Chapter 109: The long-lost magic

Shen Yun walked into the yard and saw two old people sitting in the room chatting happily. There were also a few colleagues in the yard who they had met a few times but didn't know their names.

“Teacher Zhang, Grandpa!” Shen Yun nodded to the people outside, said hello, and walked directly into the room.

"Yunyun, you are back. Teacher Zhang said he was your husband and came to see you for something urgent, so I brought him here directly." Mr. Shen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his granddaughter.

He was still a little nervous when talking to these educated people. He was really afraid that if he said something wrong, he would leave a bad impression on his granddaughter’s teacher.

“Grandpa, thank you. I invited Teacher Zhang here.” Shen Yun confirmed Mr. Shen’s idea.

"Then you guys chat first, and I'll make some food." Mr. Shen wondered if his granddaughter had called the teacher over to dig the grave again. He wanted to ask something, but his granddaughter said that they were discovering traces of history. The words that came to my lips were swallowed again.

“Hey, don’t be busy, old man. I’ll send someone out to buy some side dishes, and we can just eat whatever we want.” Zhang Qing’an quickly stopped Mr. Shen who was about to cook.

"Hey, there's no reason to let the guests go out to buy food without eating at home. Although my family is poor, we have to be particular about it. Teacher Zhang, please have a good chat with Yunyun. I won't be in the kitchen." Mr. Shen said this without looking back. turned into the kitchen.

Shen Yun thought that there were some vegetables in the kitchen that he got out of the space when he left in the morning. They should be wilted from the cold by now.

 There is no problem eating it, but I don’t know if grandpa will have a lot of doubts.

But I can’t take care of that much now. After Grandpa Shen went out, several people outside came in.

“Are you telling me about the situation of the stone statues?” Teacher Zhang put away his relaxed expression and suddenly became serious.

Shen Yun also carefully explained what the stone statue looked like, what the people who worshiped the stone statue looked like, and how many people he had seen in this situation.

 The more he talked, the more serious Zhang Qingan's face became.

 When Shen Yun finished speaking and stopped, he was still in a state of thinking. No one bothered him. Judging from his expression, he probably knew what it was.

"I didn't expect that the evil magic that had been lost for many years would reappear in the world." Zhang Qing'an sighed heavily, stood up and said, "There is a forbidden magic in the legend that uses the life essence of others as the source of cultivation. Rapidly improve your cultivation level, and this life source is willingly worshiped by the absorbed person without knowing it. Therefore, after the person absorbs it, he will advance rapidly all the way to Yuanying without any barriers.

Even if it is difficult to improve in the later stages, and there is still the danger of thousands of thunders being born, in that era when spiritual energy was gradually becoming thinner, there were still many people who took risks and practiced this kind of unscrupulous spell in order to improve their cultivation and live for a few more years.

I used to read an introduction to this spell in a book, and always thought it was just a legend and did not exist at all. After all, everyone knows that cultivation and other things are myths and legends.

Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I would see the emergence of spiritual energy cultivators, and also see this forbidden magic reappear in the world. "

Shen Yun really didn't expect that this kind of evil magic was actually a cultivation method passed down from ancient times.

However, it is understandable when you think about the fact that there is no record in your own space. This may have appeared after your ancestors, so the data was not included. “Teacher Zhang, is there any solution in the book you are reading?” asked the person next to him.

"There is a sentence on this. Cutting off the bond between the worshiper and the stone statue, and then destroying the stone statue can temporarily save the person's life. Of course, if too much essence is absorbed, the person will not live long even if he is saved. Yes." Zhang Qingan said helplessly.

"This person is too hateful. Doesn't he not take other people's lives seriously? Mr. Zhang, what do you think we should do? Let's act quickly. We can save a few more people a day earlier." A person next to him said suddenly. Said raw.

Shen Yun was surprised that he actually had a female colleague, and was diverted by Zhang Qingan's next words.

"It is said that this kind of bond is invisible to ordinary people, so it is difficult to cut it off, not to mention that after cutting off the connection between the person and the stone statue, it will be discovered by the caster. According to what Shen Yun said, the spirits of more than a hundred people Qi worship, that is probably very powerful now.

"Mr. Zhang, don't be afraid. Before we came here, Yuen Long and I had already practiced Qi on the second level, and the two of them had also practiced Qi on the first level. We still have weapons in our hands. I don't believe that four people can't deal with one. "The girl said confidently.

Shen Yun looked at the few people who were in the Qi training stage and said nothing. He didn't expect that the power of the country was so powerful. Even before the spiritual energy was revived, no less than five cultivators were cultivated.

I don’t know if any spiritual stone veins have been discovered. As a part-time worker, am I not qualified to know?

 The girl opposite saw Shen Yun looking at her without even looking back.

She just recently joined the special department. She saw that Shen Yun was beautiful, but he didn't have any spiritual energy on his body, so she focused on what Mr. Zhang said.

Mr. Zhang pondered for a moment and looked at the four team members who had followed him. The three old team members had already begun to practice. The girl who had joined the team for half a month had an excellent spiritual root and was killed by accident before entering the special department. Start practicing.

 The strength of a person is definitely stronger than the average person.

Looking at Shen Yun who was standing calmly next to him, this girl didn't react at all when she heard what she just said about the levels of Qi training. It seemed that she also knew about cultivation, but she didn't know what her strength was.

But they are all young people, full of enthusiasm. As an old guy, I can't protect them anymore, so I can only accompany them on the road of experience.

"Okay, since you are confident, let's go there tomorrow morning. Yuen Long, you will go to the police station later and ask them to cooperate with our work and help calm the villagers' emotions tomorrow."

 Shen Yun, I will ask you to lead the way tomorrow. "Zhang Qing'an made up his mind and started assigning tasks.

"Mr. Zhang, I think it's better not to let this sister follow. After all, we don't know what dangers we will encounter by then. We may not have time to protect her. Besides, this sister has such a strong ability to discover things. This civilian Talented people should stay behind. "The girl who just spoke started talking again when she heard Zhang Qingan's words.

Was he protecting himself, or was he insinuating that he was incompetent? It was probably the first time the two met, and he didn't offend anyone. Shen Yun turned around and looked at the girl with short hair over there who looked slightly smaller.

  Well, she is very beautiful and delicate. I used to want to dress up as a tomboy like her.

 (End of this chapter)

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