The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 112: I didn’t expect that this person is not a vase

Chapter 112 I didn’t expect that this person was not a vase

Shen Yun looked at the last mass of spirit on the line that was slowly moving towards the stone statue, and grabbed it with quick eyes and hands.

 Unexpectedly, the essence stopped moving immediately and then tended to disappear.

Shen Yun didn't care anymore and wrapped it up with a ball of spiritual energy, testing with his hands to see if he could push the ball back into his body.

 The tentative movement, but I didn't expect it to work. The energy did not disappear, and he slowly followed Shen Yun's hand to move there.

"Chen Yun, he's unconscious here. If you don't come over to help, why are you so crazy over there?" Everyone gathered around the person on the bed. Only Shen Yun was bending down next to the stone statue as if he was grasping something. , In fact, when she saw that there was nothing in her hands, Xu Ling couldn't stand it anymore.

Shen Yun was so focused on the movements of his hands that he had no time to answer.

 “Save people first.” Zhang Qingan’s words made everyone leave Shen Yun aside.

Shen Yun didn't care about rescuing people over there. At this moment, she was slowly pushing her energy towards people.

She didn’t know if she could save the person, but essence was something that a living person couldn’t lack, and it would definitely be beneficial to get it back.

Although it looks light and airy, it is a bit difficult for Shen Yun to do this with his strength in the foundation building stage, and he only feels that his spiritual energy is constantly being consumed.

"Yunyun, why are you getting paler?" Huang Bin couldn't help the rescuer. He could only look at Shen Yun worriedly.

He found that Shen Yun, who was originally blushing, was getting paler with the strange movements of her hands. Although he knew that Shen Yun was doing something very important, he couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay, brother, please leave me alone." Shen Yun replied and continued to focus on the movements in his hands.

"Okay, you go about your business, I'll take care of the other things." Huang Bin stood aside to prevent Shen Yun's legs from going numb after squatting for a while.

Following Shen Yun's movements, he gradually reached the bedside. In front of him were several people doing first aid.

Shen Yun raised his eyes and saw Xu Ling, who was talking coldly to him, holding a silver needle to **** someone else's body. Her movements were very similar to those of an old Chinese doctor.

"Give me a gap and I'll go over there." Shen Yun looked at the connecting line passing through the people and had to remind him aloud.

 The person in front subconsciously moved.

 Shen Yun continued to move forward along the vacated position.

When I got to the person, I discovered a problem. It was easy to draw out the essence, but when I pushed the essence into the person's body, it rebounded and couldn't get in.

Xu Ling, who was next to her, was getting an acupuncture when she saw Shen Yun push for a long time, get a spiritual energy ball next to the person, and directly and roughly stuff it into the person's body.

On the one hand, she didn't expect that Shen Yun was also a cultivator. On the other hand, she was also very curious about Shen Yun's actions. She didn't think that spiritual energy could save people.

"Please stop causing trouble. We have been here for a long time. If this could save people, I would have tried it. The human body is a very delicate thing. Can you not delay my work?" Although Xu Ling's tone was impatient, her eyes were still staring at the next place where the needle would be inserted.

"You are busy with your work, and I didn't ask you to help me. Why are you delaying your work? If you are a doctor, you should take good care of the doctor." Shen Yun didn't even raise his head.

 Carefully remove the spiritual energy that wrapped the essence. With a slight movement of your fingertips, a piece of essence was separated, and the rest continued to be wrapped. This time Shen Yun stopped using his hands and directly controlled the spiritual energy to push the essence into the body.

This time it worked, and I had some reaction.

Looking at the disappearing essence, Shen Yun became more energetic and pushed all the essence into the person's body.

Xu Ling placed the needle and watched Shen Yun twisting and turning. After a long time, she didn't see the spiritual energy light group in Chen Yun's hand disappear.

Xu Ling felt the spiritual energy in her body, and estimated that if it was wasted like this, it would be gone long ago.

I didn’t expect that this person was not a flower vase, but he was actually quite capable, and his cultivation level was higher than his own.

Hum, you can definitely catch up if you work hard.

Although Xu Ling was dissatisfied, her eyes kept staring at Shen Yun's movements. Thinking about how she carefully and slowly pushed a spiritual ball from the stone statue, could she see the connecting line between the person and the stone statue?

“Can you see the connecting lines and are you doing something we don’t know about?” Xu Ling asked directly.

 “Xu Ling, be careful what you say.” Zhang Qingan next to him said quickly.

  Seeing Xu Ling stop talking, he turned to look at Huang Bin and others on the side. "Public security officers, please go out and wait for a moment. We have something to discuss internally." Zhang Qing'an said politely.

 Several people looked at each other and knew that some things in the special department were relatively secretive. Knowing too much about them would not be a good thing for them.

 Huang Bin gave Shen Yun a look and followed his colleagues out directly.

"Xu Ling, you just came out to work. Forget it this time, be careful next time." Zhang Qing'an said seriously.

"Teacher Zhang, I was wrong. I must pay attention next time. I am also worried about this stone statue now. Didn't you say that few people can see that connecting line? I haven't seen it for so long since I came in. Aren't you anxious? I asked it in front of everyone," Xu Ling explained.

After Shen Yun listened, he felt as if the lines in his hand had reacted. A dark breath quickly came out from the stone statue along the connecting line.

Shen Yun didn't care about anything else, and directly summoned the Qingfeng Sword with the aura of golden thunder, and struck towards the dark aura escaping.

With a popping sound, the dark aura slowly dissipated, and the lines connecting the man and the stone statue were also cut off. The lines there seemed to be controlled. Before Shen Yun could catch him, he retracted the stone statue. , disappeared without a trace.

“Teacher Zhang, something bad happened. I just cut off the connection cable. We need to act quickly, otherwise others will be in danger.” Shen Yun turned around and looked at the people around him.

 And a few people were still immersed in the shock of Shen Yun conjuring a sword out of thin air.

"Oh, come on, Xu Ling, go over and see how he is doing. Let's hurry up and prepare to go to the next house." Zhang Qing'an quickly came to his senses. Although he was curious about how Chen Yun's sword suddenly appeared, he also I know now is not the time to talk about this.

Xu Ling glanced at Shen Yun with bright eyes and stepped forward to check on the person lying down.

"Teacher Zhang, the situation has improved, but the pulse is still very weak. This probably requires a long period of training, otherwise it will be difficult to live a long life." Xu Ling studied Chinese medicine at home before joining the special department, and her family passed down the tradition. After several lifetimes, if she hadn't joined the special department, she would still be an intern doctor at her family's traditional Chinese medicine shop.

 (End of this chapter)

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