimated 700 to 800 kilograms of goods in total. Including what was collected in the morning, it is estimated to be more than 1,600 kilograms.

"Is this an over-collection?" Shen Yun knew that they planned to collect about a thousand kilograms.

“Oh, when we encountered this bargain later, we collected a little more, just to save some for the end of the year. This way, we have to go out to collect goods in the first few days of the new year.” Shen Chen said happily.

 At this moment, Shen Yun knew everyone's plan.

"Then how are we going to transport this back?" Shen Yun looked at the piles of bicycles and really didn't know where to put things. If there were more bicycles, the tires would probably burst. "We are not transporting things back to the village. We rented a house as a warehouse in the village on the edge of the town. It is a bit far away from here. I was busy this morning, so I left the things at my aunt's house first." Shen Chen explained.

Shen Yun didn't expect that what he just thought about was already thought of by everyone.

Several people locked the door of Huang's house, then carried the remaining goods and pushed their bicycles towards the place where they rented the house.

"Yun Yun, it's not tiring for you to carry two bags. Give them to daddy. The little girl can't do heavy work." Shen Limin looked at Shen Yun who was leaving with two bags of dry goods, and followed behind him worriedly.

"Dad, it's okay, let's go quickly, otherwise it will get dark soon." Shen Yun quickened his pace. It gets dark early in winter. Although it is only after three o'clock, it is starting to get dark.

 Go to Shen Huaan's work and give her the key. It took a group of people half an hour to walk there.

It is a small farmhouse not far from the town. It has four brick houses, which are much better than the houses in Baiyun Village.

But this house is not conspicuous in this village, everyone is like this.

 There are neatly arranged frying tools in the room, which shows that working here takes more than a day or two.

A few people unloaded their things, and the north wind quietly began to become wild.

“It’s cold again. It’s best if it doesn’t snow tomorrow. Business will be hard to do then.” Uncle Shen looked at the weather outside and couldn’t help but pray.

“Brother, it hasn’t rained much in the past few months. It would be good if it rained a little, and the bankers in the fields would feel better.” Erbo Shen said beside him.

 The two of them fell into silence for a while.

Shen Yun thought about his current weak strength, and there was really nothing he could do in the face of such a natural situation.

 At most, the land is dry, and you can use water spells to make light rain in a small area.

As for the matter of controlling the snow, I guess I am almost at the level of cultivation to become an immortal.

The two of them didn’t sigh for long and continued to work.

These dry goods still need to be fried, and they will be sold tomorrow morning, so there can be no delay.

Shen Yun did not go back at night, and worked at the foot of the mountain all night.

As soon as daybreak came, Shen Limin told him to take a good rest at home. They took today's goods and went out against the cold wind. The wind blew all night yesterday, and the temperature has dropped today, but it hasn't snowed yet.

Shen Yun didn't stay at home too long. Staying up all night was nothing to her.

 Lock the door, increase your speed and quickly rush towards the town.

There are so many things here that I can’t solve them all by myself.

 Shen Yun went directly to the post office and sent a telegram to the Beijing headquarters.

Then a man braved the wind and ran directly towards the jungle mountain mentioned yesterday.

As the name suggests, the mountain does have more trees than other mountains.

Shen Yun stood at the foot of the mountain. He didn't see anything halfway up the mountain, and his spiritual consciousness didn't act rashly. He walked directly up quickly, searching for the buildings on the mountain as he walked.

 Finally when I was about to change to the other side, I saw a small courtyard over there.

 (End of this chapter)

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