Chapter 110 It’s safe to let such a granddaughter out

 Look at the team members standing next to her.

  Could it be that you are afraid that you will steal her limelight and that you are now a threat to beautiful women?

Shen Yun was happy for a second and then turned his attention back to business.

"Teacher Zhang, I also have the punishment note given by Captain Yan here, telling me to stay at home and wake up. Do you think it is appropriate for me to go out with you?" Shen Yun followed suit. Since young people are motivated, he should do the same. Give people a chance.

"Appropriate. I have learned about your matter from Yan Han. We handle special matters and I will take charge of them. This is an important matter for us. Hundreds of lives are saved, so we cannot be careless."

 Let's get ready in the evening and start work tomorrow morning. "Zhang Qingan made a decision.

 The little girl next to her curled her lips unhappily when she saw that Zhang Qingan had not agreed not to let Shen Yun go.

Shen Yun didn't have time to take care of the face of this little girl he had only met once or twice. He said hello to everyone, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"I've finished talking to your teacher, where are we going to dig another grave?" Mr. Shen smiled when he saw Shen Yun come in. He looked up and saw that no one was following him outside, and quietly said to Shen Yun.

 He thought that Zhang Qian'an, like Xu Zhang, was also a school teacher.

"I'm going to do an inspection tomorrow. It's not certain yet. I just heard some rumors. If you don't see it, just bring these people with you this time. It's okay. Don't worry. I'm only a sophomore. You may not be able to use me. I'm just going to meet you. Seeing the world. "Shen Yun rolled up his sleeves and started working.

"That's good, that's good. It's a bit bad for a little girl to do this. Grandpa found a lot of peach branches to ward off evil spirits for you. He forgot to bring them to you this time. Take them with you when you go home. To avoid encountering unclean things while working. "The old man is so worried that he still speaks in a low voice and avoids people outside, for fear that others will hear and misunderstand him and look down on this profession.

"Okay, I'll take it with you when you get back, but don't worry, grandpa. I'm much better now than I was during the summer vacation." Shen Yun nodded.

Shen Guoliang thought about the younger generations in his family who were getting more and more powerful, and then thought about Shen Yun who could even conjure water. When this unclean thing met his granddaughter, he didn't know which one was in danger.

 Suddenly I felt relieved to let such a granddaughter go.

 Shen Guoliang was satisfied and happily prepared dinner with Shen Yun.

"Shen Yun, Brother Shen, please cook less. These young people went out to eat, so just cook something for us to eat." Zhang Qing'an appeared at the door of the kitchen.

 “Oh, I’m at home, how can I let someone go out to eat?” Shen Guoliang was anxious to go out and chase him.

"Oh, they young people, it's strange to come to a new place. Anyway, there are only a few of us. Don't worry, let's just make some food for ourselves. I'll also come to help. I will continue to do the good work of lighting the fire." Zhang Qing'an stopped Shen Guoliang took advantage of the situation and arranged a job for himself.

"Oh, I can't let you work. The stove is dirty and inappropriate." Shen Guoliang started to stop Zhang Qingan again before going out.

“I grew up in the countryside for half my life, and I still care about this. Don’t worry, it’s very hot under the stove. I miss this place in winter.” Zhang Qingan happily walked around Shen Guoliang and said.

Shen Guoliang saw that everyone was sitting down, and there was nothing he could do. He didn't dare to exert any force. Now that he was strong, he was really afraid that Zhang Qing'an wouldn't be able to bear it.

 The two old men were lighting the fire and the other was cooking. They were talking and laughing about the grain harvest. Shen Yun was obediently doing the work.

When it got dark, I heard the sound of bicycles coming from outside, "Teacher, sit down, I'll go and see if my dad and the others are back." Shen Yun put down his things and said hello, and quickly walked outside.

At the entrance of the small courtyard, it wasn't Shen Limin and the others whose hair was blown up by the wind, but it was that one. "Come in quickly, it's cold outside." Shen Yun quickly greeted a few people. Riding a bicycle in this winter is not a good job.

"Yunyun, didn't I tell you that we would cook together when we come back? Why did I see that the chimney was still smoking just now?" Shen Chen asked curiously.

"Okay, you guys with thick skin and thick flesh, don't hurry in if the wind blows cold or not. It will freeze to this degree in a while. I will settle the score with you." Shen Guoliang stood at the door of the kitchen and saw a few people still there. Standing outside, his voice suddenly rose.

“Come in, come in, come in.” Several people filed into the yard, put away their cars and went straight into the house.

“Grandpa, what brought you here today?” Shen Chen put the things away and went straight to the kitchen.

He paused as soon as he entered the house. He seemed to have never seen the tall old man squatting under his stove. What should he call him? ? ?

"This is my teacher, Mr. Zhang Qing'an." Shen Yun said directly without letting them ask.

Several people came over quickly to say hello to Zhang Qingan.

 After a brief chat, dinner was ready.

Although there are only a few vegetables at home, Shen Guoliang's cooking skills are very good, and the vegetables are also cooked with good color, flavor and flavor.

  After the group had eaten, they dispersed to rest. Shen Yun returned to the room and took out all the things he used to draw talismans.

 Planning to take out a talisman by surprise at a critical moment. This can also weaken the opponent's strength.

I entered the space in the middle of the night and spent most of the night drawing 8 thunder-type offensive talismans. I also took the time to draw a lot of other miscellaneous peace and blessing and exorcism talismans.

 After putting these things away with satisfaction and replenishing himself with energy, Shen Yun left the space directly.

 Last night, several colleagues from the special department went to the guest house where they stayed. Shen Yun continued to stay in the room where his aunt and others came to live. Grandpa shared a place with his father, uncle and others outside.

  When I went out early in the morning, the old man and the others were already up.

The kitchen was already busy. Shen Yun didn't come, so the old man went straight to the odd jobs.

“Yunyun is up. Grandpa has boiled hot water for you. Come and wash up quickly and have something to eat.” Shen Guoliang had very good eyesight, and he saw Shen Yun as soon as he appeared at the door.

"Okay grandpa." Although Shen Yun is no longer afraid of the cold, it still feels good to have someone think of you in front of him.

 After washing up and having a simple meal, Shen Yun walked towards the town guest house alone.

As soon as he arrived at the place, he met an acquaintance and said, "Cousin, why are you here?" This was the first time Shen Yun saw Huang Bin in uniform, and there was a huge change from the casual look he had when they first met.

"Shh, I have work to do today. Why did you come out before dawn? Where are my uncle and uncle? Hurry up and go to my house to sleep for a while. I will bring you some delicious food after I finish my work." Huang Bin Said quietly.

 (End of this chapter)

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